Sermon The Shout May 27, 2018 There has been a Malachi 4 prophet sent in our day to forerun the second coming of Jesus Christ, when the shout shall come forth and all the dead in Christ shall rise!
Sermon Christ the Word Has Come May 22, 2018 There was a Word coming of Christ. So there will be a Word coming in the Bride.
Sermon Loving His Appearing May 20, 2018 We are called to live the Christ-life and to love His appearing. All those who love His appearing have been promised a crown of righteousness.
Sermon The Season of the Bitter Belly May 20, 2018 The season of the bitter belly has lasted so long for some of us, but it will be worth it as we step into that third and final phase of rapture!
Sermon The Word, The Bride & the Groom May 8, 2018 There are three comings of Christ. The Word coming, the Bride coming, & the last coming— the Groom coming. He will come at the sound of the last trumpet as we come to the end of the culmination of all the church ages, the Laodicean church age.