Sermon Book of Destiny, Part 12 April 14, 2020 There is a convergence point of being foreknown, predestinated, called, and justified. That point is when we are glorified. We become one with the glory of Christ Jesus.
Sermon Book of Destiny, Part 11 April 12, 2020 We are crucified with Christ and yet we live because of Him. We must partake in His resurrection as well as His crucifixion and allow Him to dwell in us and be made manifest through us.
Sermon Book of Destiny, Part 10 April 7, 2020 Justification isn’t just forgiveness or salvation, it’s something that it takes faith to get ahold of. Justification is to make or render something right or just. When we are justified by the blood of Jesus Christ it is as though we never sinned.
Sermon Book of Destiny, Part 9 March 31, 2020 The Bride will have a harmony with God just as the Son was in harmony with the Father. The Word is in the Bride and the Mind of Christ is in the Bride to know what He wants done with the Word.
Sermon Book of Destiny, Part 7 March 8, 2020 There are five steps legally qualifying us to stand in the courtroom of heaven and let God talk for us. We were foreknown, predestinated, called, justified and then glorified.
Sermon Book of Destiny, Part 6 March 3, 2020 You are on planet earth right now for an appointed time. Your existence in this age is meant to be. God has never faltered in one of His promises and you won’t be His first failure.
Sermon Book of Destiny, Part 5 March 1, 2020 Have you synced your day with what has been written in your Book, or are you living in the permissive will of God today?
Sermon Book of Destiny, Part 4 February 25, 2020 If the Bride can really know who She is - that She is fleshing out a plan that God has already thought out - then She can realize it is not Her responsibility to make it happen, it is simply Her responsibility to rest in His plan & see it come to pass.
Sermon Book of Destiny, Part 3 February 23, 2020 Your life is a reflection of the seed of origin that is in you. The Bride was sent here to reflect the thoughts of the Father just as Jesus came in human form to flesh out the purposes of the Father.
Sermon Book of Destiny, Part 2 February 18, 2020 God knew everything there was to know about us & our destiny story, our book of life, was designed from that knowledge.