Sermon The Great High Priest, Part 2 August 18, 2020 What we confess over our life is so important. What we speak out here on earth, our High Priest is taking it to intercession and speaking it out into eternity.
Sermon The Great High Priest, Part 1 August 16, 2020 Jesus came to earth to experience the very same temptations that we face on a daily basis. When He shed His blood on the cross, it was to cover every sin that we might be made a new creation through Him.
Sermon Come Boldly Before the Throne August 11, 2020 Jesus is our High Priest and He fills the gap when we are lacking & goes before the Father on our behalf, but we have been told to come boldly before the throne.
Sermon The Law of the Spirit, Part 2 August 9, 2020 It is time we get connected to the glory through our praise. A blood sacrifice has been given for us under the second covenant & we must identify with that.
Sermon Law of the Spirit, Part 1 August 4, 2020 Under the old covenant the people didn’t want to hear God, but under the new covenant, when we know who we are, we cry out to hear the voice of God.
Sermon The Ancient of Days, Part 2 August 2, 2020 There will be a rapture & there will be a gathering together, one being for the Bride & one for the church, but all will be judged by the White-wigged One.
Sermon The Ancient of Days, Part 1 July 28, 2020 The Bride is being judged even now by the Ancient of Days, the white-wigged one, & then they will sit with Him in His throne to judge the nations.
Sermon Dismantling the Accuser, Part 7 July 26, 2020 The Bride stands with Him in judgment. Christ is not glorified by a church who dies burdened down by the spirit of the age, but by a Bride who overcomes.
Sermon Dismantling the Accuser, Part 6 July 21, 2020 There is a heavenly council bringing judgement to the Bride now, for she is being called to a higher place, Zion, where she will judge one day with Christ.
Sermon Dismantling the Accuser, Part 5 July 7, 2020 God operates on a different time table than we do here on earth. It is in our best interest to find out God’s will before we go into battle spiritually, because that is the quickest way we are going to come to our victory!