Sermon Election September 3, 2019 Revelation is the Word of God made personal to us and it is by the Revelation of the Word that the Bride will become like Him and His life will be perfected in us.
Moment Offended but Delivered September 1, 2019 There will be things in your life that will offend your faith, then you have to make a decision— Are you going to give up or will you continue to knock on the door in faith? Let your heart talk. God may be testing your faith to see if you will push through …
Broadcast The Story of Caleb Nyoni September 1, 2019 Are you in need of healing and encouragement? Hear the story of God’s redeeming love - how a man on the brink of death was raised to life and filled with a message of salvation and hope! Brother Caleb Nyoni reminds us that God wants us to be specific …
Sermon Strength for All Things August 6, 2019 The enemy that tries to disqualify us is in conflict with the God in us that is trying to qualify us. If we will yield to the voice of the Father in us, we can overcome all things by the faith that He has given to us.
Broadcast Insulted & Tested but Delivered August 1, 2019 Our attitude & how we respond in life is so vitally important. Sometimes our response is the very thing that causes the Lord to move on our behalf. We must allow our faith to arise and answer on our behalf. Faith will always admit the truth, it will …
Sermon Faith Vs. Feelings, Part 2 July 30, 2019 You start inserting feelings into the realm of faith and your faith will break. You have to draw a cutting line and leave feelings on one side and faith on the other, and stand strong on the side of faith.
Sermon Offended & Tested But Delivered July 28, 2019 The Syrophoenician woman had the right response and the right kind of persistence. The Lord called her a dog and she didn’t back down from getting what she had need of. When your faith is tested will you be offended and back down or will you choose …
Sermon Faith Vs. Feelings, Part 1 July 23, 2019 Feelings are a reaction to the reality of the environment, not the reality of the Word.
Broadcast Change of Clothes July 11, 2019 Blind Bartimaeus cried out to Jesus in faith that he would be made whole. Those around him tried to silence his cries. But Jesus heard him & felt his faith & called him forth. Without hesitation Bartimaeus got up and cast aside his garment, his …
Chapter God's Checkbook July 11, 2019 “Everything we will have need of on this journey has already been deposited into our grace account.” As a believer, we are encouraged to ask God for whatever we have need of. If we will keep His Word in our heart & we stay in unity with Him …