Schemes & Devices, Part 6
Thursday, August 2, 2018

Steven Shelley
New Hope Revival Ministries
The enemy seeks to whip up our emotions in an unhealthy & unproductive manner. We have to renew our minds by come back to the Word & finding where our peace comes from.
If we are consistently renewing our minds in the Word of God the enemy cannot take hold on our thought process. There are three steps in the process of renewing the mind.
First, we must be willing to change. This is simple, but not automatic. This takes an admittance that you may not be right and you have to submit your will to the Lord’s will in your life.
Second, we must present ourselves as sacrifices & offerings unto God in Holiness. We must recognize that everything that we have is because of Him & we should offer that back to Him.
Third, we must not be conformed or fashioned to this world.