Sermon Life Ordered by God December 31, 2019 We must have eagle vision that we would occupy what has been given into our hands that the Lord would trust us with greater territory in the coming days as we walk in His plans.
Sermon Love for the Truth December 29, 2019 “It is important for us to not only have the truth, but love the truth.” In order for revival to come, there has to be a shaking, so we must embrace the truth so that we cannot be sifted out. Spirits have been commissioned against us to pull us …
Sermon The Story of Hanukkah December 24, 2019 The Feast of Dedication, Hanukkah, is a time set apart to remember the miracles of the past & to spend some time focused on rededicating our temple to the Lord.
Sermon Christ Revealed in You December 22, 2019 Daily Jesus Christ made Himself of no reputation on earth. Now He lives in us & by that we have the strength to make ourself of no reputation.
Sermon Christ Living Through You December 17, 2019 “We need revelation followed by demonstration.” While Jesus was here on earth there were times He could have turned His head & walked away but He was reaching out to the lost. Even so, He wants us to walk through the world for Him. To be …
Sermon Praise is the Key December 15, 2019 Our praise is a slaughter for sacrifice. It isn’t always a praise out of abundance but as a response to God’s faithfulness.
Sermon Thankfulness, Part 5 December 10, 2019 So much is riding on our praise! Think about being so yielded in praise, that you could be the vessel through which the Lord would ride in on.
Sermon The Mindset of God December 8, 2019 We are on this journey to take on His name & make everything all about Him!
Sermon Thankfulness, Part 4 December 3, 2019 High praise is offered with greater determination & with greater intensity than ordinary praise. As Moses was coming out of Egypt he led the children of Israel in a song of praise. Sometimes we must sing out our praise & sometimes we need to add …
Sermon Thankfulness, Part 3 December 1, 2019 Depending on your environment, being thankful is not always a natural state of mind. Thankfulness often comes after experiencing lack. But we have to find a different kind of praise, a praise not based on circumstances, a High Praise. Every true child of …