For the Elect's Sake, Part 3
Sunday, September 1, 2019

Steven Shelley
New Hope Revival Ministries
The only way for us to be raptured is for us to have the spirit of an overcomer, but we have no need to worry, for Jesus is praying for us!
“The only way to rapture out of here is to have the Spirit of an overcomer on your life.”
If we are a part of the elect seed, there is no power that can stop us. We are His elect according to foreknowledge & we are going to come to perfection by the releasing of the revealed Word. This isn’t a matter of understanding, this is a matter of something inside of you reaching up & saying, “That’s mine!” Revelation will become a part of who you are on a cellular level & your life will reflect that revelation as the Bride of Jesus Christ.
There is still an elect seed being called out of the denominational system. That system is hybrid & therefore it cannot reproduce & must come to an end. God is calling His Bride out of that because they will never come to perfection in a place where not even the nominal church can be made perfect.