I saw those two mountains as they were melting. I saw the tops of those mountains begin to melt, and they began to run low. They began to run down the sides of the mountains until they formed a plateau. The breach, the chasm between the two mountains was gone because the tops of the two mountains had melted down and they formed a plateau.
And I heard the Voice of the Spirit saying, “Not one stone is lost. Not one stone is lost. But it’s the repositioning. I’m repositioning the stones. I’m repositioning the soil. Nothing is lost from the Spirit. Nothing is lost from the Truth. But I’m melting them together and repositioning them to form a great plateau, or a great foundation for the Bridegroom to stand on.” Hallelujah.
When the Bridegroom comes in His fullness, He’ll stand on that plateau that’s being formed by the repositioning of the stones. The mountain of the Spirit and the mountain of the Truth becoming a great platform for the Son of Man to stand on in these days.