Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Steven Shelley
New Hope Revival Ministries
Even though we are called and elected there is a battle because the same God that chose you to be elected, chose you for redemption, is the same God that chose you to suffer with Him. That suffering is so His life can be perfected in you.
“When you attach faith to the Word, it gives the Holy Spirit permission to make that Word personal in your life.”
Provision has been made that we wouldn’t have to suffer in a way we are not capable of handling. We will go through a squeeze but according to Revelation 4:1 a door will open and the Bride will go up.
Until we understand by the Spirit who He is, we don’t really know what we are supposed to be, because you can’t reflect what you don’t see. You don’t model after what you don’t know.
By attaching faith to the Word, it gives the Holy Spirit permission to make that Word personal in our life. Revelation is the Word of God made personal to us and it is by the Revelation of the Word that the Bride will become like Him and His life will be perfected in us.