Thankfulness, Part 3
Sunday, December 1, 2019

Steven Shelley
New Hope Revival Ministries
Depending on your environment, being thankful is not always a natural state of mind. Thankfulness often comes after experiencing lack. But we have to find a different kind of praise, a praise not based on circumstances, a High Praise.
Every true child of God has the ability, the honor, the gifting to allow our praise to be something that executes the righteous justice of God on planet earth. When we use our praise to express our gratitude to God it becomes a weapon that pushes the enemy farther back in our lives. It causes him to retreat. Praise creates an atmosphere for God’s power to show up.
High praise is praise that is not in any way affected by what is going on in the moment. High praise is getting above what we are going through to praise. That is the praise we must find.