Signs in the Heavens
Sunday, March 26, 2023

Steven Shelley
New Hope Revival Ministries
74 We see that the astronomers are predicting, sometime in this early part or the first part of the month, beginning on the second or the fifth, or somewhere along this month, the Indian astronomers predict the world to blow to pieces. And the American newspapers make fun of it. I do not believe the world’s going to blow to pieces, but I do say it’s wrong to make fun of it. Because, something’s fixing to happen one of these days, something similar to that, when the five planets, Mars, Jupiter and Venus, and—and so forth, comes into their—their…They never have did it. Oh, they claim maybe twenty-five thousand years ago, but who was back there to know it?
75 I predict that this has a spiritual application. I believe it’s the coming in of the issue of God, that the great revelations of the Word will be opened during this time. Remember, they claim it was three stars came into their orbits when Jesus was born. And this is five, and five is grace, the number of grace. Three is the number of perfection. Five is the number of grace, J-e-s-u-s, g-r-a-c-e, f-a-i-t-h, so forth. Number of grace! God ever sends His power to the church, it’ll be His grace, it won’t be the obedience of the people. And Isaiah said, in the 40th chapter, how to “cry to Jerusalem, that her warfare was over,” yet she was guilty of idolatry, but it was God’s grace that was sending it. God sends anything to us, it’ll be His grace and not our merits. So, it may mean something. I predict that there’ll be a change. I don’t know what it’ll be, but I believe it’s fixing to happen. We’re on the…right on the eve of it now.
76 And if any man hungers, let him come to Christ. If any man is thirsty, let him come to Christ. He quenches the thirst. He is the Satisfier of all of our thirst and hunger.
Rev. William M. Branham Communion · 62-0204 Jeffersonville, Indiana