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Stepping Out

Steven Shelley

Steven Shelley

New Hope Revival Ministries

September 1, 2002 · 3 min read

This may sound very strange. But while we were worshiping the Lord, I saw in a quick vision someone standing on the shore of a waterway of some kind, a body of water. And I saw laying out in the water, floating on top of the water what looked like a… I want to say a two-by-four. But it must have been a little wider than that, maybe… Is there such thing as a two-by-six? Or would it be a one by six? I’m not a carpenter. But it seemed a little wider than a two by four.

And there was just enough ripple in the water to make that piece of board jiggle in the water. I’m not good at describing things sometime. There was just enough disturbance in the water that that board… And I saw… It was a man in the vision. I could see that it was a man’s pants. And I saw that this person was about to step out on that board. But they hesitated because of the turbulence. The shifting of the water was making that board…

And I saw that leg rock out and rock back and rock out and rock back, with great hesitation. Finally, I don’t know what it was. But something must have given faith and courage, because I saw that man’s leg step out onto that board. And when he did, it became stable, like a bridge. Instead of just one long board, it became a bridge. And as he would walk down that long board, another one would appear, and another one would appear, and another would appear. And it really made a bridge.

The Spirit of the Lord wants me to decree in the Spirit right now that stability is coming. And the Spirit of the Lord wants me to say tonight, you that have hesitated and been afraid to step out, and to step into and onto what God has placed before you, the enemy has tried to discourage you from moving forward. But the Spirit of the Lord would say to you tonight, if you’ll step out, not be afraid to put your foot on that board that God’s provided… It didn’t just materialize of its own accord. God has placed something there to make a bridge for you. If you’ll go on and step out, the stabilization will come. It’s coming. It’s coming. And God said He’ll make a way. It’ll be like a bridge. What looks like a shaky board will become a bridge.

I pray somebody can make sense of that. Because I believe it’s straight from the Lord. I believe we could all claim it if we wanted to tonight. Hallelujah.