Sermon Dismantling the Accuser, Part 4 June 30, 2020 When we go into spiritual battle before knowing God’s strategy, we’re fighting as one beats the air. The Bride must fight with God-given strategy to win the battle.
Sermon Dismantling the Accuser, Part 3 June 28, 2020 The divine order for the end-time is first to judge, and then to make war— execute the judgement. This is the order of the heavenly courtroom & that is how the Bride will operate.
Sermon Dismantling the Accuser, Part 2 June 16, 2020 The accuser desires to not only hold up our prayers in the second heaven, but to silence our voices from even praying.
Sermon Dismantling the Accuser, Part 1 June 14, 2020 We have an accuser that is pleading a case against us in the courtroom of heaven. We have to make sure that we have plead the blood over our mistakes and have made them right on every account so that the righteous judge can throw the accuser out with no …