Sowing With a Purpose, Part 1
Sunday, October 27, 2019

Steven Shelley
New Hope Revival Ministries
Have you sown your time, finances, tears, prayers & seen no return? Now is the time to lay claim on our harvest!
We have missed out on our harvest because we didn’t understand principles that God wanted us to step up & claim. Instead of seeing ourself dropping money in an offering plate, we must see ourself in a field that has been broken & is ready to receive seed. It is our field & we are responsible for the harvest we are going to get.
If we give of ourselves with the right attitude, with a pure heart, the windows of Heaven will be opened up & we will receive blessings that we cannot contain!
We must know what we are entitled to & sow with purpose so that that we can reap the harvest. Sow your seed with a right spirit, name your seed, & see the harvest come about!