Sermon The Unseen Realm October 6, 2019 We must keep throwing our faith anchor into the realm of the unseen. What we are living in is not reality in it’s fulness. Eternity is reality in fullness.
Sermon Supernatural God September 24, 2019 We are heirs, possessors of all things seen & unseen. We have a right to the promise, yet we have to fight for it.
Sermon Faith is a Weapon September 22, 2019 “Every time we receive a revelation of truth, a little more of that supernatural realm comes to live inside of us.” What kind of life would we have if we could not believe that God was bigger than our natural circumstances? In the natural …
Sermon Make Your Calling & Election Sure September 8, 2019 It was given to us to believe, but we have to pursue it - long for it! We must live like one who knows his election. If you know that you are a part of the Bride of Christ, a part of the sons of God, live like it.
Sermon Election September 3, 2019 Revelation is the Word of God made personal to us and it is by the Revelation of the Word that the Bride will become like Him and His life will be perfected in us.
Sermon For the Elect's Sake, Part 3 September 1, 2019 The only way for us to be raptured is for us to have the spirit of an overcomer, but we have no need to worry, for Jesus is praying for us! “The only way to rapture out of here is to have the Spirit of an overcomer on your life.” If we are a …
Sermon For the Elect's Sake- Part 2 August 20, 2019 You were hand-picked to walk in this day and age. It is not about being better, it’s about being elected to see something that others haven’t been able to see.
Sermon For the Elect's Sake, Part 1 August 11, 2019 We are here to fulfill the promises that have been given to an elected generation. God will never go back or rethink His choice of His elected people - it was an eternal choice.
Sermon Strength for All Things August 6, 2019 The enemy that tries to disqualify us is in conflict with the God in us that is trying to qualify us. If we will yield to the voice of the Father in us, we can overcome all things by the faith that He has given to us.