Make Your Calling & Election Sure
Sunday, September 8, 2019

Steven Shelley
New Hope Revival Ministries
“You overcome the spirit of the age one decision at a time.”
To believe is a gift. To be chosen to suffer for Christ is a gift. But even though being chosen is a gift to us, we have a responsibility in that election. We must strengthen that calling by doing things that will bring anointing to the calling in our lives. It was given to us to believe, but you have to pursue it, long for it! We must live like one who knows his election. If you know that you are a part of the Bride of Christ, a part of the sons of God, live like it.
God has given His people everything they need to be fortified against the spirit of the age. Everything we need to stay filled with the Holy Spirit is ours, it’s by the Word. And then we have a challenge, the responsiblity is then on us. We have to stay behind the Word so that we don’t become prey to the enemy.