Dance or Die
Saturday, July 27, 2019

Steven Shelley
New Hope Revival Ministries
“We have no other choice but to dance before the King of Kings or be critical and die.”
We have no other choice but to dance before the King of Kings or be critical and die.
When David returned to bless his household, Mikhal the daughter of Sha’ul came out to meet him and said, “Such honor the king of Isra’el earned for himself today — exposing himself before his servants’ slave-girls like some vulgar exhibitionist!
David answered Mikhal, “In the presence of Adonai — who chose me over your father and over everyone in his family to make me chief over Adonai’s people, over Isra’el — I will celebrate in the presence of Adonai! I will make myself still more contemptible than that, and I will be humiliated in my own eyes, but those slave-girls you mentioned will honor me!”
Mikhal the daughter of Sha’ul remained childless until the day she died.
2 Samuel 6:20-23