Sermon The Enemy is God's Idea February 23, 2021 God has a perfect timing for His plans & purposes. Sometimes in His sovereignty He even chooses to harden hearts for the perfecting of His saints.
Sermon The Lord Is not Slack February 9, 2021 The enemy cannot take you out of God’s plan. He cannot change the foreknowledge of God.
Sermon The Life of God November 3, 2020 There is bios— physical, psuche— psychological & Zoe life—the very life of God. What life will you feed and allow to become the biggest in you?
Sermon Book of Destiny, Part 9 March 31, 2020 The Bride will have a harmony with God just as the Son was in harmony with the Father. The Word is in the Bride and the Mind of Christ is in the Bride to know what He wants done with the Word.
Sermon It Is Written of Me March 15, 2020 When Satan came and tempted Jesus, Jesus used the Word, “It Is Written” to combat the temptation of Satan. When reading the Word we must make it a personal Word, “It is written of me,” that we might be able to combat Satan’s …
Sermon Book of Destiny, Part 8 March 10, 2020 You were foreknown and predestinated in eternity to walk out your book before time, before the world was ever created.
Sermon Book of Destiny, Part 7 March 8, 2020 There are five steps legally qualifying us to stand in the courtroom of heaven and let God talk for us. We were foreknown, predestinated, called, justified and then glorified.
Moment Becoming the Mystery September 8, 2019 “There is a Bride that is only going to be perfected by the releasing of the revealed Word.” We, as the Bride, must be perfected by the revealed Word of God. We must know what “the mystery” of God is so that we can see Him clearly - …
Sermon Make Your Calling & Election Sure September 8, 2019 It was given to us to believe, but we have to pursue it - long for it! We must live like one who knows his election. If you know that you are a part of the Bride of Christ, a part of the sons of God, live like it.
Sermon Election September 3, 2019 Revelation is the Word of God made personal to us and it is by the Revelation of the Word that the Bride will become like Him and His life will be perfected in us.