Moment Smile of God August 5, 2020 “The smile that matters is the one that comes from within, from the God that lives within you!”
Sermon Law of the Spirit, Part 1 August 4, 2020 Under the old covenant the people didn’t want to hear God, but under the new covenant, when we know who we are, we cry out to hear the voice of God.
Sermon The Ancient of Days, Part 2 August 2, 2020 There will be a rapture & there will be a gathering together, one being for the Bride & one for the church, but all will be judged by the White-wigged One.
Moment Zion People July 28, 2020 There will be a Zion people that will live under a different order & will serve God in the earth with the understanding of another Kingdom.
Sermon The Ancient of Days, Part 1 July 28, 2020 The Bride is being judged even now by the Ancient of Days, the white-wigged one, & then they will sit with Him in His throne to judge the nations.
Sermon Dismantling the Accuser, Part 7 July 26, 2020 The Bride stands with Him in judgment. Christ is not glorified by a church who dies burdened down by the spirit of the age, but by a Bride who overcomes.
Moment Kingdom Order July 22, 2020 The courts of Heaven operate according to God’s divine order. No matter what the accuser says, he has no case when the blood has been legally appropriated to our lives. This is our day to be Kingdom minded, to keep ourselves in right standing with the …
Sermon Dismantling the Accuser, Part 6 July 21, 2020 There is a heavenly council bringing judgement to the Bride now, for she is being called to a higher place, Zion, where she will judge one day with Christ.
Sermon Being on Offense Against Offense July 19, 2020 Satan is trying to put something enticing on the trigger to trap us into offense that our faith might be decreased. We must be on the offense against offense so that our faith may stay strong.
Sermon Discerning the Times & Seasons, Part 2 July 14, 2020 It is time to brace ourselves! It is time to fortify ourselves with the Word and let the Holy Ghost be the brace in our life, then we have nothing to fear because you’re holding to the Head.
Sermon Discerning The Times & Seasons, Part 1 July 12, 2020 Sometimes God sends a warning so that people can pray and intercede and see a change just like the Ninevites. God is calling us to pray for our nation and the direction she is headed in.
Moment Keep Speaking July 9, 2020 If God can roll one grain of sand off of your mountain, He can roll another and another.