Sermon Alignment with God November 8, 2020 What are you binding yourself to? The old man is dead and we must bind ourself in covenant to Christ.
Sermon Revelation of the Blood September 6, 2020 The thoughts in our subconscious become our confession over our lives. The blood of Jesus Christ has made us a new creature & the Bride must fully appropriate it in her life!
Sermon The Precious Blood of Jesus, Part 2 August 25, 2020 We cannot atone for our own sin. There is nothing we in ourselves can do to make ourselves clean. But the ultimate sacrifice was made for us, & if we will recognize that bleeding Word in our lives we are made a new person.
Sermon The Precious Blood of Jesus, Part 1 August 23, 2020 Jesus Christ was made the atonement for our sins & His blood speaks for us. Now we are called to come before the throne of grace boldly.
Sermon The Ancient of Days, Part 2 August 2, 2020 There will be a rapture & there will be a gathering together, one being for the Bride & one for the church, but all will be judged by the White-wigged One.
Sermon Dismantling the Accuser, Part 7 July 26, 2020 The Bride stands with Him in judgment. Christ is not glorified by a church who dies burdened down by the spirit of the age, but by a Bride who overcomes.
Sermon Book of Destiny, Part 10 April 7, 2020 Justification isn’t just forgiveness or salvation, it’s something that it takes faith to get ahold of. Justification is to make or render something right or just. When we are justified by the blood of Jesus Christ it is as though we never sinned.
Sermon Supernatural Authority October 15, 2019 “There is power in believing the Truth.” When she recognizes who she is, the Bride will walk in great authority! We have been called to be a Supernatural Bride and as we begin to understand that we will tap into a greater authority & be …
Sermon Make Your Calling & Election Sure September 8, 2019 It was given to us to believe, but we have to pursue it - long for it! We must live like one who knows his election. If you know that you are a part of the Bride of Christ, a part of the sons of God, live like it.
Sermon For the Elect's Sake, Part 3 September 1, 2019 The only way for us to be raptured is for us to have the spirit of an overcomer, but we have no need to worry, for Jesus is praying for us! “The only way to rapture out of here is to have the Spirit of an overcomer on your life.” If we are a …