Sermon Trumpets September 7, 2021 “For God hath not appointed us to wrath, but to obtain salvation by our Lord Jesus Christ.” 1 Thessalonians 5:9
Sermon Teaching on the Fourth Seal, Part 3 April 24, 2018 The token is that the ministry of the Bride & the ministry of Christ will be the same. Then we are closing the fourth seal.
Sermon Teaching on the Fifth Seal, Part 2 April 17, 2018 When Jesus was crucified the Jews cried out, “Let His blood be on our heads!” They truly lived that out during the Holocaust & now they are under the alter crying out for vengeance to be made.
Sermon Teaching on the Fifth Seal, Part 1 April 15, 2018 Who are the souls that cry out from under the alter? They are ones that will be a part of the Bride dressed in white.
Sermon Teaching on the Fourth Seal, Part 2 April 3, 2018 The flying eagle anointing is the spirit and capability given to believers to personally dig deeply into the revelation of Jesus Christ. This is the anointing by which we have the grace to eat the book.
Sermon Teaching on the First Seal, Part 2 March 27, 2018 The antichrist will come on the scene and will deceive so many, but the Bride cannot be deceived. She will be taken away at the closing of the fourth seal.
Sermon Teaching on the Fourth Seal, Part 1 March 27, 2018 The antichrist will come on the scene and will deceive so many, but the Bride cannot be deceived. She will be taken away at the closing of the fourth seal.
Sermon Teaching on the Third Seal, Part 1 March 25, 2018 The black horse rider brings mourning & famine & signifies the greed & the abuse of the Roman Catholic Church. The antichrist, the beast, & the false prophet are one & the same. Who are they?
Sermon Teaching on the Third Seal, Part 2 March 25, 2018 The antichrist spirit wishes to work its way in and cause division wherever the door is opened. The Bride must stand strong & united & not allow the promises of God to be taken from our hands.
Sermon The Entire Plan of Redemption January 9, 2018 “Was caught up into paradise, and he heard utterances beyond the power of man to put into words, which man is not permitted to utter.” 2 Corinthians 12:4 When was the opening of the seals & what was revealed therein? Why could those things which …