Watch the Chickens
Monday, February 22, 2021

Duane Jackson
Itinerate Minister
Often we are consumed with wrapping ourselves in our own comfort and security blankets, concerned only with ourselves, our family, and friends, totally oblivious to the needs of others who might be seeking to find the door, the way out of confusion.
Learn an unforgettable lesson of true brotherly kindness from the actions displayed by one of God’s simple creatures, the concern of one chicken towards another.
Give thought to the fact that we may hold the key to some little lost lamb lost in the clutches of sin and confusion. We can reach out to them in love and kindness by displaying His divine nature. His love will draw them to the Door. Love is the very nature of Jesus. Love is stronger than any lie of confusion.
This moment is an excerpt from a message titled “Rare Prayer.” Watch the full sermon here.