2020 Campmeeting As in Adam, So in Christ October 7, 2020 We are going to face a time of squeezing, a time of labor pains, for the birthing of the Bride to come forth and have the very mind of Christ.
2020 Campmeeting The Devil Can't Touch You October 6, 2020 Jesus knew who would betray Him, yet He still loved Judas & washed his feet. He came to show us how to love one another and be like Christ.
Moment The Well October 4, 2020 No matter what the old season has handed to you, and no matter how you’ve been left fighting the greatest battle ever fought, there is still joy unspeakable and full of glory and it’s found in the deposit of God’s life that’s within you! This moment is an …
Sermon Feast of Joy October 4, 2020 No matter what the old season has handed to you, and no matter how you’ve been left fighting the greatest battle ever fought, there is still joy unspeakable and full of glory and it’s found in the deposit of God’s life that’s within you!
Moment The Revelation October 2, 2020 There is a Revelation - a mystery that ties together the entire Bible - and it will give you strength to stand in the End-times. This moment is an excerpt from a message titled “The Keys to the Kingdom.” Watch the full sermon here.
Sermon Watch & Pray! September 27, 2020 Now is the time we are being called to watch! The enemy desires to sneak in anyway that He can & we must be vigilant to stop him in His tracks.
Sermon Rest in God September 22, 2020 God is calling us to a rest where we will remain, a ceasing of our labors as we come into our full maturity in Him.
Sermon The Light of Men September 20, 2020 Something must come that will cause the Bride to moan & groan for the coming of the Lord. The Bride will be the Light in the darkness until she is taken from the scene.
Moment The Light September 20, 2020 In Him was life and that life was the light of men. We carry that light, making us His torchbearers; the carriers of His Life! This moment is an excerpt from a message titled “The Light of Men.” Watch the full sermon here.
Moment Powerful Election September 16, 2020 God saw that even in the most evil of all the ages, you would overcome. That’s powerful! This moment is an excerpt from a message titled “Reconciliation.” Watch the full sermon here.
Sermon The Keys to the Kingdom September 15, 2020 Our refuge is a person, and in this person there is a place, and in this place there is a peace, and in that peace there is a posture of rest.
Sermon Reconciliation September 13, 2020 Jesus Christ came in the stead of God & took paid all of our debt. Now we must bind ourselves to what He did on our behalf.