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1995 Prophecy Collection

New Hope Revival Ministries

New Hope Revival Ministries


January 1, 1970 · 163 min read

A Greater Anointing this Year

January 1, 1995 (Sunday Evening)

Message in Tongues & Interpretation given through Sister Annie Jones

Oh hear, My little Bride. You have heard. You have received. This is your time of restitution. I will loose. I will bind. This is the first day of this year. But I will show greater things to come.

Didn’t I say last year that there’ll be a great anointing in 94. But there will be a greater anointing this year. Don’t fear, My little Bride, because I hold you in the palm of My hand. I will use you in a greater way than you ever have. [Unclear audio] I am your God. I am the same yesterday, today and forever.

My Words will go forth. No one is able ever to stop it. I will look down on this [Unclear audio] but a little while longer, My Bride. I will show you things to come. The days of Annanias and Sapphira are at hand. I will [Unclear audio] Hear, My little Bride. Look not to the left or to the right, but look at Me. I will lead you and I will guide you. I will speak to you. Speak My Word and I will do it.

My Word Is Working in You

January 1, 1995 (Sunday Evening)

Message in Tongues given through Sister Burgess & Interpretation given by Brother Jimmy Beach

Yea I say unto thee, My children, prepare thyself, saith the Lord. Shod thy feet and put the staff in thy hand, for I have called you on a journey, saith the Lord. I have not called you to stand still, but I have… as I have spoken through My servant tonight, run, saith the Lord. Run, take that that is in your hand and go forth in My Name, saith the Lord.

Yea, I will be with you in signs and wonders. Yea, I am bringing restitution, saith the Lord. Fear not, My children. Don’t look to the left. Don’t look to the right, but look ahead, saith the Lord, for your feet will walk higher, saith the Lord. For lo, I am with you. Yea, My angel shall go before you. Yea, I am giving you strength. I am giving you power. It is not a power of this world, but it is a supernatural power, saith the Lord.

Yea, I know the deep things of your heart. Yea, I know the thing that you have struggled with, but yea, saith the Lord, deliverance has come, children. Deliverance has come. Prepare yourself, saith the Lord. Be prepared, saith the Lord, for your feet will walk in My presence, saith the Lord. For I will not leave you, saith the Lord.

Yea, I have brought My Word to you. Yea, It is because I’ve loved you and have brooded over you and have watched over you. Yea, I would not leave you, My children, in confusion, saith the Lord, but in the bowels of My mercies that I have poured out upon you that ye should walk in My light and take this light and show it and take it to the world, saith the Lord. For I have called you. I have set you aside. I have filled you. I have overshadowed you.

Yea, I have infilled you with My Word, saith the Lord. And yea, saith God, My Word is working in you. My Word is working in you at this very moment, saith the Lord. Yes, you feel that quickening power right now because My Spirit is working, saith the Lord. Don’t be dismayed. Don’t be concerned. Just yield. [Unclear audio] Yield. Yield and go forth. Go forth in the Name of the Lord, saith the Spirit of the Living God.

A Shepherd’s Staff

January 8, 1995 (Sunday Evening)

Message in Tongues given through Sister Anne Tremain & Interpretation given through Brother Shelley

Many have wandered, saith the Lord, like sheep from the fold, but My Spirit would come, saith God, like the staff of a shepherd and I would pull them back from danger and I would bring them safely in My arms, lay them in the protection of the fold.

Yea I, the Lord thy God, would say unto thee this night, oh, wandering lamb, I have called unto thee in this hour. I will stretch out My staff for thee and I will pull thee back from the edge.

And I will draw thee even in this hour to My bosom and I will fill you with My Spirit, saith the Lord, if you will. But yea I say unto thee, unless you’re willing and unless you be yielded and obedient to My call, you’ll wander too far and fall to your destruction. I’ve called thee this night because I have loved you and because I’m coming for you to rescue you lest you perish.

Allow Me, saith the Lord, to slip My staff around you and pull you from the danger that lays ahead; and I will draw you into My bosom and you will find warmth and protection in My Presence and I will carry you safely to the fold that I have prepared for My own sheep, saith the Lord.

You Cannot Make it Without My Help

January 8, 1995 (Sunday Evening)

Message in Tongues given through Sister Burgess & Interpretation given through Brother Shelley

As long as man has purposed in his heart, saith the Lord, that he can make it on his own, then he cannot find rest in the kingdom of God. But when a man has determined before Me that he cannot make it without My help, saith the Lord, it is then that I can reach down and touch him and change him and draw him into My presence, saith the Lord.

Yea, there are some under the sound of My Voice this night that I would call unto thee and I would say once and for all, acknowledge, saith the Lord, that you cannot make it to the end without My help and call upon Me for mercy and I will rescue you, saith the Lord. I will come with the swiftness of an eagle and I will lift you up, saith the Lord. You will mount up and not be weary, but be strong, for I will come to you, saith the Lord, when you have acknowledged that you cannot make it without Me.

Then will you call on Me and I will be found of you, saith the Lord. This night call upon Me and I will come quickly to your side and I will help you and I will give you strength for the rest of the journey and you will have eternal life with Me, saith the Lord.

It is not by chance that I have spoken unto thee in this manner, but I have ordained this service, saith the Lord, that you would humble yourself and realize that you cannot go on without My help, without My courage and My strength in you. When you have realized that, I will deliver you and I will set you free and you will serve Me with fullness and pureness of heart, thus saith the Lord.

Natural Disasters Coming

January 15, 1995 (Sunday Morning)

Prophetic Word given by Brother Shelley

And soaking them from the underneath, those plates, the seismologists or whatever you call them, they’re reporting waters coming up from under that honeycomb. The waters flooding those earth quake plates, it’s flooding the caverns under California, flooded like they are Florida.

Florida is nothing but a honeycomb. I’m just telling you that’s what the scientists say. The water is coming underneath California, through those caverns, filling up those holes. And now floods are coming up this way. And God’s getting their attention. He is Speaking. That may be the final time.

I woke up Friday morning. Yes, I woke up Friday morning and I knew in my heart, that’s a storm was on the way, and I don’t know where it’s coming from, where it’s going to, what it’s going to do. Don’t know if it’s here or somewhere else, but I woke up that morning, when I sat up in the bed.

I felt, just feeling in the Spirit like a whirlwind was right above my head, and my head was in the middle of that whirlwind. And I know how God deals with me, and I know how God shows me little things like that. He is getting ready. I don’t know what is about to happen, but He’s getting ready to shake…

The Spirit of the Lord spoke to me and said, “write these things down and seal them in a box. Lock them up and seal them in a box, give somebody else the key, so they’ll know, when that time has come, so that they’ll know, so that the people will know that I was dealing with you and showing you these things before they ever transpired.”

Vision of Significant Dates

January 15, 1995 (Sunday Morning)

Vision given to Brother Shelley

Oh, but I was laying on the bed last night, the Holy Spirit, just like a movie picture screen flashed some things before my eyes. One of those things that He flashed was December 1965. And I said, “Lord,” I just saw it, just like it was written on a calendar.

December 1965. I know what that means. That was the year that God took His prophet from the scene. That was the year that the first phase of the seventh Angel’s ministry was completed. That one-man phase was finished, and now, God was starting the second phase, which would not be the Seventh Angel with one man, but it would be the seventh Angel with a Bride ministry.

Then He flashed another year. Don’t think I’m a fanatic, but if you do, that’s ok too. It doesn’t matter. It will all come out washday, brother. He flashed another day before my eyes. April 1968. And I didn’t have to think one second to know what that year was. Three years, after the prophet died, 1965, I was born, April 1968.

And then I saw another date. This was just God dealing with me as an individual. It wasn’t for you or some kind of icon for you to follow. And then He gave me another year. He gave me another year. September 1975. And I paused a moment, and I said, “What in the world is September 1975?” I know what December 1965 is. I know what April 1968 is, but what in the world is September 1975. And I asked the Lord and He spoke to my spirit and He said, that was the month I filled you with the baptism of the Holy Ghost and called you to preach.

I started preaching in September of 1975, ten years, a decade, two times grace. Ten years after God took His servant. Then He called me into the ministry. Then He showed me another year, another date, another month and year, December of 1995. And I said, Lord, I know what that is. I’m going to Africa, the Lord willing, in December of 95 to Ghana, taking my mother with me.

And the Holy Spirit said, “No, it’s 30 years since the phase of the Seventh Angel’s ministry was changed.” Dec. 65, marks thirty years that God’s ministry changed in the earth. In September of 1995, I will have been preaching twenty years. In December of 1995, the prophet will have been gone thirty years.

And I said, “Lord, ok. I’m good on my dates now. And I know what all of this means.” And He spoke to my spirit. You can write it down. I want to go on record for what He said to me, spoke to my heart. He said, “Forty years, the children of Israel wandered in the wilderness. Forty years, they wandered in the wilderness, when I called them out of Egypt. Forty years, they wandered in search of a promised land. But in forty years, I took them out of that wilderness and I placed them into the land of Canaan, that the Bible said, was flowing with milk and honey.”

I want you to know, brother, sister, there were obstacles on this side of the border, and there were obstacles on that side of the border. On this side of the border, there were many nations and many terrible conditions that tried to stop Israel from getting into the promised land. And once they crossed over Jordan… How many of you know they had giants to do battle with? They had fenced cities like Jericho. They said, “Oh Lord, we’re just like grasshoppers and all the people of Canaan are like giants.”

And the Spirit of God dealt with my heart and He said, “Remember, there’s obstacles on this side of the border, and there’s going to be obstacles on that side of the border. But I made Israel a promise.” Hallelujah.

I’ll tell you, I may make you a promise and something may happen that I would have to break it. But there is a Promise Maker in the heavenlies this morning, and if God ever tells you something, you can go to the bank. You can count on it. Hallelujah. The Bible said, God is not a man that He should lie. Neither the son of man, that He would have need to repent. Amen.

I said, “Lord, what are you trying to tell me?”

And the Spirit of the Lord spoke to me and said, “When the Bride of Jesus Christ has struggled forty years without the ministry of Moses… When the Bride of Christ has struggled forty years without the ministry of Moses, I will cause her to cross Jordan into the promised land.”

And I said, “Lord, I want to make sure that I know what You’re telling me.”

And He took me back to the message “Kadesh-Barnea,” where the prophet of God is talking about Israel. He took me back to the message where Brother Branham said, “Ephesians parallels Joshua.” How many of you have ever read those sermons? Ephesians parallels Joshua.

And oh, how I began to study and read and think on that. And that’s not even on what I’m preaching on this morning. And I said, it has to be this way. It is a perfect type. Forty years, Israel wanders in the wilderness and then she steps into her promised land. Are her battles over? No. Because once she crosses over into Canaan, she still has to take those fenced cities.

Calling a Holy Convocation

January 15, 1995 (Sunday Evening)

Message in Tongues & Interpretation given through Brother Shelley

Have I not said in My Word, saith the Lord, come, let us reason together? Knowest thou not that I am calling a holy convocation, saith the Lord. I am gathering people together. I’m calling them, come and let us reason together, not with man, but with Me, said the Holy Spirit. My people, come and let us reason together.

Let us share together. Let us draw together from that Spirit that is poured out in the midst of thee this night. Oh, My people, saith the Lord, let the joy fill your spirit. Go from this place with the victory and know that the hand of God has been moving.

Yea, because of your prayers, you’ve touched Me and My hand is moving for you, saith the Lord. My hand is not short that I can’t reach down. My ear is not heavy that I can’t hear. So tonight, go in faith and call those things that are not as though they were, for I say unto thee, it may not be done in the natural so that you can see it with your eyes. But I, the Lord thy God, would say unto thee, My Spirit has done the work this night, thus saith the Lord.

My Hand Is Moving for You

January 24, 1995 (Tuesday Evening)

Prophecy given through Unknown Person

Oh, My people, saith the Lord, let the joy fill your spirit. Go from this place with the victory and know that the hand of God has been moving. Yea, because of your prayers, you’ve touched Me and My hand is moving for you, saith the Lord. My hand is not short that I can’t reach down.

My ear is not heavy that I can’t hear. So tonight, go in faith and call those things that are not as though they were. For I say unto thee, it may not be done in the natural, so that you can see it with your eyes. But I, the Lord thy God, would say unto thee, My Spirit has done the work this night, thus saith the Lord.

Lift Up Your Heads Toward the Help

January 24, 1995 (Tuesday Evening)

Message in Tongues & Interpretation given through Brother Shelley

Yea, from behold I, the Lord thy God, would say unto thee this night, many have prayed and many have believed that I, the Lord, would send this one or that one or the other one.

But yea I, the Lord, would say unto thee, the reason why I have not sent other laborers in at this time, saith the Lord, is because the workers are here. Knowest thou not that every job that is needed in the fold, that there’s already somebody here that could do it, saith the Lord. Do you really believe that I have brought people here from thither and yon because, just because of this reason or that reason? No! I have brought them here, saith the Lord, because each one has something that they can do for the cause of Christ.

Yea I, the Lord thy God, would say unto thee, how long, My children, will ye be up and then down? How long will you have a burden and then no burden? I, the Lord thy God, would say unto thee, seek My face. Lay before Me in My presence, saith the Lord.

Call out and wait upon Me until you know what it is that I have called you to do, and then make haste. Make haste, My children, make haste, for this is the time, saith the Lord, that I have called you to the field. Oh, My children, there’s so many things to be done in the kingdom of the Most High. Lay before Me and wait on My Voice, and I will call to you and speak to you, saith the Lord, and let you know what it is.

Yea I, the Lord thy God, would say unto thee, and I will teach you and I will raise up others who can teach you to find, saith the Lord, My perfect will. Yield to Me, saith God, for it is My desire to change you from you own way into My image, thus saith the Lord.

For I am the Lord God, yea, and I am Faithful and True, saith the Lord. And I am the same and I change not, and My Word is eternal, saith the Lord. Heaven and earth will pass away, but my Word shall forever remain the same.

Yea I speak unto thee this day, lift up your heads toward the help. Your help comes from the Lord. And I am in the midst of thee this morning to heal your diseases, to strengthen you when you’re weak, said the Lord. I am here to testify unto thee that I am still God and that My power has not weakened and I am not slack concerning My promises.

I say unto thee, everyone under the sound of the Voice of the Living God, rejoice in your heart and speak My promises. Let them flow out of your mouth. Let the weak say, “I am strong.” Let the sick say, “I am healed.” Let the weak and weary say, “I will overcome.” For I, the Lord thy God, have come into the midst of thee to perfect thee and to perform that which I have spoken unto thee.

Receive! Receive! Receive, for the Spirit of the Lord, I am breathing on thee even now. Receive! Receive! And trust Me. Throw yourself on Me, for I will be with you, saith the Lord.

Stand on My Word

February 5, 1995 (Sunday Morning)

Message in Tongues given through Sister Helen Burgess & Interpretation given through Brother Shelley

All other ground is sinking sand, saith the Lord. Knowest thou that the only place where you can be stable, knowest thou the only foundation that is firm is the Word of God? Yea I say unto thee, though man may try to add and man may try to take away, many times man may try to interpret My Word and slant It in their direction with their own ideas, yea I, the Lord thy God, would say unto thee, I may not always do what man expects Me to do by his own imagination, but yea I say unto thee this day that I will do what I have spoken in My Word, saith the Lord.

This day I call to thee, My children, put your foot on that solid foundation of My Word and when the winds of this world blow against you, I will strengthen you, saith the Lord. I will hold your right hand and I will upbraid you and undergird you, saith the Lord. When thou passeth through the waters, they will not flood you. And when you pass through the fire, saith God, it cannot burn you, for I will go with you.

Yea I, the Lord thy God, would say unto thee in this hour, I call you out of your circumstances. I call you out of that which you see with your eye and I call you this morning to stand on My Word and do not doubt, and I will bring to pass in your life that which I have spoken, saith the Lord. Let all men be liars, but I, Living God, will only speak that which is the truth.

Be careful, My children, that you do not add or take away and you do not determine or interpret that which I have spoken, but believe it in your heart and in the manner which I have said it, I will bring it to pass, saith the Lord.

You Are Mine & Belong to No Other

February 12, 1995 (Sunday Evening)

Prophecy given through Brother Shelley

Yea, from behold, the Lord would say unto thee this night, surely I, the Lord thy God, have called thee. Surely I have redeemed thee with My Blood, saith the Lord. Have I not plucked thee from the fire? Even as a brand is plucked from the heat of the fire, yea I, the Lord thy God, have plucked thee from the heat and the torment of hell, saith the Lord.

And I have not only spared thee and redeemed thee from hell, but I have sanctified thee by My Spirit and I have filled thee with My Holy Ghost and I have set thee up, saith the Lord, as vessels of honor unto Me. Knowest thou not that it does not please Me when you look back to what you were before I plucked you out? saith God. Rejoice this night and do not look back to what you have been, but look ahead, saith the Lord, for I will fill thee up.

And when I have filled thee, saith the Lord, you, My children, will be able to spill out My Spirit onto others, saith the Lord. Knowest thou not that the Angel has passed by this night to trouble the waters? Yea I say unto thee, take hold, for I am in the midst of thee to help thee, to heal thee, to deliver thee, saith the Lord. It is My desire to pick you up this night and give you victory in your spirit.

Yea I, the Lord thy God, would say unto thee, I will perfect thee. I will tune thee. I will work with thee until I have made you completely into My image. And then I will send forth a call that will call you, saith the Lord, out of this realm into the realm that I have prepared for you. Get ready, saith the Lord, for I will call thee to My side, for you are Mine. I have bought you with My Blood.

Rejoice, My lady, for I have called thee and I will dress thee and fix thee, saith the Lord, so that all will be able to know that you are Mine and belong to no other. Rejoice this night, for I will polish you as a gem cutter polishes his stone. And I will set you in a setting and the dazzle of My glory and the brightness of My Spirit will shine forth from thee, for I have…

Oh My children, you have been in times past like a cake that was only half-baked, but I, the Lord thy God, would say unto thee, I will turn thee over and I will cook thee on the other side so that you will be clean within and without, thus saith the Lord.

Take Heed to My Call

February 12, 1995 (Sunday Evening)

Message in Tongues & Interpretation given through Sister Annie Jones

My people, you have heard My Word tonight. Take heed, because I speak through My servant’s lips. Whatever he said tonight, take heed. I have called you. I’ve showed you My way. There are some you have to take heed to My call. This might be your last call. I will set you free. I will give deliverance in this place. I’ve showed you My healing. I will show you more to come.

But My people, there are some of you who want to walk their own way. You can do nothing without Me. I am the One who leads you and guides you. Take heed. Hear My call. This is the night to set you free. I will fill you and give you the baptism of the Holy Ghost if you yield to Me. I am your God. I am the same yesterday, today and forever. This might be your last call. Take heed, My people.

Recognize This Hour

February 19, 1995 (Sunday Evening)

Prophecy given through Brother Shelley

My children, this night, knowest thou not the hour? How is it, My children, that many walk and know not the hour that they walk in? Yea I, the Lord thy God, would say unto thee, the darkest hour is upon thee. Yea I say unto thee, the slippery pit has been dug before you, saith the Lord, and the enemy and the adversary of your soul has come to steal you away.

But yea I, the Lord thy God, would say unto thee, My church, I will send My Angel, saith the Lord. He will guide you around the edges of the treacherous pit. He will not suffer you to fall in the trap that satan has laid for you, saith the Lord, but He will put His arm under you and lift you, saith God. And if need be, He will carry you upon His shoulders across until you’ve reached the other side of safety. Oh, My children, My children, I would that thou wert either cold or hot, for the lukewarm I will spew out of My mouth, saith the Lord.

Be thou not lazy, saith the Lord. Do not be adjusted to this world, but cry after Me, saith the Lord. And even as the little deer panteth after the water, I desire that your inner man would cry and pant and long after Me, for I have ways that you know not of, and I have things that you know not of, I have meat for you to eat that you know not of, and spiritual drink.

Yea I, the Lord thy God, would say unto thee, recognize this hour and recognize that I have called you to stand in this hour, and watch and pray. Yea I say unto thee, be alert and awake, for the enemy is upon thee and the Philistines are upon thee, saith the Lord.

But oh, if you will refrain and you will refuse to lay your head in the lap of Jezebel, I will bring you forth. He who does not compromise, I will bring you forth from the trap of Delilah, saith God. I will cause your hair to grow back, saith the Lord, and what I have done before, I will do again, saith the Lord, for I am not a man that I should change, neither that I would repent, but I am forevermore the same. Shake thyself, oh Samson. Shake thyself, oh Samson, and I will cause your hair to grow again, thus saith the Lord.

I Will Restore the Seed Sown

February 28, 1995 (Tuesday Evening)

Message in Tongues given through Sister Helen Burgess & Interpretation given through Brother Shelley

Yea I, the Lord thy God, would say unto thee this night that I have stood aside and I have watched the enemy, service after service as he would come among you and steal from your heart and from your mind and from your memory the things that I would speak unto thee.

Yea I would say unto thee that some among you have noticed how you cannot retain and cannot remember and cannot receive fully and understand the Word of the Lord, but I say unto thee, it has been a subtle attack of satan. He has stood by when the Sower has sowed the seed to steal them, saith the Lord.

But I, the Lord thy God, would say unto thee, to those who will press in in this hour and fight as never before against the powers of the devil, I will send the Angel of the Lord to fight for you and I will drive away the adversary that has sought to steal away My Word and My revelation from your mind.

He has affected your memory even in the natural, but the Lord thy God would curse his power among you this night. I curse the power of your adversary and I command him to loose My people, for I am the Lord. I am the Giver of Life, and I say unto thee in this hour, I will give unto you the victory to receive the Word, not into your mind only, but into your heart by revelation so that It can manifest among you.

I say unto thee, My children, rebuke the devil yourself. Rebuke him this night and tell him to take his flight. He has stolen your memory. He has taken from you many of My Words that I said to give you life. Now rebuke him and send him on his way and I, the Lord thy God, will restore unto thee the Word. I will restore unto thee the revelation. I will restore unto thee the seed that I have sown among you and it will take root in your life and manifest in these last days, saith the Lord.

Place Yourself in the Potter’s Hands

March 5, 1995 (Sunday Morning)

Message in Tongues given through Sister Anne Tremain & Interpretation given through Brother Shelley

For the Lord your God is a Defense, saith the Lord. Yea, I am a mighty Tower of Refuge. Yea I say unto thee, I am a sure Foundation and I am a stable Rock in a weary land. Cast your burden and your care on Me, saith the Lord, for I have spoken unto thee in My Word that if you would fall upon the Rock, that you would be broken. But woe be unto the man whom this Rock would fall upon, for he would be crushed to powder.

I am the Lord your God and I would say unto thee, it is the Lord that makes a man out of a boy and it is the Lord that makes a lady out of a girl. Yea I, the Lord thy God, would say unto thee, it is My desire to turn reeds into rocks and it is My desire to turn softsoap into solid stone.

Yea, come, saith the Lord, and place yourselves in the hands of a strong and capable Potter, and I will mold you and fashion you and I will change you, saith the Lord, from the sediment that washes away with the stream to the rock that is stable and sure.

Yea I, the Lord thy God, would say unto thee, as the water lays in the creek bed and years and years of water rushes over that rock, saith the Lord, it washes off and rubs off all of the jagged edges and the sharp places. And then when the stone is removed it is smooth. Even as David found five smooth stones in the creek bed, saith the Lord, I will cause the rivers of My Spirit to flood over you and I will take off the jagged edge and the sharp part, saith the Lord, and I will make you smooth as a stone from the creekbed.

But place yourself in My care this day and I will change you from boy to man and from girl to a lady in the service of the Lord. Be still. Be still and know that I am God and accept My Word for you. This is My Word for you today. Take it to your heart and stand still and you will see My deliverance and My power displayed in your life, thus saith the Lord.

Deliverance Through the Video

March 12, 1995 (Sunday Evening)

Prophetic Word given by Brother Shelley

And then the Lord just dealt with my heart concerning those that might see the video, though there’s not been any preaching of the Word, it was almost like I saw myself in a vision, just a few seconds, like I saw myself speaking directly to a camera for somebody who might see the worship. Maybe they just want a tape of worship. People write all the time saying, “Send us a…”

Somebody’s gonna receive a healing because of that anointing that’s here. We know that the anointing of God doesn’t come on an actual tape or an actual video, but it’s faith. And I know that I’m just limited to what He shows me. Jesus said, “I can only do what My Father shows Me.” And Brother Branham said, “I can only do what my Father shows me.” And I feel the same way tonight, though I’m not much, and the Lord has shown me that God’s going to touch and heal somebody right now.

Someone’s going to get this film that’s bound by a spirit of fear. And I rebuke that spirit of fear in the mighty Name of Jesus. The Bible said fear bringeth torment, and I cast out fear right now in the authority of my God, in the authority of Jesus Christ.

Words of Warning

March 14, 1995 (Tuesday Evening)

Prophetic Word given by Brother Shelley

There’s somebody here tonight that’s about to step out of God’s will. You’re making a decision, I don’t know what it is, but somebody’s making a decision in your mind, you’re about to step out of God’s will. You’re concerned about something, it’s heavy on your heart tonight, you’re concerned about a decision.

There’s another person the Lord’s speaking to me about, it’s time, two people, one man and one woman, the Holy Spirit said it’s time for you to make a stand for the truth, for what you believe in your heart. It’s time to make a stand. You’re… This is people here in the church, in the assembly, week after week after week, and God’s calling to you tonight. A man and a woman, saying, to the brother and a sister, saying, “It’s time you make stand.” One of you needs to make a stand on your job, because you’ve had a double standard.

You’ve been one thing in front of, in front of the church people and another thing on your job. God sees that. He’s not here tonight to condemn you. He’s here to help you and to tell you it’s not too late to make a stand. It’s not too late to live a different life, to stand up for the truth.

There’s somebody else, if you don’t start praying and having a devotional life with the Lord, you’re gonna slip over the edge. And the Holy Spirit just dealt with my heart, there’s no shepherd’s crook that’s gonna be able to pull you back if you don’t start calling out to the Lord in prayer and getting a hold of God. You cannot live on blessings. You cannot live on sensations. You can’t live on feelings. You’ve got to live on a solid rock. Amen? That’s Jesus. You just can’t go from, from good feeling to good feeling. It’s got to be more than that.

I Will Keep My Appointment with You

April 2, 1995 (Sunday Evening)

Prophecy given through Brother Shelley

Surely the Lord would say unto thee this night, I am in thy midst, saith the Lord, to bless thee and to help thee, saith God. Step forth into My presence, for I will not force you nor persuade you, saith the Lord. But I will pull thee in love and woo thee in My Spirit, said God.

Yea I, the Lord thy God, would say unto thee, thou has sat upon the shore and watched Me move upon the water. You’ve seen Me heal the sick, said God. You’ve seen Me deliver the captive, saith the Lord. Sure, you’ve cried unto Me and said, “Lord, when is my time? When will I be healed? When will I be loosed? When will I be delivered?” saith the Lord.

And I, the Lord thy God, would say unto thee this night, surely I will help thee and I will give you a divine appointment, saith the Lord. I will purpose in My heart to pass by you and to help you and strengthen you and break you free, saith the Lord. When I make Mine appointment with you, I will keep it, saith the Lord, for I have never missed an appointment. I’m never too early, never too late, but I’m always on time, said God, and I will keep My appointment with you. I will take you through. Satan has told you, “You’re going under.”

But I, the Lord thy God, would prophesy unto thee this night, I will not allow you to be swept away with the tide, though it comes like billows of water, saith the Lord. I will lift you up. I will not let the waters compass you. I will not let you be drowned, saith the Lord, but I will lift you up and take you through.

Trust in the Lord and I will do great things in your life, saith the Lord. Come higher. Come higher. Come higher. I’ve sent unto thee the revelation of My Word. I’ve brought you to the banquet table. And in that hour that you were to eat the things that I have prepared, I saw that you had come to My table with things in your heart that would hinder you from digesting My Word. So I spread a cloth over the table and I said, not just this time but I will not allow you to eat just now, but I will cover it for a season.

I’ve fed you, saith the Lord, many times from the bread. But underneath the cloth, even in this place, there is meat, meat for the rapture, meat to overcome. And I’ve called you to the banquet tonight. Step out of your own realm into My realm and I will remove the cloth, saith the Lord. I will give you to eat of the meat that you know not of. I will give you to eat of the meat that you know not of, said the Lord. I will cause you to step into the seventh seal. Come higher, little people, come higher.

I call to thee, My beloved wife, come higher. I call to thee, My beloved wife, come higher. Come higher, My darling, come higher, saith the Lord, and I will finish your attire. I will dress you from head to foot in My Word and I will take you, I will take you from where you are to where I am. Humble yourself and believe My Word, for surely I have spoken unto thee this night. Look under the cloth. Look under the cloth, for I have something prepared for thee, thus saith the Lord.

Press Harder; Don’t Be Slack

April 9, 1995 (Sunday Morning)

Message in Tongues & Interpretation given through Brother Shelley

Behold, I have set before thee an open door, saith the Lord. When that door is open, no man can shut it and when it is shut, no man can open it. Yea I, the Lord thy God, would say unto thee, I have not only opened the door, but I have gone before thee and I have straightened up the crooked path.

Yea, I have made the high places low and I’ve evened up the low places, saith the Lord, and I have made your way easier before you. And yea I, the Lord thy God, would say unto thee, every time I make the way easier, I see you fall from mercy. I see you turn to the right or to the left, saith the Lord, and you get lazy in your spirit man.

Yea I, the Lord thy God, would say unto thee, it’s in that hour that I have to allow again another sickness to come. I have to allow another problem, another pain, to come. It’s in that hour that I have to allow another trial to pass by your way, because I see that the more I bless you and the more I prosper you, My children, it seems the more you forget to remember Me in that hour.

And so I say unto thee, it is My desire that I would be able to touch thee this morning and restore thee. There is coming an hour and I pray, saith the Lord, for you, that you will find grace in that hour that you can receive that which I have promised. And I have promised unto you a time when you would know no sickness, when you would know no trials, when you would know no infirmity, for I would wrap you in the balm of My anointing; I would cover you with My feathers like a hen covers her chick.

And every time I, the Lord thy God, have desired to move thee into that realm, then someone among you gets slack again, saith the Lord, someone among you forgets where the benefits come and where the blessings come. Many, I would say unto thee in this hour, have even robbed Me, saith the Lord. But I have not quit blessing them. I have continued to bless them. I have continued to help them and strengthen them.

But how long can I, the Lord thy God, sit back and watch My children rob Me, saith the Lord, in their tithes? I am the Lord your God and I would say unto thee in this hour, I want to bring you to that place where you walk in divine health. I want to bring you to that place where you walk with divine joy and with divine encouragement, saith the Lord, so that you put the enemy where he belongs, under your feet.

But I see you becoming slack when I bless you. This morning I challenge you, saith the Lord, do not get slack when I bless you. When I prosper you, don’t become lazy, but press harder, said God. Press harder, said God. Pray harder, said the Lord, and then I will bring you to that place where you’ll walk just a little bit above the suffering of this present world.

I’ve got a place for My children that nobody else can walk in. But how long will you become slack when I bless you? How long will you allow the enemy to pull you back every time I push you forward? You become relaxed and the enemy pulls you back. Challenge yourself this morning and determine in your heart, “I will press harder than I ever have before, and I will see the Lord one day.” My children, it is My desire to sit with you in My kingdom. Come and prepare your hearts, for the hour is at hand.

And surely the world in which you live is racing toward the final judgements of a Living God. But I will hide you in My harbor. I will hide you, saith the Lord, and I will give you anchor in the stormy waters. Listen to the Voice of the Lord this morning and do not be slack in your spirit, but fight like you’ve never fought before. Hell has plotted against you. Demons have plotted your destruction. They have plotted the rottening of your flesh.

But I, the Lord thy God, will come in that hour and give you strength if you’ll keep Me first and foremost in your heart. I will lift you up, saith the Lord, and I will give you the desire of your heart if you’ll trust Me, thus saith the Lord.

My People Will Crave My Anointing

April 9, 1995 (Sunday Evening)

Message in Tongues given through Sister Helen Burgess & Interpretation given through Brother Shelley

Be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might, for I, the Spirit of Truth call unto thee in this hour. I call unto thee and encourage thee, stand with My Word, for My Word delivers and heals and sets captives free. Yea I, the Lord thy God, would say unto thee, take not sides with your own flesh, but take sides with My Word, for My Word will do that which It is sent forth to do.

Yea I say unto thee, the sickness of this hour has caused many to desire to be away from My Presence. Many rush. Many run from My presence, saith the Lord. But surely there will come a time, and it will come speedily, when My people will wait on Me and will long for My Spirit and for My presence, and all other things will seem vanity. And all other responsibilities will seem little, for you will desire Me as you never have before, saith the Lord.

Even as the little deer draweth water from the brook, panteth after the water, so My people will pant, will thirst, will crave My anointing, and I will give It them. They will be strong in that hour and do exploits, saith the Lord.

I Will Call You to Travail

April 11, 1995 (Tuesday Evening)

Message in Tongues & Interpretation given through Brother Shelley

Yea I, the Lord thy God, would say unto thee, surely this house of deliverance is as a mother who is swollen with child. Yea I, the Lord thy God, would say unto thee, each soul that I have brought through this place, yea, I have held them in My womb in this house of deliverance. Yea, I have said unto thee in My Word that children, sons and daughters, will be born into the kingdom of God when Zion travails.

And yea, I have spoken unto thee, My children, and I have said to you, when things are well and when there is no trouble, you forget to pray and you forget to fast and you forget to call on Me. Did I not speak unto thee just a few days past and say unto thee that as I blessed you, you fell from Me? Well, I, the Lord thy God, would say unto thee, I will stir you this night. I will call you back to prayer. I will show you the urgency of this hour and the preciousness of one’s soul.

Yea I, the Lord thy God, will say unto thee, travail as a woman heavy with child, for I say unto thee, even in this hour there is not but one, but there are many others who are hanging in the birth canal.

Yea I, the Lord thy God, would say unto thee, the church is weak. Where is strength to bring forth? Call unto the Lord this night, for you are Mine. Even when you are slack, you are Mine and I love you and I have chosen you and elected you to stand in this place of deliverance.

Yea, the Lord would say unto thee in this hour, I will call you to travail. I will call you to prayer, for I am the Lord your God. And when you have travailed, not in one day only, but day after day after day. I call you to prayer tomorrow. I call you to prayer the next day. I call you to prayer over and over. And when you have prayed and travailed as a woman heavy with child, I will allow sons and daughters to be born out of the womb of the house of deliverance and they’ll stand as sons and daughters of God, in My image, saith the Lord, in My image and in My holiness and in My perfection, saith the Lord.

Oh, My children, My children, I have sought to teach you. I have sought to lead you. I have sought to show you what this is. It is the womb, saith the Lord, where souls must be born into My kingdom.

Yea, I have not brought people here by chance. I have not brought them here by chance, saith the Lord, but I have brought them here because this is one of My chosen places of deliverance. It is a womb, and from this womb sons and daughters, the royal seed of God, will be born into the Spirit. Around these altars and on these grounds, saith the Lord, that I have given to you, children will be born into My kingdom in the last days.

Oh, your enemy has despised you. Oh, I have seen him in the darkest of the hour as he come in your sleep to plant thoughts of filth and thoughts of negative and thoughts of sin. I have seen him when he come to try to steal your joy and to rob your victory. I’ve seen him when he come to make you strive with one another.

But I, the Lord thy God, would say unto thee, it was I who slipped in to your rescue. It was I who lifted you up. It was I who used My servant to call you out, saith the Lord, and speak unto you concerning your need. And I say unto thee, because of Me seeing you, you were spared. Oh, My people, My people, walk in My Word that I have given unto you. Possess the gate of your enemy this night and tell the defeated foe to go. Tell him to take his flight.

For I will go, saith the Lord, I will go with a hook in My hand and I will place it in the jaw of those who have run from the womb, those who have run from the house of deliverance. I will lay a hook in their jaw. I will lay a snare in their side and I will pull by My Spirit until I have brought them to the womb, out of the womb into the birth canal, and out of the birth canal into the sealed eternal life of God, thus saith the Lord.

Possess the Gate of Your Enemy

April 16, 1995 (Sunday Evening)

Message in Tongues given through Sister Helen Burgess & Interpretation given through Brother Shelley

Yea, for the Lord would say unto thee this night. Another valley has been crossed, another river has been crossed, saith the Lord. Another hurdle has been jumped, saith the Lord. Oh, My children, another corner has been turned. Come higher! I call unto thee, My people, “Come higher. Come higher. Come higher.”

For I call unto thee this night. You are Mine and I commune with thee. Oh, My children, I will open My Word to You and plant it in your spirit, if you will stand upon it with faith and possess the gate of your enemy, saith the Lord. Hell will flee from your presence, and demons will tremble when you speak.

For I am calling you higher into the Revelation of who I AM. Yea, I say unto thee, the Word is becoming flesh among you in this final hour, saith the Lord. Do not go back. Do not return, saith the Lord, to the walk from where you have come. Do not return to the bondage that you have known. But from this night forward, saith the Lord, press in behind the veil where the liberty of My Spirit is waiting for you.

Come, saith the Lord, and I will give you more mountains to climb, but more victory on the mountain top. Yea, I say unto thee, another battle has been won, and another victory has been granted in this place, saith the Lord. Rejoice, rejoice, for your God has won a battle in your midst this night. Thus Saith the Lord. Possess the gate of your enemy this night and tell the defeated foe to go. Tell him to take his flight.

For I will go, saith the Lord, I will go with a hook in My hand and I will place it in the jaw of those who have run from the womb, those who have run from the House of Deliverance. I will lay a hook in their jaw. I will lay a snare in their side and I will pull by My Spirit until I have brought them to the womb, out of the womb into the birth canal, and out of the birth canal into the sealed eternal Life of God, thus saith the Lord.

Use My Word as Your Sword

April 23, 1995 (Sunday Evening)

Prophecy given through Sister Flo Hendrix.

Listen to Me. Listen. You’ve got My Word. Stand on It. Rise up and stand on My Word and stop letting him beat you down. I am God. Fear not what he can do to you, but fear Me if you don’t serve Me and believe My Word. You are way behind your means. My Word says so if you will listen to My Word when you read It. You’re living below your means. Hear Me, children.

Believe My Word. Believe My Word. It’s truth and It’s life. It’s powerful. Whatsoever you speak, you can have. Hear My Word. Whatsoever you speak with your mouth, be careful what you speak with your mouth. You have the power within you to create worlds, but you’re not where you’re supposed to be. You’re not where I want you and you can be dangerous. The power is there, learn to use it. Learn to battle him with the Word. It’s the Word. It’s grieves My heart to see you suffer. You don’t have to. You have the Word. Use the Word. The Word is your sword.

I Will Give You Fighting Victory

April 23, 1995 (Sunday Evening)

Message in Tongues given through Sister Helen Burgess & Interpretation given through Brother Shelley.

Yea, for behold, I am in the midst of thee this night, saith the Lord. And yea, have I not already spoken to thee, deep down into your spirit, and said unto thee that which I would do for you. And yea, the Lord would search your heart in this very hour and know that many have already allowed the enemy to rob the seed from their heart. They’ve already forgotten the promise that I have made to them this night.

How long will I, the Lord thy God, promise My people their way of escape and deliverance, and how long will they allow the enemy to come quickly and rob that which I have spoken unto them, even as if they could not care what the Lord would say?

But to as many this night as will believe My Word, to as many who will come clean before Me, to as many who as will call on Me, I will search their heart and I will give them that which I have promised this night. Oh, My children, My children, I desire to bring you into that hour and that realm where you can believe My Word and act upon It, saith God.

Many have not the attitude of God. Many have not the thinking of Christ and they allow the critical words and thoughts of carnality to rob them of My promise. But to as many as will believe and receive, I will give thee fighting victory tonight, saith the Lord.

Put On My Armor

April 23, 1995 (Sunday Evening)

Message in Tongues given through Sister Flo Hendrix & Interpretation given through Brother Shelley

Let him that runneth make haste, saith the Lord. Let him run with haste. For yea I say unto thee, the work is great and large. Yea, the Spirit of the Lord is in the midst of thee this night. Yea, it is My desire not to send you to battle without preparing you and equipping you, saith God. Yea, My children, reach up this night and I will slip upon you the armor of the Lord.

Yea I say unto you, if you would allow Me tonight, I would place My armor upon you so that the fiery darts of the wicked would be turned away. Yea, if you would allow Me to, even this night, you would be surprised, My children, at the battles that you would be able to win. Oh, the things that bother you now, if you would put on the armor of God, they wouldn’t bother you anymore, saith the Lord.

This night I have set aside in the Spirit to equip thee for battle. Can’t you see that trouble is on the horizon for this nation? saith the Lord. Knowest thou not that man is against man and woman against woman? Knowest thou not that this is only the beginning of bloodshed in this nation? For she has forgot God.

But I will equip thee and I will empower thee and I will slip My armor about thee this night and cause you to drive back the forces of hell that have come to destroy you and to pull you from My presence, saith the Lord. Receive this night and be obedient to My Spirit and you will overcome. Even now will I give thee something to fight your enemy with, thus saith the Lord.

You Have Left Your First Love

April 30, 1995 (Sunday Evening)

Prophetic Word given by Brother Shelley

The Spirit of the Lord just spoke to me. Revelation chapter two. God just spoke these verses [Unclear audio] Verse four said:

“Nevertheless, I have somewhat against thee, because thou hast left thy first love. Remember therefore from whence thou art fallen, and repent, and do the first works; or else I will come unto thee quickly, and will remove thy candlestick out of his place, except thou repent.

But this thou hast, that thou hatest the deeds of the Nicolaitans, which I also hate. He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches; To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the tree of life, which is in the midst of the paradise of God.” The words that He spoke to me were this:

Nevertheless, I have somewhat against thee, because thou hast left thy first love. Remember therefore from whence thou art fallen, and repent, and do the first works; or else I will come unto thee quickly, and will remove thy candlestick out of his place, except thou repent.

I Will Call My Bride

May 7, 1995 (Sunday Evening)

Message in Tongues & Interpretation given through Brother Shelley

Yea, for behold, the Lord would say unto thee this night, surely the fool has said in his heart, “There is no God.” And surely the fool stomps around, yea, without fear, without any kind of reverence for the Living God.

But oh, My people are not so, for they are not foolish and they are not carried away by the attitude of this world, neither are they tainted with the doctrines of humanism, for they have trust in the Lord. Their hope is in Me, saith God. They look to Me and call to Me. And yea, I have not deafened My ear, neither have I stopped it, but I have heard your call.

Yea I, the Lord, have heard your call. In the midnight I’ve heard your call, saith the Lord. And I will visit you with a refreshing, saith the Lord. But the fool who has stomped around without fear of the Living God will perish in his foolishness. He will not see the glory of the Lord, but he will lose his life, saith God. But he that is desiring and calling for the realness of God, yea, My children who desire Me more than anything else, they will know Me.

They will see Me. When I stand among them, they will recognize Me in the last days, saith the Lord. Do not worry about the fool, for he will continue to stomp here and there, but My people, their ear is trained to the trumpet of the Lord.

And surely the trumpet of the Lord is sounding to the uttermost parts of the earth and I will call My bride; not only from the dust, but I will call her from the scattered hills and I will bring her together under my chuppah, saith the Lord. She will rest with Me and I will woo her as a bridegroom woos his bride. I will love her as a bridegroom has loved his bride, saith the Lord.

My children, rejoice in your soul and walk softly and do not stomp around as the fool, for I have called My children to walk in reverence and in Godly fear. And I will give them the desire of their heart as they walk softly in My presence before Me, thus saith the Lord of Truth.

You Are Blessed

May 16, 1995 (Tuesday Evening)

Message in Tongues given through Sister Helen Burgess & Interpretation given through Brother Shelley

So let your hearts be established, saith the Lord. So let your spirit confirm that I am the Living God and that I am in the midst of thee. So let your mouths confess that I have not changed, saith the Lord, but I am the God that you have read about. I am the God you have heard about.

And I am the God that lives inside of My people in this hour, saith the Lord. Let your spirit proclaim and your mouth confess that I am alive and moving in My bride, saith the Lord. So let your feet be established in My revealed Word. Yea, the Lord would say unto thee, this is the hour of fulfilment. Do not forget. Do not let it pass from your spirit that which I have said. Oh, for blessed are your eyes, for they will see the complete fulfilment of My Word.

Blessed are your feet, for they will walk in the reality of My promises. Blessed are your hands, for they will touch the work. They will feel My last work. They will do My last work, saith the Lord. Blessed is your heart, for it has received the revelation of Truth. Blessed is your spirit, for you have blessed Me out of your spirit and I have give honor back to you because of your sacrifice of worship. Blessed is your liberty because you refuse to be bound. You refuse to be defeated. You refuse to sit still when I am in the midst.

Blessed are you, saith the Lord, and I will prosper you and I will make a way. Where man has shook his head “no”, I shake My head “yes”. Yes! Yes! Yes, saith the Lord. Yes! I say unto thee, yes. When man says “no”, I still say “yes”. Blessed are you, saith the Lord, when you walk in that which I have done. Blessed are your ears for they hear the Truth. Yea I say unto thee, blessed even is your smelling, for you have smelled My aroma and the perfume of My vesture as I walked among thee, saith the Lord.

Rejoice, little sheep, for the Father, the Shepherd of all the sheep, have blessed you tonight. And when I have blessed thee, saith the Lord, the devil can’t curse what I have blessed. Your enemy can’t curse what I have blessed. Blessed! Blessed. Blessed are you, saith the Lord.

I Will Give You Hidden Manna

June 4, 1995 (Sunday Morning)

Prophetic Experience given to Brother Shelley

At 4 o’clock this morning, the Holy Spirit came into my room and shook me by the shoulder and He spoke to me, “I will give you hidden manna.”

I jumped clean out of my bed. It so shook me, I threw up my hands and I said, “I’m hungry, Lord. I’m so hungry for hidden manna.” I had long been to bed. Been asleep about an hour and I didn’t want to go back through the house. I’d done gone twice, to the computer. And I didn’t want to go back through. I’ve been on the computer this morning, even before I came. But at 4 o’clock, when He said, “I’ll give you hidden manna, I jumped up and I didn’t want to go into the computer room. I didn’t have to. I had two choices.

Under my desk in my bedroom, there was a laptop computer. All I had to do was plug it in. In my briefcase was a little E-book, and I chose the E-book, because it had batteries. I was able to get that out of my briefcase, open it up and type in, ‘hidden manna’, and scroll for an hour about what the prophet of God said about hidden manna.

Flow in My Spirit

June 4, 1995 (Sunday Morning)

Message in Tongues given through Sister Helen Burgess& Interpretation given through Brother Shelley

Surely My Presence is in the midst of My people this morning. Surely I have passed by to encourage thee and lift thee up, saith the Lord. Grieve not the Holy Spirit. Quench not the Spirit of God. Stand not idle in My Presence, but worship Me, saith the Lord.

For in praising and in worshipping, you open the line of communication between Me and thee, said the Lord. And when you worship Me, it is faith pulling. And when faith from your spirit pulls upon Me, saith the Lord, then I will meet your need. Yea I say unto thee, grieve not the Holy Ghost. Grieve not the Spirit of the Most High God.

For I say unto thee, all sins against the Father will be forgiven, and against the Son, but no sin against the Holy Ghost will ever be forgiven. Be careful, My children, that you praise Me and lift Me high, for I am in the midst of thee to meet your needs.

And yea I, the Lord thy God, would say unto thee that I would not come and bring deliverance as I have, and I would not set the seal of My Spirit upon this place if the doctrine were not correct, saith the Lord. Knowest thou not that I have come because My Name is here? Knowest thou not that I’ve come because My full Word is preached here?

Yea I say unto thee, quench not My Spirit, but enjoy the blessings of the Lord, for I have come today to lift thee up and to encourage thee. Move and flow in My Spirit and I will speak to thee through My Word, saith the Lord.

Mount Zion In Birth Pains (Trance Vision #1)

June 4, 1995 (Sunday Evening)

Vision given to Brother Shelley

Years ago, as a young boy, the Lord let me see a vision of heaven, but it couldn’t compare to the great things He showed me during our service on June 4th, 1995.

As we were taking Communion during our Sunday night service, I went into a vision from the Lord. Never before have I seen or experienced anything in such a measure, nor felt such a Presence of God over me.

As I went into vision, I heard a Voice saying, “You are standing on Mount Zion.”

I looked ahead and saw that great Pyramid, which is symbolic of the City of God. It was the strangest feeling to know I was standing on Mount Zion. Instead of it being square as we had always thought, it was shaped like a pyramid.

Mount Zion! As I stood, a very peculiar thing happened. The top corner of that Pyramid had been cut out. As I stood and looked, I saw how that piece of the Pyramid came edging down the side and slip into that corner. When it did, a hand with a black glove came and shoved that Rock out of the Pyramid. It was so simple.

It was the Stone that the builders rejected. That black gloved hand was symbolic of what people have done. Even in our day, they have rejected the Cornerstone. But remember, the Bible says, “Now it has become the Chief Cornerstone.” It has become the Capstone.

I saw a real Rock, shaped like a Pyramid. When that black gloved hand just shoved that glorious Stone away, it did not discourage the Stone.

I couldn’t stop weeping. I was standing, looking up, and I saw how that Capstone began to ease up and come down. It drew back as though offended, but it slipped around and shifted. I thought it would sit on the Pyramid, but instead it came towards me.

“Why is it not going to sit on the Pyramid? That’s what we’re looking for.”

That great Pyramid Rock came flying through the air. Instead of sliding into the flat corner, it came right over and struck me in the head. Then I heard the Voice of the Lord say, “It is not as you thought. It is not as people thought. It is supernatural.”

I knew exactly what that meant. That Capstone represents Jesus Christ. It represents perfect love. That is “Rapturing Faith.” It is The Capstone, Christ the Headstone, coming into us, and we into Him. It is His Perfection coming here. It represents the Seal of the Holy Ghost, the Perfection of the Bride of Christ. The Capstone doesn’t come down physically or naturally, He comes down spiritually to perfect the Church.

Here is a real Pyramid sitting on Mount Zion as a symbol of the Revelation. I saw that Pyramid squeezing, in spasms, contracting like a heart muscle. It would squeeze and open out, squeeze and open out like having a heartbeat.

I thought, “That’s alive. It’s got life to it. It’s breathing.”

That Voice told me, “It is having birth pains.”

I asked, “Do you mean the Pyramid is having birth pains?”

You see, I asked that because I thought the Pyramid was out there instead of in here. I couldn’t imagine that Rock having birth pains. So I asked, “What will it birth when these birth pains have subsided? What will this Pyramid birth?”

That Voice said, “It will birth the virtues of Jesus Christ.”

“What does it mean? What is it giving birth to?”

“It will birth the seven virtues of Christ in you.”

That Pyramid was squeezing, squeezing, contracting, having birth contractions. It is a spiritual birth. We are being born from one virtue to the next. Every time I see that Pyramid squeezing in and out in birth pains, it is pushing me closer and closer to the next virtue. When the contractions have subsided, I will have stepped into the next virtue. It is a moving up in the Holy Ghost, from birth to birth, from one virtue to the next. It is not stopping with tongues, with prophecy, but it is a moving up.

Do we turn loose of all these good things God has given us? Absolutely not. Once we catch a real revelation, we’ll go back to God like we did the night we got saved. We’ll wait on the Lord, wait on the Holy Ghost to squeeze us until we have been birthed out of one position into a higher one. We cannot will ourselves there, we’ve got to be birthed.

I asked, “What will happen? Where will that take place?”

There was no answer. It was then that I saw the Stone come down, being rejected.

God so designed the Pyramid for the purpose to show us the shape of Mount Zion, and also give us the example of the Stature of the Perfect Man. It is dynamic. What was that revelation? It was the Revelation of the Future Home of the Earthly Bride and the Heavenly Bridegroom.

I looked down and I saw believers at the base of Mount Zion, beginning to join hands. They were robed in white, joining hands around the bottom of that Pyramid.

I asked, “What are they doing?” I got close enough to them to see their faces, and I recognized three of them. One of them I had met just before she died. She did not look like I remembered her when I met her. She was a young lady again. I looked at her and she smiled.

Again, I asked, “What are they doing, gathering around the base of that Pyramid?”

That Voice spoke, “They are waiting and longing.”

“What are they waiting and longing for?”

“They are waiting on that Capstone to strike the Bride.”

I asked, “What do you mean, they are waiting on that?” I had already seen the Capstone strike me in the forehead.

There is a gulf that keeps us from our loved one. The Bride of every Age is just over there. They’re with us, even now, in a theophany body. They are just in a different dimension.

The answer came back to me, “That is the final gulf between that Bride and the final Bride. The gulf separates them from you, the final Bride. When that Capstone, the perfection of Jesus Christ, the Great Seal of the Holy Ghost, strikes the Last-day-Church in the Endtime, it will vanish the gulf that separates us from them. It is no longer there.

There is coming a capping, such perfection no other Bride throughout the Ages has seen. When we receive our perfection in Christ, that gulf separating these two dimensions disappears, and we will step towards them. They will step towards us, and the resurrection is at hand.

That Voice reminded me, “Remember, it is not in the natural, but it strikes you by the supernatural. As that Pyramid Rock struck you on the forehead, so must it strike every child of God.

I asked, “How is it?”

He said, “It is.”

Once we have been birthed into that last virtue and perfect love strikes us by the coming of the Headstone, Jesus Christ, that gulf vanishes and we’ll step in, they step in, and we’ll meet in the middle. The Bride of Christ then steps out into another dimension where He is. Then the earth begins to face the wrath of Almighty God.

I had never been able to imagine what it could be like. It is so simple. It could happen to you while sitting in this service, without a prayer line, without feelings, without some big display of flashing lights or the appearing of the Pillar of Fire. You could be standing, waiting on that last virtue, the last perfection which is divine love, and Jesus Himself is come down to take total possession of you with perfection.

If you have been birthed all the way up to that point, the man of God can speak one word tonight, and by believing that one word, you could be bumped and squeezed into that last virtue, receive the Capstone and find a translation.

I asked Him, “What if it strikes someone’s heart and God moves them into position to receive the Capstone, yet someone next to them has been slumbering and has not received?

He gave me this answer. “When they see the results of the Capstone striking the believer who is tuned into the Spirit, it will be to them as a wave sheaf offering. They will recognize Christ Jesus in His Perfection in His Body. All it will take is to see it in somebody else. They’ll say, ‘Look what God did for you. I want that! I believe that! I receive that!’” You’ll receive by that attitude of faith based on what you see God has done in someone else’s life.

The Headstone cannot come unless you have the seven virtues of Christ. If you ever want to find that place in God where you will be capped off and sealed by the Holy Ghost, you must be born into those virtues. You cannot will your way, you cannot wish your way, you must be born into those virtues, divine love. You cannot get into those virtues by reasoning, by intellectualism, by studying that prophet. There is only one-way in.

It’s a birth. It’s a birth, a birth. We were taught that the church has got to be honed in, shaped in, pressed in. That church is that Pyramid, wide at the bottom, narrow at the top. A multitude at the base, a minority at the top.

Brother, sister, if you ever want to be capped off and find that place in God where you are sealed by the Holy Ghost, where that Headstone, divine love, Jesus Christ in His Perfection can come and cap off your life, is for you to come to the virtues of Christ.

He cannot come only because you shout. He cannot come only because you speak in tongues or prophesy, but the Church of Jesus Christ cannot be raptured and go into the Kingdom that shall never be destroyed, with imperfection, with spots or with blemish.

The only way the Bride of Christ will go in is to go in perfected. To reach that Perfection is to be birthed. Brother, sister, it’s a birth. It’s a birth. It’s a birth.

Look Up to Me

June 18, 1995 (Sunday Morning)

Message in Tongues given through Sister Flo Hendrix & Interpretation given through Sister Helen Burgess

For I say unto thee, for you to look up to Me, because I am in the midst to bless. If you will only humble yourself before Me, then I will do things, the types of things that I have promised you that I would do from time to time. But I say to obey Me.

Obey Me and look up to Me, not look to man. And I say unto thee to humble thyself before Me and I will exalt thee and I will do the things I have promised thee from time to time. And I say unto thee to work for Me. And I say unto thee to study My Word. And I say unto thee to stand true to Me and stay humble before Me and I will do My work before your eyes. I say unto thee to look up, to lift Me up high above this world and I will bless thee.

I Am Grieved

June 18, 1995 (Sunday Morning)

Message in Tongues given through Sister Tremain & Interpretation given through Sister Flo Hendrix

Oh, My children, oh, My children, I’m so disappointed and grieved. You say you love one another yet you know what’s in your heart. You don’t hide from Me. I know your heart even better than you. I’m just so grieved.

Step into My Inspiration

July 2, 1995 (Sunday Evening)

Message in Tongues given through Sister Helen Burgess & Interpretation given through Brother Shelley

My people, you say with your mouth, confess with your tongue, that you believe that I am able to do exceedingly abundantly above. But yet, I am in the midst of thee this night to help thee, to deliver thee, and yea I say unto thee, if you really believed that which you speak, your heart would reach toward Me this evening, saith the Lord, and I would come and perform My Word for you. I am not a God who entertains. I am not a God who comes to put on some program, but yea, I am even in the midst of thee this night to confirm My Word to thee.

And yea, if you could see that which I desire to do among you, you would throw off the bands that hold you. You would cast aside the chains that are hanging upon you this night, saith the Lord, for I say unto thee, before your eyes I have spread a revelation that is pure, that is true, that is powerful. Yea, I have spread before you an inspiration that is come straight from the throne room of the Most High God, and yet many are afraid to step in to the inspiration that I have sent, saith the Lord.

Yea, the Lord would say unto thee this hour, step in. Step in while there is an opportunity. Step in, saith the Lord, for in doing so you must climb higher and higher as you step toward the inspiration of My Spirit; and as you’re doing that, I will bring My Word to pass in your life personally, as an individual, saith the Lord.

And that which you have need of, I will minister it to you even this evening, for I will come to you to baptize you with the Holy Ghost and with Fire, and I will come to you even in this hour and heal the sick among you, and I will once again show Myself to be the one true Living God.

But I call you, not only to speak and confess with your mouth that you believe I am, but I call on you tonight to demonstrate that which you have spoken by your mouth. Let it be demonstrated by reaching your faith toward Me, saith the Lord, and I will honor you this evening with a deliverance from on high, saith the Lord.

Lean on Me

July 9, 1995 (Sunday Evening)

Message in Tongues given through Sister Flo Hendrix & Interpretation given through Brother Shelley

I will be your shoulder, saith the Lord, lean on Me. When you are weary, saith God, and your knees buckle beneath the burden and the load that is placed upon your back, yea I, the Living God, would be your shoulder, saith the Lord.

Oh, My children, I’ve already told you in My Word that that’s what I desire to be for you, but I have passed by this way this morning to remind you that I will be a shoulder to you. I will be a leaning post, saith the Lord. There are some among thee this morning that are weary. There are some even to the place that they would give up and say, “I don’t see how I can make it through.”

But I, the Lord thy God, would say unto thee in this hour, you cannot. You cannot make it, saith the Lord, you cannot. You’ll surely fail. But if you will lean on Me this day, I will see you through. And yea, I have searched your heart and I have even seen that one among you who is contemplating giving up, that one who has said, “I just can’t live this life.”

But My son, I would say unto thee in this hour, I would come to you and live this life through you if you would surrender unto Me, saith the Lord. To all of My children I say, lean on Me and I will be your strength, thus saith the Lord.

Manifest Healing

July 12, 1995 (Wednesday Evening)

Message in Tongues given through Sister Helen Burgess & Interpretation given through Brother Shelley

Yea, the Lord would say unto thee this night, healing already belongs to My children. Deliverance already belongs to My children. I have sent My Word to heal and to deliver and to set you free. But yea I, the Lord thy God, would say unto thee this night, My presence is among you to bring My Word to pass in your life.

Yea I say unto thee, you have been healed for thousands of years, but tonight My presence is here to manifest that healing in your body. Yes, you’ve been delivered, but I am in the midst of thee to manifest your deliverance. Reach up and accept it this night, for I, the Lord thy God, will break fetters before your eyes, saith the Lord God.

I Speak to Your Heart

July 15, 1995 (Saturday Evening)

Message in Tongues & Interpretation given through Sister Annie Jones

Hear, My children. You have heard My Word. This is the Truth. I’ve spoken to you. Take heed, My children, and yield to Me, because I’ve called you. I’ve called you in this place to bring deliverance to you. There’s some of you here hold back, but I want to baptize you. I want to give what your heart needs.

I am your Lord. I am the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. I am the same yesterday, today, and forever. I’ve spoken this night. I’ve called you here. This is the place of deliverance. Don’t you realize the days of Ananias and Sapphira are at hand. Time is at hand, My children. I will show you things to come. I speak to your heart. I am the Lord.

Death in Someone’s Family

July 23, 1995 (Sunday Evening)

Vision given to Brother Shelley

And while I was sitting here, the Holy Ghost gave a message of warning. In the spirit I saw a gray casket with pink flowers on the top of it, and I saw a little procession of cars. And I saw them take a gray casket with a pink flower on top, a white ribbon and a pink flower, pink flower spray on top. I saw them start toward the cemetery with a gray casket.

Somebody said, “Well, tomorrow in America there’ll be hundreds of gray caskets go to the cemetery with pink flowers, across the nation.” That may very well be true, but somebody in this building tonight, death is gonna touch your family. It’s gonna come close to somebody here. And when it happens, it’s not happening for the wrath of God, it’s already gonna happen. It’s planned. It’s about to happen.

But let it be a confirmation to you when it does. So now, be careful what you say. I’m not telling you that wrath is fixing to strike somebody. I didn’t feel it that way at all. I just saw a gray casket with a pink flower on top. Now, may… The color may not even be significant. But I just saw it that way. If God don’t show me what it means, then I better tell you what I saw. But don’t be one of those interpreters and try to make it, cause I don’t know what it is.

But I felt to say death is gonna touch somebody here, somebody under the sound of my voice, death’s gonna touch your family. And when it comes, just let it be… It’ll be soon. Let it be a confirmation to you that God’s in charge.

The Sound of Prophets Weeping

August 6, 1995 (Sunday Evening)

Prophecy given through Brother Shelley

I heard a sound, saith the Lord, a sound that I did not recognize, saith God, even the Living God. Yea I say unto thee, I did not recognize it, said the Lord, because it had been so long. In My heart I was stirred, saith the Lord, and I remembered the sound and I remembered the weeping prophet Jeremiah, and I remembered the sound of his travail, saith the Lord, as he wept before Me in lamentation and mourning for the sins of Israel.

Yea, again in My ear this day have I heard the sound of weeping prophets, saith the Lord. Yea I, the Lord thy God, would say unto thee, it is a great and a glorious day, for when the prophets weep in the presence of the Lord, I will speak, saith God. When My people bewail and moan and groan in My Spirit, and weep before Me and call unto Me, I will answer, saith the Lord, and I will share My secret love with Her.

Yea I, the Lord thy God, I have heard and I have remembered well this day the sound of the weeping prophet, saith the Lord, and I have heard My children weeping and wailing in My Presence and I will honor them for they have obeyed My Word. And I will speak to them and I will give them the desire in their heart. Weep, saith the Lord, and cry aloud and spare not, for the day of deliverance for My people is at hand, saith the Lord.

Destruction in Savannah Georgia

August 13, 1995 (Sunday Morning)

Vision given to Brother Shelley

I’ll tell you what I saw in the Spirit. I wasn’t going to tell this. But I’ll tell you what I saw in the Spirit, and I know it was the Lord and I know right where it was. I saw over here, in the Spirit, around Savannah, and up the Coast there, I saw it blown away like Charleston. And I don’t know when it’ll happen.

I don’t know when it’s going to come, but I saw a storm, must have been a terrible storm, because I saw it blown away just like Rainbow Row in Charleston, South Carolina. I went over there after Hugo hit, and I’ll tell you, them beautiful homes they had on the Coast out there, it just destroyed them.

Does anybody know what Rainbow Row is? Anybody seen it, those beautiful colored houses out there? Just swept through there and took them away. The reason I know it was Savannah, cause I used to live in Brunswick, and I’m familiar with Savannah. And I’ll tell you, there is no place in the world that has that Georgia moss like they do over there on the Coast, the Georgia moss hanging down out of the trees. It’s different.

You can go to South Carolina on the Coast and see that moss, but it’s not like the moss over there. I saw Annabellum Homes. So I know that’s what it was. You see, I’m so glad I’m in the Bride of Jesus Christ. It’s like being in the eye of the hurricane. Hallelujah. The storm blowing all around you.

You know, this last hurricane hit Mississippi over here. A brother was telling us at the tent meeting, that a big old huge tree fell on his mother’s house, came across her bed. If she had been in the bed, it would have killed her. And the eye came right over there. And when the eye moved on, then the terrible storm came over. And it’s such a fearful thing, fearful thing.

The elements… God’s angry. God’s angry. Somebody just say, “God’s angry.” He is. But oh, I’m glad I found favor with Him. He may get disappointed with me, but I’m glad, He’s not angry with me. I found favor with Him, hallelujah. Prayer is still a great key.

Trust Me

August 13, 1995 (Sunday Evening)

Message in Tongues & Interpretation given through Sister Ann Tremain

I am your Abba Father. I am your Abba Father. I am your Abba Father. I see your tears. I see you. I see you. I see you. I know when you’re crying. I know when you’re crying. I know when you’re weeping before Me. I know this. I know this. What will it take? What will it take? What will it take to prove Myself to you? What will it take?

You read My Word every day. You read It and then you call out to Me. And you still don’t trust Me. You don’t trust Me. But I [Unclear audio] when I speak to you through that precious Word. Weak. When you’re weak. When you’re weak, I am strong. You can come to Me. I am stronger than those… [Unclear audio]

I have more strength than you know, because you don’t believe Me. Just come to Me. Trust Me. Come to Me. Trust Me with all your heart. Trust Me with all of it. Give your all to Me and I will see you through. Give all to Me.

Be Filled with My Spirit

August 15, 1995 (Tuesday Evening)

Prophecy given through Brother Doug Nordstrom

Yea, think it not strange, for I shall set thee on a mountain top, yea, thou shalt see My Glory. Yea, but thou hast to look down into the valley, for the valley is full of my blessings, saith the Lord.

And as thou will eat, thou shall be filled to the brim, saith the Lord, for My Spirit shall not always dwell upon men. Yea I say, be filled this night with My Spirit and eat My Word, for it is the way, it is the way that thou shalt have to go, saith God.

I Have Called My Bride to the Potter’s Wheel

August 15, 1995 (Tuesday Evening)

Message in Tongues & Interpretation given through Brother Shelley

Do not question in your heart, saith the Lord, about My clay. Knowest thou not that I am the Potter? And the Potter hath power over the clay to fashion it even as I would desire. Yea, I the Lord thy God, would say unto thee, question not. Doubt not in your heart, neither worry or fret concerning My clay, for I say unto thee that I have gathered My clay from many places, saith the Lord.

I have gone down to the riverbed and I have taken the soft clay, and I’ve gone to the desert, saith God and I’ve taken the hard, parched clay. And yea, I’ve gone to the mountaintops and I have take that sandy clay. But I, the Lord thy God would say unto thee, I have power over the clay to fashion it in My will, saith the Lord. And it doesn’t matter where I have gathered it from, for each clay has a purpose, saith the Lord. And I will get glory out of that which is Mine.

Fret not in your heart because of another piece of clay, for I say unto thee, search your own heart, and wait upon Me for My will in your life. And do not fret over others, for I am the good Potter and I have called My Bride to the Potter’s wheel, saith the Lord, and by My Word and by My Holy Spirit I am fashioning her in this hour.

And when I am through, said God, she will not be one from the mountain, one from the desert, one from the riverbank, but when I am through with her, she will be a vessel of honor, glorified by My Presence and perfected in My Word.

Yea, the Lord would say unto thee, put yourself in the strong and capable hands of the Potter and I will make you. And do not worry about that one which is near you, said the Lord, for I also will call each one that is Mine and fashion them in My Image. Knowest thou not that I have not made all men alike?

No, saith the Lord, but each one is different, having a different nature, a different personality, said God. But, oh, when I am through, saith the Lord, She will all look the same. And when you see Her, you will see My Word, for even this night I’m sending My Anointing to you, saith the Lord, to prepare you for the capable hands of the Potter. Rest easy. Rest well, saith the Lord, for I will perfect you by My Word in due season, thus saith the Lord.

Producing Rapturing Faith

August 19, 1995 (Tuesday Evening)

Message in Tongues given through Sister Burgess & Interpretation given through Brother Shelley

Yea, for the Lord would say unto thee this night, many hear, saith the Lord, with their ears, but few receive. I am the living God and I would say unto thee in this hour that I have passed by this way to commune with thee this night. And yea I say unto thee, I have called thee behind the veil and I have whispered love secrets in your ears, said the Living God.

Yea, I have exposed Myself, My thoughts, yea, unto thee, even as a lover would whisper secrets in the ear, saith the Lord, of the one that he would love. I have called thee unto My bosom. Rest upon My bosom, saith the Lord, and I will draw thee with My arms unto Myself and whisper even greater things than this, saith the Lord.

Many will hear and few will receive. But I say unto thee this night, to those who can believe and receive that which has been spoken unto thee, I will prosper thee, saith the Lord, by allowing My Word to manifest in your life, saith God. That which you have heard will come to pass in you, saith the Lord, as an individual vessel.

Oh, My children, I am not dealing with thee this night as a nation, but as an individual. Oh, it’s not important, saith the Lord, for you to be able to turn to your neighbor and explain the things that I have said, but it is important this night to believe and receive and confess that I have spoken, saith the Lord, for surely I will pull thee aside and whisper unto thee again.

For I say unto thee, this is only the beginning of that which will manifest rapturing faith in thee, saith the Lord. This is the beginning of that which will cause rapturing faith to rise within your heart. Has it not been spoken unto thee that rapturing faith lay in the message of the hour?

And now I say unto thee, by My anointing I will pull from the message and feed thee the Word that will produce faith for the rapture in your heart, saith the Lord. Hear Me and confess that I have spoken unto thee, for I say unto thee, your heart will burn within you as you receive My Word, saith the Lord.

Come My Provided Way

August 20, 1995 (Sunday Morning)

Message in Tongues given through Sister Burgess & Interpretation given through Brother Shelley

Yea from behold, the Lord thy God would say unto thee in this hour, open the eyes of your spirit, for before you this day stands, yea, a great canyon, a chasm, a great divide, saith the Lord, yea, even behold, a breach. Yea I, the Lord thy God, would say unto thee, there is a way to cross over the breach. And I have provided even that way for thee in this service this morning, saith the Lord.

I searched thee, My children, and I know that many have set aside their lives to serve Me and to do that which I have commanded in My Word, but many have been slack and failed. But I, the Lord thy God, would say unto thee, those who refuse will slip into the chasm, yea, into the canyon. Oh, My children, and be absorbed in the breach. But I have come this day and I will provide a bridge across the canyon.

Yea, I will provide a way to cross over, saith the Lord, and that way is the way of a covenant and a way of obedience to Me. Yea I, the Lord thy God, would say unto thee, rip your heart and rend your garment before Me. For the Lord doth call unto thee, total obedience to My Word.

For I will hold thee accountable, even before, yea, this day is passed and the midnight hour has struck this day, I will hold thee accountable, saith the Lord, for that which I have commanded thee and instructed thee this hour. Yea, I say unto thee, hear My Word and come My way, My provided way, and live; or turn and do your own will and that which you have desired, and die, saith the Lord.

Oh My children, there is a death that is greater than the coffin. It is greater than the grave. There is a death that brings eternal separation from the Living God. Yea I say unto thee, even church members, and those who name the Name of the Lord are headed into the chasm. But I call unto thee in this hour, find the way provided. Find the way provided. And the way that I have provided is a way of a Covenant and a way of obedience to Me.

Pledge. Pledge, saith the Lord, in your heart that you will this day. For time after time you have heard and time after time you have said, “I will do better. I’ll change. I’ll try.” But God doth call thee to accountability, and I say unto thee again, before the clock has struck the midnight, somebody will give an account. They’ll give an account, saith the Lord, for that which I have declared.

Hear Me and live. Hear Me and live, saith the Lord. The hour is short. The time is at hand. The day of abiding is over with and the day of running is here. Run, saith the Lord, with the swiftness of eagles. Run to the bosom of the Word of the hour. Hide yourself underneath the wings of Jehovah Eagle and find rest in this Revelation, saith the Lord.

Calling You into Rest

August 27, 1995 (Sunday Evening)

Message in Tongues given through Brother Chad Jernigan & Interpretation given through Brother Jimmy Beach

Hear the Word of the Lord, My children. Yea I say unto thee, I have come down, saith the Lord, and yea, as I have spoken here this morning, let the revelation fall into your heart, saith God. Yea I say unto thee, this is that time to rest in My Presence, saith the Lord.

Let the revelation fall in your heart, saith God. Relax in My Presence, saith the Lord. I am calling thee into rest, saith God. Yea I say unto thee, I will give thee strength for the journey. Do not be discouraged, saith the Lord. I am with thee. Yea I say unto thee, I have brought thee out, but I am bringing thee in and I will take thee through, saith the Spirit of the Living God.

Yea I say unto thee, children, look unto Me, My children. Look unto Me, saith the Lord. Let the revelation fall in your heart, saith the Spirit of the Living God.

Different Scenes; Mt. Zion, Bro. Branham Before His Death… (Trance Vision #2)

August 27, 1995 (Sunday Evening)

Vision given to Brother Shelley

The way this vision ended up was so fearful. I had a fear that I have never experienced in my life. It was a fear for those who could not receive. If God were to speak “Thus Saith the Lord,” to reject that is to reject His Word. To reject His Word is to be lost.

I’ve been in the Spirit tonight to places I’ve never been before. I’ve seen several places I never dreamed of going to. Not only did God take me into the future, but in vision He also took me back thirty years. It overwhelms me to think that you and I are living in that hour God’s prophet longed to see, but you and I are blessed and chosen of God to see it.

It was August 27th, 1995. Our evening service was about to begin. I had gone into the office, had taken care of some business. When I came back, a sister handed me a note. It was kind. It touched me and I felt broken up inside. The brothers were already praying. There really wasn’t enough room for me to kneel and pray. I thought, “I’ll just squeeze in there and pray.” When I did, praying, I was listening to a young brother’s prayer. Again I was touched by the way he was calling on the Lord. I appreciated it.

I can’t even begin to describe what happened. Normally, I only feel that kind of Presence at home when I’m praying. I can’t pray in front of people like I can at home. This may sound strange, that’s why I’m reluctant to tell it. Several times, while praying at home, I would pray and intercede until I’d begin to go into another realm. Not physically, but I could feel it, like one door was shutting, another door was opening up. At my will, I would step from one room into another, finish my prayer and come back through that room, the door closing behind me.

This time it was different. I felt myself going through that room. Consciously, I knew I was kneeling there. It was getting late and time for the service to start. I knew I needed to get ready, but there was a problem. I had to pass back through another realm, another dimension, but the door wouldn’t open. I couldn’t get back to my body. I could see myself praying, could see the brother beside me, I could see everyone. I knew it was time for the service to start, but I could not pass through that door.

I ended up on my back, and in that second realm where I was, God totally gave me a refilling of the Holy Ghost. I had received the baptism of the Holy Ghost twenty years earlier, but this was as though I was experiencing it for the first time. I cannot describe it. God had literally poured His Spirit inside of me. One of the last things I remember about it was, I began to thank Him in English.

I got to my feet. I was staggering, trying to decide what to do, but I couldn’t find my way out of that room. You might think that would be a wonderful experience, but for me, the best way to describe it would be, “Very, very frustrating.” Not evil, not bad, not of the devil, but locked in. I thought, “Of all times to be locked in.”

Somewhere in that stagger, the vision began to open up. I knew there was no hope to get back because God had something to show me. I quit struggling, and God began to spin me around. I didn’t even know what was happening. But in my spirit, I said, “Ok, Lord, there is no getting back until I’ve seen this vision.”

I began to see little sequences of pictures. Finally I ended up sitting on the floor, speaking in tongues. I knew I had to get a message. First of all, I began to sense that God wanted to speak something to us through a young person. I struggled to tell a young brother. Some of the girls had begun to speak in tongues and groan in the Spirit.

It looked as though one of them would give a message, when all of a sudden, I saw the Pillar of Fire come streaking across the front of the church like a ball, and it landed on this side. I didn’t turn my head to see where it landed, but we knew immediately. The young brother I had been kneeling beside began to give a message in tongues.

God had a purpose. I began to nod my head, because I knew that was what God was showing me. Another brother, also on that side of the room, gave the interpretation. It was just a few seconds after that, I knew I had to make a decision. I was constantly reaching for that door. Every time I would reach against it, I could feel my fingers scrape against the door. There was no way to open it. I couldn’t find a knob, anything to turn, no bar to push.

I am struggling, thinking, “I’m in church. Something has to take place.” I remember at one point I was climbing a ladder. Everybody could see my hands in motion, moving, just like I was climbing a ladder. I knew what it was for. I knew what was at the top of the ladder, why I had to get there. I knew what was at the bottom of the ladder, trying to keep me from getting to the top.

Now, that is spiritual, because there is something before every one of us. There is something ahead of every one of us, and Satan doesn’t want us to reach the top. So he positions his little imps at the bottom to nip at our heels, to try to keep us from reaching the top.

I couldn’t quit speaking in tongues. I wasn’t comfortable, I felt very uncomfortable. You may think this is funny. The next thing I knew, I was on a swing set. What was happening? I was being picked up and toted. I could just feel my body swinging. It was a wonderful feeling, just hanging suspended and swinging.

Now, I have no words to explain these things. If God would permit me to tell you even a part, you would know it was for a purpose. You see, these things were promised in a commission that is hanging out there on the wall.

Something happened. After feeling alone, very, very lonely and frustrated in that room, not being able to get out, uncomfortable in my physical body, not being able to get through that door from that spiritual realm back to our dimension, the sweetest thing happened. Others began to weep as I wept.

I had been speaking in tongues the things God showed me. I was able to get a few things through in English, and I’ll just share a tidbit with you. I saw a ram’s horn. I was trying to call it by its Hebrew name, “Shofar.” He told me, “John, on the Isle of Patmos did not call it a trumpet, King James did.”

I saw the Man in Linen standing with the ram’s horn in His hand. He blew that horn seven times. I was in the Spirit, and as He blew, I also took my hands up and sounded a horn sound to those in the room. Seven times. We read of the “Seven Trumpet” in the Book of Revelation. The Bible dictionary says a trumpet was made of iron or brass. But this Shofar was made of a ram’s horn, a literal, hollow horn.

You ask, “Why does that matter?” To me it’s a glorious difference. The instrument that held the anointing oil was the same instrument that called the Bride together. In the Old Testament, it was a ram’s horn. In the hour we are living in, it is man.

The Angel of the Lord said, “It is simple, but it is very important because it is a type. The same thing that was used to hold the anointing oil is the same thing that was used to call the people to war.”

Then the Holy Ghost spoke through me and said, “This horn is a Voice.”

We know that. What is the difference? A trumpet is made by the hands of man, but a ram’s horn didn’t even have a mouthpiece on it. It was used as it came off the ram, just cut off. The horn is hollow. It was just used. The same vessel that holds the anointing is the same vessel God uses to call the people to the final war.

The Shofar is the only temple instrument still being used today in the synagogue. It was chiefly used as a signal instrument in religious and secular ceremonies. One single instance stands out in conjunction with the blowing of the Shofar. (Joshua 6:20)

Can you see? In the Old Testament it was a ram’s horn that held the anointing, and it also called the people to war. In these last days, men hold the anointing. God uses anointed men to call the people to war. The same vessel that holds the anointing, was blown to bring the people to war.

God spoke through my lips and said, “It is a Voice.” The Bride is hearing that voice that God is using to call the Bride to their final war.

Seven times it sounded, and the Word of the Lord spoke through me, “Seven times brings the fulness. It brings the Bride’s Revival. At the sounding of the seventh time, it is the Seventh Seal.” Do you know what the Seventh Seal is? It is the coming of the Lord. I saw the Man in Linen Himself, standing, blowing this ram’s horn.

After feeling so lonely, after seeing the ram’s horn, I saw the prophet standing. The brothers in the room asked me, “Was he Brother Branham?” called him the prophet with the hat, because in the vision he appeared with a hat on.

I was in another realm, but I showed them how he tipped his hat to me. And I wept. I was weeping when he said these words, “Good evening, friends.” I wept because I was no longer alone in the room. He was there. It took away all that frustration of trying to get back to the service, when I knew the prophet was there.

Then He took me in the Spirit and showed me the day the prophet stood on Sunset Mountain and saw the vision of the constellation of seven angels. He said, “The one to my right meant more to me than the others.” We know why. It was because that was the Seventh Angel. We have been privileged to see Him work among us. Brother Branham as privileged to be chosen to be His mouthpiece.

What I am about to say is with fear and reverence. My fear is not for myself, it is for you. I am going to tell you two things God showed Brother Branham that he never spoke of on tape. God took me to the spot where it happened. I stood there and watched it happen.

I saw Brother Branham receive this from the Lord. It is more than my feeble words can express the Glory and Power of standing on the mountain when the Seven Seals were loosed. God let me stand and see what was happening.

After this constellation had appeared, God spoke to His prophet at Sunset Mountain that he would not live to see the Bride at resurrection time, that he would not see the Bride’s Revival. I heard the words God spoke to him. I saw ow that he fell on his knees, raise his hand towards God like this, and beg God, “Let me live to see it.” I wept because he was weeping. “Let me live to see it.”

I have no idea why Brother Branham never told it. I know it happened exactly like God showed me. I know it did, I was there and I heard God speak to him out loud, “No, My son. Moses did not lead the people in, Joshua did.” It wasn’t for Moses, it was for a Joshua generation. Our Joshua is the Holy Ghost, the Anointing.

The next place God took me to was the prophet’s bedroom the night before he left Tucson for Jeffersonville. He even showed me the clock. It was 2:30 AM. I was standing beside the prophet’s bed when the Angel of the Lord came walking and stood at the foot of the bed. He spoke to him and told him that the time had come for the beginning of his crossing.

I heard Brother Branham reply, “I am not afraid.” I looked at the clock again. It was 2:41 AM. Eleven minutes later he knelt down, with his hand lifted up against just like I saw him on the mountain, he prayed the same prayer the first messenger who foreran the first coming of Christ prayed, “I must decrease, that He might increase.” Then the Voice spoke out and said, “The All in All is coming in.”

When I spoke that out and shook myself, God spoke through me and said, “This is that hour. He must decrease so that the All in All can come in.” Now can I ask you this question, who do you love the most? I love Jesus.

I have always wondered, and it has worried me, did Brother Branham know when he left that morning that he would never return? I thought how tragic if God had showed him all those other things, but didn’t even show him the day He was going to call him home. Now I know he had heard from the Angel of the Lord, “Today, your crossing will begin.”

He showed me the Pyramid again, but this time it was closer. I was so close to the pyramid at Mount Zion, I could have leaned over and laid my cheek on it.

God asked me the question, “Do you know what this means? Do you?”

When I saw it a few weeks ago, I was standing at a distance looking up the hill, but this time I was standing at the base of the Pyramid. It was so much closer, I could lay my cheek on it.

What does this mean? It means it is closer to us now than it was when God first showed it to me. We are closer. It has changed our lives. Do you see the time of backsliding, the time of shortness and slackness is over? We are standing now at the base, at the brink of that which he has preached to us thirty years ago. We are now standing in it.

God was sending revelation to confirm what we have already preached, and the prophet has preached before us. Our Joshua is the Holy Ghost. He will lead us over. Where does that Holy Ghost come from to us? From the anointing. How is that anointing typed? To the ram’s horn, as the king was anointed. It all ties together.

Wait Upon Me

August 29, 1995 (Sunday Evening)

Message in Tongues & Interpretation given through Sister Flo Hendrix

Hear Me, My children. Why do you have such long faces and grieved hearts? Have I not promised you? I promised you your families and I’m moving. I’m working it out. But you looked so grieved and so down and out.

Trust Me. I know how to bring them in. I know how to answer prayer. I’m God. Don’t be distressed. Don’t be grieved and hurt. Just be patient and wait upon Me and you will see My glory. You would see Me work it all out. Let Me encourage you. Read My Word and It will be encouragement to you.

Believe that I am Almighty God and I can move all things. I can move all obstacles. I know what I’m doing so wait upon Me. Pray and be patient and be happy. Don’t be grieved, cause I’m moving for each and every one of you. I’m moving. I know it looks so hard and it looks so bad, but I know. I’m God. Just be patient. I love you. And wait upon Me. Watch and wait and pray.

Rest Upon My Bosom

August 29, 1995 (Tuesday Evening)

Tongues & Interpretation given by Brother Shelley

Yea, for the Lord would say unto thee this night, many hear, saith the Lord, with their ears, but few receive. I am the Living God and I would say unto thee in this hour that have passed by this way to commune with thee this night. And yea I say unto thee, I have called thee behind the veil and I have whispered love secrets in your ears, said the Living God. Yea, I have exposed Myself, My thoughts, yea unto thee, even as a lover would whisper secrets in the ear, saith the Lord, of the one that he would love.

I have called thee unto My bosom. Rest upon My bosom, saith the Lord, and I will draw thee with My arms unto Myself and whisper even greater things than this, saith the Lord. Many will hear and few will receive. But I say unto thee this night, to those who can believe and receive that which has been spoken unto thee, I will prosper thee, saith the Lord, by allowing My Word to manifest in your life, saith God.

That which you have heard will come to pass in you, saith the Lord, as an individual vessel. Oh, My children, I am not dealing with thee this night as a nation, but as an individual.

Oh, it’s not important this night to believe and receive and confess that I have spoken, saith the Lord, for surely I will pull thee aside and whisper unto thee again.

For I say unto thee, this is only the beginning of that which will manifest rapturing faith in thee, saith the Lord. This is the beginning of that which will cause rapturing faith to rise within your heart.

Has it not been spoken unto thee that rapturing faith lay in the message of the hour? And now I say unto thee, by My anointing I will pull from the message and feed thee the Word that will produce faith for the rapture in your heart, saith the Lord.

Hear Me and confess that have spoken unto thee, for I say unto thee, your heart will burn within you as you receive My Word, saith the Lord.

Look Up to Me

September 17, 1995 (Sunday Morning)

Message in Tongues & Interpretation given through Sister Helen Burgess

Why wait upon Me? Because I am in the midst and I will work and I will help thee if you’ll only listen to Me. Listen to what My servant has said to thee from time to time. He will lead you in the right way. He will lead you unto the right way to the end.

I say unto thee, look up. Look up to Me and I will help thee in time of need because I am in the midst to bless. And I will help thee. Just look up to Me and fear not and worry not, because I will work out every problem when they come your way. I will work out every… every situation that may come your way.

Look up to Me, My people, and worship Me in truth and in light, and I will help thee. And I will say to thee to listen to My Word and to read My Word and study It, and I will help thee and I will lead you all the way, saith the Lord.

Who Will You Serve?

September 17, 1995 (Sunday Evening)

Message in Tongues given through Sister Loretta Acker & Interpretation given through Brother Micah West

For as I would look down upon you tonight, I can see hungry eagles in this place tonight. What you have heard today is meat for you. Take it into your bodies, eat it, and become the Word. The words that you have heard today are not the words of a man. They’re words straight from My throne room.

[Unclear audio] to speak to thee, and as it’s been put before you tonight and you’ve walked passed the sign out in your sanctuary that I have spoken, not the words of a man, but the words that I have given as a commission for My servant that I have raised up in this hour, you are to abide by it. It is not a [Unclear audio] to you. Make your decision tonight as it has been spoken already, for it is before you tonight. Who will you serve - God or mammon? It’s your decision.

The Lion Will Roar

October 1, 1995 (Sunday Evening)

Prophecy given through Brother Shelley

Religious men have lied. Religious men have lied. Religious men have lied and they have stopped My people from hearing the voice of a young lion. And they have changed and twisted My Word to fit their life and My people are in bondage.

But oh, I, the Lord thy God, would say unto thee, I will rip up religious leaders. I will cast them to the side like the wind would cast away the chaff. I will not suffer My people to lay in chains any longer, for the Lion will roar. Who will fear? Who will give ear? Who will hear His Voice? The final ingathering is upon thee. Rejoice, saith the Lord, for I will gather My seed into My barn and then I will change you, said God.

Sound an Alarm

October 1, 1995 (Sunday Evening)

Prophecy given through Brother Shelley

Blow! Blow! Blow! Blow! Blow a trumpet in Zion, saith the Lord, and sound an alarm, for the day of the Lord is at hand and I will visit My people, saith the Lord. I will visit Her with My power and with My anointing. Go tell the world. Go tell the world that I will bring a quick, short work and prepareMy people, for the hour is at hand. Go sound an alarm and tell the inhabitants of the world that I, the Lord thy God, will walk among them again and bring My Word to pass, saith the Lord.

Every Power Will Fall Before My Voice

October 1, 1995 (Sunday Evening)

Prophecy given through Brother Shelley

The young, saith the Lord, the little spirits, yea, the little foxes have run from the roaring of the young lion. But when I, the Lord thy God, when I begin to roar, when I begin to roar, saith the Lord, not only the little foxes and the little spirits of oppression, but I say unto thee, the masters and the overlords and those in command over the demon world, when I roar through My church, through My Bride, when I speak through My people, every demon will flee.

Every principality will humble. Every power will fall. Every fetter will break. Yea I say unto thee, the young lion has roared and now I will roar and every power will fall before My Voice, saith the Lord.

I Will Roar

October 1, 1995 (Sunday Evening)

Prophecy given through Brother Shelley

Yea I have sent forth a young lion, saith the Lord. I have sent forth a young lion, a young beast, saith God, to roar. And he has roared and he has roared. Yea, a young lion has roared, saith the Lord, and now the King will roar.

Yea I, the Lord thy God, would say unto thee, a young lion has roared and now I, the Lord thy God, the King of all kings, I will roar. I will utter My Voice. My Voice will shake the earth. The last seed of God will hear and I will bring her to her perfection, saith the Lord. My Voice will follow. My Voice will follow. A young lion has roared. My Voice will follow, saith the Lord.

I Call You to Manifestation

October 1, 1995 (Sunday Evening)

Prophecy given through Brother Shelley

Even now, saith the Lord, in the hour that I would seek to speak unto thee, knowest thou not that even in this hour the earth shakes? saith the Lord. Knowest thou not that on the other side of the globe the earth shakes even now as I would speak unto thee? saith the Lord. Knowest thou not that the mountains of the deep, their bellies are full, saith the Lord, of that which is hot and that which burneth like brimstone?

And I, the Lord thy God, would say unto thee, the mountains of the deep will spew brimstone, saith the Lord, from their bellies and testify unto thee that all creation, yea, even the winds across the waters, saith the Lord, even the stormy clouds, even the thunder and the lightning, saith God, testify. Even the tides of the ocean testify.

All creation testifies and groans before Me, saith the Lord, for the manifestation of the sons of the Living God. I call thee this night to come to manifestation. I call thee, saith the Lord, to bring forth My Word. I call thee this night to manifest that which I have given unto thee, for the hour has come when My children must stand and give account by manifesting that which I have delivered unto Her, saith the Lord.

Where Is the Fruit?

October 1, 1995 (Sunday Evening)

Prophecy given through Brother Shelley

My children have cried for a word. They cried for a word. They begged Me to speak, saith the Lord. But when I have spoken they have turned a deaf ear. When I have spoken unto them around the world they have turned a deaf ear and they have said, “I have heard all that I need to hear. My ears are full of the Word of the Lord.”

But yea I, the Lord thy God, would say unto thee, if your ears are full of My Word and your heart is full of My Truth, then where is the fruit? Tell Me, saith the Lord, where is the fruit? If My Word has taken It’s place in your life, where is the fruit?

My children, I have spoke unto thee this night because I love you, because I gathered you under My trumpet. I have not spoken unto thee in vain, saith the Lord, but I have given this to you because I will come and bring My Word to pass in your life. Weep, saith the Lord, for those who have turned a deaf ear. Cry aloud for those who have not heard. But rejoice. Rejoice and give ear. Rejoice and give ear unto Me this night, saith the Lord.

Someone Has Touched Me in Faith

October 1, 1995 (Sunday Evening)

Prophecy given through Brother Shelley

Even as the widow woman with the issue of blood, saith the Lord, even who had tried many physicians, saith the Lord, yet rather grew weak and worse. But she reached out, saith God. She touched Me. She made contact, saith the Lord, and My virtue and My strength flowed through her to heal her body

Yea I, the Lord thy God, would say unto thee, knowest thou not that somebody has touched Me with a hand of faith? Can’t you see, My children, that someone has stood between you and Me and touched Me in faith. And because they have touched Me in faith, I will flow out.

My virtue and My strength will flow into thee, saith the Lord, and I will restore what satan has taken from you, saith God. The hand of the Lord will crush the head of the dragon and I will break My elected free, saith God. Knowest thou not that I have said it unto thee and that which the Lord has said? He will bring to pass.

I Will Do My Work Speedily

October 1, 1995 (Sunday Evening)

Prophecy given through Brother Shelley

They have rejected My supernatural power because it has made them uncomfortable. But I, the Lord thy God, would say unto thee, I will take no more care for the comfort of man and I will do My work speedily, saith the Lord.

For if My power makes people feel uncomfortable, saith the Lord, they are not My own. For My power does not make My children uncomfortable, but it sets them at ease. My people know My Voice. My people know My Spirit and a stranger they will not follow. And in My Spirit they lay down in green pastures. Under My Voice and under My leadership they find rest and strength and health, saith the Lord.

I Will Send A Word of Deliverance

October 1, 1995 (Sunday Evening)

Prophecy given through Brother Shelley

Many would not hear. Many would not listen. Many would not give ear to the young lion, saith the Lord, but they will hear Me. They will hear Me. They will give ear to My Voice, saith the Lord. Many would not hear. Many have turned a deaf ear, but now I will howl. I will roar. I will howl, saith the Lord.

They’ll hear Me and I will break My Bride, saith the Lord, out of prison houses. I will bring her out of prison houses. I will bring them out of prison houses. Yea I say unto thee, and I will use you. I will use you, saith the Lord. I will even use this place. Yea, saith the Lord, I will use these people, yea, to send forth the Word, to send forth the Truth, to send forth the message of deliverance, saith the Lord.

I will break My people out. I will not suffer her to be in bondage any longer. I will break her forth. I will send a Word of deliverance. Chains will crumble, said God. Prison houses will shake, saith the Lord. I will tear down. I will shatter, saith the Lord, for the hour is come. It has come. It has come. The hour is come.

Be Steadfast & Sure

October 1, 1995 (Sunday Evening)

Message in Tongues given through Sister Helen Burgess & Interpretation given through Brother Shelley

Give ear, saith the Lord, for I, the Lord thy God, would desire to speak a Word unto thee; a sure Word, saith the Lord, in a weary land. Give ear, saith God. My children give their ear to this source and to that source, but I desire for thee this night to give ear to Me, saith the Lord, that I might speak unto your heart.

For I, the Lord thy God, would say unto thee, I’ve seen My children fill their ears and their hearts with conversation. I have seen them fill their ears with criticism and judgement, condemnation against one another. And yea I, the Lord thy God, would say unto thee this night, you have filled your ears with all of the cares of this world.

Yea I say unto thee, will ye not lend an ear to the Living God? Will you not hear His Voice? Will ye not recognize it when He blows a trumpet in your ear? saith the Lord. Will ye not listen and discern that the Voice of God goes forth to gather the Bride to the resurrection?

Yea I, the Lord thy God, would say unto thee, in a troubled and weary land where nothing is sure, where everything changes around you, saith God, where another day brings more evil in the land, are you not looking for something steadfast? Are you not hungry for that which is sure, for that which fadeth not away, for that which cannot be changed, saith the Lord.

That is why I called thee unto this place, to speak unto thee a sure word, a word that will not fail, but a word that will stand the test of time. How is it, saith the Lord, that you allow yourselves to be given victim to the powers of the enemy? How is it that you allow the demons of hell to influence you, to put thoughts in your heart and your mind against one another, to cause you to quench the moving of My Spirit?

The Lord would say unto thee this night that I will judge you, saith the Lord, and I will put you aside. I will not allow you to hinder My people, saith the Lord. For I have gathered them by the voice of a trumpet to speak unto them the things which they must hear to go out of this realm into the realm that I have prepared for them, and I will not let man or devil stand in My way, saith God.

But if you will not humble your heart I will pluck you out and cast you forth, saith God, for I will lead My Bride to perfection by My strong hand. I will cover her, saith the Lord, with My wings and I will not suffer her to be hindered by the work of men, neither by the powers of the devil. I have called thee to speak unto thee and you have allowed your hearts to wander, and your minds to wander.

Knowest thou not that I am God and I searched your hearts? I’ve seen your criticism. I have seen the spirit that you carried, saith the Lord, and I have withheld My hand. And I’ve watched you come up and I have watched you fall down. I have watched you serve Me with a full heart one day and serve yourself the next day.

But I, the Lord thy God, would say unto thee, no more will you serve Me today and serve yourself tomorrow. No more, saith the Lord, will you serve God today and mammon the next day, for I call thee before Me, saith the Lord, to stand in My presence and give an account, saith the Living God.

Give ear this night to the Word of the Lord and It will transform you out of the image of carnality into the image of My Spirit, saith the Lord. But if you will not move forward and give ear to My Voice, I will put you aside, for I cannot let you hinder My Bride.

Yea, the Lord would say unto thee, hear Me. Hear Me, saith God. Be steadfast. Be sure, and I will be first in your life. You must serve Me with your whole heart and give your ear to My Voice, for the time has come to be steadfast and sure, thus saith the Lord.

Faithfulness Will Be Rewarded

October 8, 1995 (Sunday Evening)

Prophetic Word given through Brother Shelley

God said because you haven’t run, but because you’ve stuck it out. God said because you’ve been faithful in the tough times when money was tight, when it looked like we’d go under.

This time two years ago I was going to lose my home and everything I had worked for, because I had mortgaged it for the ministry. But God worked a miracle. And some of you have suffered and give ’till it hurt.

And God said because you haven’t run and you’ve been faithful, He said you’re going to eat the fruit of the ministry that He has given to me. Because you’ve been faithful, you’re going to eat the fruit.

And every blessing… [I’ll say it, Lord. It won’t be easy.] God said for me tell you, each one of you that has brought a cup of water to His prophet and any kindness that you have shown to the servant of the Lord, God said for me to tell you that if you’ve even brought a cup of water to a prophet in the name of a prophet, you’ll receive a prophet’s reward.

The same blessing… I know some of you can’t receive it. Some of you can’t receive it by what I’m… But I can’t help it. I have to tell you anyway. God said you’re going to have the same blessing that He’s giving me, the same reward, because you’ve been faithful. Some of you are getting ready to step into that realm where He lets His servants walk.

A Job Change

October 8, 1995 (Sunday Evening)

Prophetic Word given by Brother Shelley

Somebody in this church in the next ninety days is going to change jobs for the better. A brother, for the better, a job is changing, and it’s going to be a good job. God’s got something for a brother. It’s the hours that you desire. You don’t want what is not God’s will and He might open something before you and it seem the door be shut and you say, “Oh, that was a good…”

But God said you don’t want what He doesn’t want you to have, so He will open a door just up ahead. And you’ll know it and you’ll testify to this church that God spoke it.

Property Selling

October 8, 1995 (Sunday Evening)

Prophetic Word given by Brother Shelley

Somebody’s property is selling. In the west. Hallelujah. Thank you, Lord. Praise God. There it was. Hallelujah!

Destruction Over Florida Just Beginning

October 8, 1995 (Sunday Evening)

Prophetic Word given by Brother Shelley

Watch the weather. God’s not through. The Lord just told me He gave you a prophecy a long time ago concerning Florida, and He said to tell you that the destruction that has battered Florida this year is just the beginning of what you’re going to see. And He said to tell you that’s the beginning of the fulfillment.

When God gave you a word… When was that? Who remembers? When? [Unclear audio] That would have been 92? 93? Destruction over Florida. And God said that’s the beginning of it, but that’s not the end. And God said even this season they’re going to experience another battering. That’s the Lord’s words, not mine. So you don’t have to interpret them, just watch them.

Use My Word to Defeat the Enemy

October 8, 1995 (Sunday Evening)

Message in Tongues given through Sister Helen Burgess & Interpretation given through Brother Shelley

The arm of the Lord is strong, said God, and He is faithful to keep that which He has spoken. Yea I, the Lord thy God, would say unto thee in this hour, even now as I, the Lord thy God, would speak unto thee, know in your heart that I am faithful and true and I am just, saith the Lord, and that which I’ve promised, yea I say unto thee, lay claim, lay hold upon it even now, for the Lord is in the midst of thee this night to set you free.

Yea I, the Lord thy God, would say unto thee, even some now even among you bound, but I, the Lord thy God, would break fetters even now if they would call upon Me, saith the Lord. Have I not confirmed My Word unto thee? I have told thee from the eons of time that I would keep My promise, but I have made it real to thee in a personal way, for that which I have spoken in the midst of thee, I have performed.

And I told you, said God, that even the earth beneath your feet would shake and testify of the glory and the power of a Living God. And I say unto thee that it has opened a channel and a sequence of events, saith the Lord, that will take place before your eyes to let you know that the day of your visitation has come.

Yea I, the Lord thy God, would say unto My Bride tonight, the day of your visitation has come, for you will continue to see the earth shake beneath the feet of man and you will continue to see the mountains spew the brimstone from their bellies, said the Lord, and I will continue to bring thee warning after warning before these things take place in the earth to show unto thee again that I am God and I lie not, neither do I change.

I, the Lord thy God, would say unto thee, there is no reason for any man or woman to doubt, for I have proven Myself unto thee time and time again. Take My Word, said the Lord. Take My Word tonight and use It to defeat the enemy that’s attacking you, whether it be sickness against your body or depression or defeat.

Yea, the Lord would say unto thee, take My Word and use It this night against the enemy of your soul, for My Word is powerful and It will deliver thee, saith the Lord.

Give in to Me

October 8, 1995 (Sunday Evening)

Message in Tongues given through Sister Martha Skipworth & Interpretation given through Brother Chad Jernigan

Listen. Listen to Me, saith God. Why do you not give in to Me? Why do you turn you head? Listen to Me. I give you an understanding yet you turn away. Why won’t you give in to Me this instant? I love you, My son. Give in. Give in. Don’t let satan talk you out of your blessing. Give in. Oh, give in.

A Shipping Vessel Sinking

October 8, 1995 (Sunday Evening)

Vision given to Brother Shelley

…but it’s a very large boat and there’s lives upon it. I… I don’t see it to be a cruise ship, but it could be something like that, but I see it more of a working vessel or it could be something to do with the government. But I see that it’s… it’s a vessel with people on it and I see it sinking. And God said you’ll read it in just a… just a short time from now. You’ll read that a vessel has sunk. Let it be a testimony to you, the Lord said, that He’s keeping His Word.

Floods in the West

October 8, 1995 (Sunday Evening)

Vision given to Brother Shelley

I see floods in the west, starting, seems like, in the middle of the country and going west. God said look for it. But this ship you’ll see soon. The flood will be in the next year; within a year from now you’ll see the flood. But the ship is very soon, you’ll see, as a testimony.

A Bombing

October 8, 1995 (Sunday Evening)

Vision given to Brother Shelley

A bombing. I see a bombing. I see an explosion. I see that it’s not as severe as the Oklahoma bombing, but it is a serious matter and it will call into question the motives of people. It will be a serious situation, though it won’t be as severe or devastating as the Oklahoma bombing, but you will know about it. It will be known to you that it is a serious thing.

Let this be a sign from the Lord, and that will be between now and Christmas time. The Lord just spoke that word to me. Between now and the end of the year you’ll know. But again, He remind me to say that boat will be soon. Alright? You catch that?

I Give You a Glimpse of Eternity

October 15, 1995 (Sunday Morning)

Message in Tongues & Interpretation given through Brother Shelley

The weary heart hath cried, “How long? How long, O God, how long will you tarry?” The weary soul has cried unto the Lord, “How long can this world last?” But I am the Lord thy God and I would say unto thee in this hour that I know the beginning from the end and I have seen the end, saith the Lord, and I know, yea, I know that which is to come for thee, saith the Lord.

Yea I say unto thee this day, lay your head on the bosom of Him Who careth for you and I will draw you upon My shoulder and underneath My arm, saith the Lord, for the winds of life blow and the storms rage against your soul and the enemy of your soul seeks to discourage and to pull you away from the center of My will.

But look up, My children, saith the Lord, for I will encourage thee this day and I will strengthen your faith this day, saith the Lord. And when you have left this place, when all is said and done, you will know that your faith has been anointed by the supernatural power of a Living God. And if you will allow yourself to come under My anointing, I will give you a glimpse, this day, of that which is to come, saith the Lord. How is it that you long for home when in the flesh you have never been at home?

But I will give you a glimpse even this day of that which waits, saith the Lord, and that which will face this earth before My Bride will leave. Rejoice again! Rejoice again, for I will give you a glimpse of that which is eternal, saith the Lord God.

Come Together

October 15, 1995 (Sunday Evening)

Message in Tongues given through Sister Helen Burgess & Interpretation given through Brother Shelley

Yea I, the Lord thy God, would say unto thee this night, surely My Spirit is in the midst of thee. Surely I have made thee an appointment, saith the Lord, an appointment that I will not miss.

But I, the Lord thy God, would say unto thee, how quickly My children forget that which I’ve promised them. And yea, as I search this place tonight, I see the scattering of your heart and the scattering of your mind. Your thoughts, saith the Lord, are scattered from here to yon.

But I, the Lord thy God, would say unto thee, center your thoughts upon Me, saith the Lord. Turn your eyes to Me and allow yourself to fall under My anointing, fall in under that presence, saith the Lord. Coming under, saith the Lord, coming under the flow. And I will give unto thee that which I promised, said the Lord.

But when I search the place and I see that people’s hearts are scattered here and yon, there is no unity among you, saith the Lord, then My Spirit is grieved away. Come now. Come now. Come now and prepare your heart. Come in one mind and one accord. Come in and praise Me. Worship Me, saith the Lord. Glorify My Holy Name. For I have given thee a promise, oh, and I am faithful to keep that which I have promised, said the Lord.

Come together now. Come together now. Forget about everything else and come together now and I will bless thee and I will strengthen thee and I will deliver thee, said the Lord. Prepare your heart even now for a wave of My Spirit and a fresh anointing from above. Prepare your heart, saith the Lord, and I will visit thee again.

Chuppah Tent (Trance Vision #3)

October 15, 1995 (Sunday Evening)

Vision given to Brother Shelley

A prayer line was called at the end of the service. The young ministers were told to do the praying. And at the end of that prayer line, I sat on a stool here and a few times, I moved down there and prayed for different ones that God led me to. But most of the time, I let them do the praying and many needs were met.

At the end of that prayer line, I come down and got in. And I passed through. And as I made it up toward, close to where mother is sitting, lined up here, I was slain in the Spirit and fell face first.

And when I was going down, they spun me over. They turned me over and laid me on my back. But when I fell… That’s all I remember, was going face first, and wondering. You know, that slight second. I almost even caught myself to keep from falling, because I felt that unction of the Lord.

And when I did, when I went out in this spiritual realm, God began to deal with me. He told me, “This is the Third Pull. What I’m about to show you is the Third Pull.” And I heard that ram’s horn sound. And it’s the Shofar. It’s the sounding of the trumpet, the final call.

I’m just going to read you. Hallelujah. Time won’t let me finish. Tonight, I’ll finish that. I want to read a part of this to you. Third Pull. This is what I was saying during the vision. They wrote it down. Third Pull Tent. Shofar calls the Bride to the Tent. Shofar calls the Bride to a tent, not a canvas tent.

Shofar calls the Bride to tent. Not a real tent, not a literal. They missed again. They missed again. They missed again. They missed again. The tent is a supernatural anointing. This is what the Holy Ghost was saying. Shofar calls the Bride. That Shofar, it represents the Voice of the Archangel.

Remember how the message, how Jesus comes? How does He come? How does He come, church? With a shout. How does Jesus come? With a shout. With a Voice of an Archangel, and with the last trump of God. It’s a cycle. His coming is a three-part cycle. He comes with a shout. He comes with the Voice of the Archangel. And then He comes with the last trumpet of God.

People look in the wrong direction. He said, “The tent is the supernatural anointing.” Shofar calls the Bride to a special anointing for translation. The anointing covers the Bride like a tent in the end-time. The shofar is the anointed Voice of God calling the Bride to the tent.

You don’t have to write this down. I’ll give you a copy. People looking in the wrong direction for the tent. They look for a literal tent. I saw it like a literal tent. But the Man in Linen said, “This tent is the supernatural anointing of the Holy Ghost.” Little Room. Everybody must go to that little room. We will go to the little room. We will go in one way and come out another way.

We will be changed in that little room. Not a real or literal little room. I saw my mother go in that little room. When she came out, she was just like Jesus. I saw my people go in this little room and come out changed, just like Jesus. No more flesh battles. Some people have such a hard time trusting the supernatural.

They think they have it all figured out. Every bit of this what was being said under the inspiration of the Holy Ghost. A Voice calls the Bride to this anointing. The anointing is the tent that he talked about. The prophet with the hat saw it. He told the vision. The prophet told the vision. People tried to interpret, missed it along the way.

I’m afraid I can’t explain it too good. That’s me saying it. If you could see it, you’d understand. Voice calls the people to the tent. Tent is a special supernatural anointing promised for this day. It will cover the Bride like a tent or a canopy.

I saw it blue, but not a literal blue tent. The glory of the Lord in the tent looked blue. Then under the tent was off to the right side of that little room. The Man in Linen said the words, that the prophet told us. The Man in Linen said, “I will meet you in there.” It is the coming of the Capstone.

The little room is a type of death to self and coming to the Headstone, or the capping of the pyramid. I saw a line of people going in, full of fleshly pulls. The anointing was on top of that little room, covering it like a tent. The Angel of the Lord said, “I will meet you in there.”

It was in this little room, where a change took place. People went in with fleshly pulls, came out just like Jesus. Our church people were in line. I could see that some of them did not understand. It’s just like I saw in the vision. Now, this time that I was telling this, the people were restless in the service.

As God… I was under this anointing, but I could feel the restlessness of the people. And I would challenge you. If God ever shows another vision like that, and you can’t be still and reverent, just slip home. Just slip home quietly and go home in the reverence of the Lord.

If your children can’t behave, take them out. And at that time, there were children beating on the wall, beating on that window. And I heard that. And I came out from under that anointing and asked them what that was. And then I said, “It’s just like I saw in the vision. The people have something else on their mind. It’s just like I saw in the vision.”

So, it’s quite unusual that at the very time that God was showing that, that was happening. I saw the church people in line, but some people didn’t understand the importance of going into that room. They were in line, but they were not reverent. Some were going back to their seats, too tired to stay in the line. I saw them. But they did not understand what was happening in that little room, or they would have stayed in line.

Without this supernatural anointing, there would be no Third Pull and no change from carnality to His image. All these other things will take place. But I saw them in a vision, already taking place under the tent. Under the anointing. It’s so simple. Most people will miss it. They’re looking in the wrong direction. He said today, that He would show us a glimpse.

Do you remember the prophecy that morning, said, “This day I will show you a glimpse of My glory in eternity?”

I was screaming to these people, who were leaving the line. “If you get out of the line now, you’ll miss what’s on the inside.” The little room is a revelation. I’ve always wondered what it meant. Many people have asked me what the tent vision meant. Now I see clearly, but it won’t be the answer they’re looking for. It won’t fit their theology.

I’m weeping now. I must go in that little room. They already think we’re crazy. They could never believe that God would show us what the prophet’s vision meant. Remember, he was looking on. Many will have a chance to come under this tent, the anointing. Some will hear the call and come under the tent. Some will hear the Voice, but are totally lost.

Do you remember, the prophet saying, this Third Pull was for two groups of people? The Bride and the totally lost. Here it is. This is what he said. But only His Bride will go into that room and be changed by the Spoken Word. That is the Third Pull. They have preached it, but they missed it. We can’t help that. We must go on.

When she came out the other door, God showed me right there in the night, that the other time when I couldn’t get out of the door. It was a type of going in that little room. Remember, when I was praying here and God showed that door. And I went through the door. And when I tried to get back, I couldn’t get out in the Spirit. In the Spirit now, this vision, I couldn’t get out the door.

And God said, “I was showing you something.” That was a type of going into that little room. The reason why you couldn’t get out that door is, you don’t go out the way you came in. You go out another way.” We will go in mean. That’s me. We’ll go in mean. That’s me. Mean as I could be, but come out sweet. That don’t mean sticky. That means Christ-like.

We’ll go in full of self and come out full of Christ. Hallelujah. When she came out of the other door… You see, there’s two doors. One in and one out. She had been changed. Now the Bride, she, us, me, she will have the power of the Spoken Word. Whatever she says will happen.

Quick, short work follows. Then the translation. It sounds so simple, but we don’t really see it. It wasn’t meant for us to see totally clear. Now is the time for us. God will show others the same thing. I don’t know if I can tell it or not. It’s so simple, it makes me want to laugh. Not in words, but in demonstration.

Remember, if it had not been for this prophet in this Message, we would not have been together this way. It was this Message, the Revelation of Jesus Christ that brought us together. But it will be Joshua, the Holy Ghost, who will call us by His Anointed Voice under this tent.

And in that little room is all that we longed for; the manifestation of Son-ship, the Capping of the Pyramid, being dressed in His Word, full Adoption, spiritual maturity. The anointed Voice will call us when it is time. “Some are dull of hearing. We must keep our ears tuned to His Voice, so we don’t miss it.”

The anointing was beginning to leave. I looked at Brother West. I said, “Brother West! He heard God’s prophet, he lived to hear him. It is greater, because he will live to see his words fulfilled. All visions tie in together.” Give the Lord a praise. Thank you, Jesus. But oh brother, sister, something has got to happen to get us ready.

It’s behind the veil. It’s behind the veil. If you go out of here carnal today, God have mercy on you. If you go out of here with carnal thoughts, God have mercy on you. You don’t recognize the day you’re living in, the seriousness of the hour. If this is not the truth, then why would God come and vindicate it? Why would God come and demonstrate a lie? It’s not His business. Hallelujah.

You Will See the Glory of the Lord

October 29, 1995 (Sunday Morning)

Message in Tongues given through Sister Helen Burgess & Interpretation given through Brother Shelley

Hear the Word of the Lord, My children. Just like Me. Just like Me. Just like Me, saith the Lord, that’s what My Bride is going to be. Just like Me, said the Lord. I will change her. I will transform her by the power of transformation. The anointed Word of the hour will come into her heart; not her ears only, but her heart and her soul and her inner being, saith the Lord. And when that which I have spoken and revealed has come into her inner man, she will be just like Me. Just like Me, saith the Lord.

Yea, the Lord would say unto thee, flesh will crumble. Carnality will disappear. The instruments and attitudes of self will fall away and I will be reflected in My Bride. For I have called unto thee, little moon, to reflect Me, saith the Lord. For the moon has no light of itself, but bears the reflection of the sun. I am the Son, saith the Lord, and the Son of man is with thee even now to perfect thee, saith the Lord. The Son of man is in the body to bring forth the reflection and My image.

Oh, I would say unto thee, fear not. Fear not in your heart, for that which is ahead is the greatest, saith the Lord, but rather have respect, and respect the move of God. And testify to each other of the things that I have done and the things that I will do, for surely have I called you out of Egypt, not to live forever in the wilderness.

But I have called you out of Egypt to take you in. Oh, My children, saith the Lord, the time of the going in is at hand. Oh, I will do My will among you and I will change you into My image. Satan can’t hold you. He can’t bind you. He cannot destroy you, saith the Lord, for I have called you. I have loved you with an everlasting love. I will lay My seal upon your head and the whole world will know that you are marked unto the day of redemption.

They will know that you are sealed because every attribute that is in Me will be in you, saith the Lord, and you will be My Word dwelling in flesh as a testimony of that which I am. All that I am I give you. All that I have I give you. All that will ever be I pour into you, saith the Lord. Receive it with a humble heart and a thanksgiving in your soul, for the Lord is getting ready.

The Lord uttereth His voice. Who will tremble? Who will respond? Who will believe? For I will speak unto thee as I spoke unto Israel, by the mouth of the servants of the Lord. I will give you that which I have promised. I will send open vision among you and show you that which is ahead. Rest this morning in the promise, for the ministry of Jesus is on display in this wicked world again. Rejoice, saith the Lord, for the time of the coming of the Son of man is here and you will see the glory of the Lord, thus saith the Lord.

October 29,1995 (Sunday Morning)

Rapture Mystery

Experience given to Brother Shelley

The Holy Spirit spoke to me this morning. My mother came in my bedroom. I was tying my tie, and the Holy Ghost had just been speaking to my heart. And my mother came in there in the door, and I said, “Mother, don’t say that,” I began. She was going to tell me something good about the Lord. I said, “You’d better not talk to me right now.” And I burst out crying and she did too. She ran one way, I ran the other. The presence of God was so real. Hallelujah.

Do you know what He spoke to my heart? I won’t say everything this morning, but you know what He was speaking to my heart about? He was speaking to my heart about? He was speaking to my heart again about the changing of the dispensation. That vision that the Lord gave me the night I left, that’s the key for the Bride of Christ around the world. God showed me that. That’s the key.

Without that vision, without that happening, she’ll never make the rapture. That is the rapture mystery. Without that, without coming into that anointing, you’ll never make it. And God showed it to us. It’s so supernatural, lips can’t tell it. Words can’t describe it. It’s so holy and so sacred and so real, that I’ll never be the same again.

There is no way, there is no way to describe what these three visions will mean to the Bride of Christ. He didn’t just send them for you, He sent them. I don’t ever say that. But He didn’t just send them to you, He sent them for His Bride. She’s going to see, she’s going to believe.

What He showed me about the tent vision of Brother Branham has unlocked every mystery, everything I’ve ever wondered about concerning that, has opened for me. You can believe it. You can believe it, you can accept it, or you can just say, it’s nothing. But I’ll tell you, without that…

Somebody said, “Are you saying, you’ve got to believe that?” I’m not saying you have to believe it. I’m not saying you have to acknowledge it as a vision of the Lord. I’m just saying, you have to experience that what He showed me. That’s what you’ll have to. It’s the Endtime, the perfecting of the Bride is at hand. It’s now. It’s upon us. And playing church is over with. I’ve been telling you that. It’s over with. It will never be again. You’ll never be permitted to play with God again.

The days of Ananias and Sapphira are here. They’re here. They’re not coming. They’re here. And we’re just waiting on the manifestation. But they’re here. God let me know, “You keep waiting for it. It’s here right now. It’s upon you.”

I Set Before You an Open Door

October 29, 1995 (Sunday Evening)

Message in Tongues given through Brother Micah West & Interpretation given through Brother Shelley

“Why do you fear?” saith the Lord. Haven’t I lead My people? Have I not been with Her? saith the Lord. Have I not brought her, yea, out of the hands of the enemy? Have I not fed her when she was hungry? Have I not delivered her when she was oppressed? Have I not given her Living Water to drink, saith the Lord. Why fear? Why be afraid? For I have set before thee even tonight an open door. And I have called thee in to a new and a fresh anointing, saith the Lord.

Yea, the Lord thy God would say unto thee, the anointing has not come to give you emotion; but the anointing has come to give you authority and power that goes with authority, saith the Lord. Authority to live My Word. Authority to bring your body under subjection to My Word. Authority to call those things that are not as though they were. Authority to rebuke satan in My Name and see the results.

The anointing that I am sending in this last hour is the final anointing and it is the anointing that will bring rapturing faith. I will anoint My Word, the Word that has already been delivered. I will anoint that Word, and by My anointing that Word will produce rapturing faith within you, saith the Lord. Do not fear, neither be afraid, but walk with faith, not by eyesight, but by faith, and I will hold your hand.

Yea I, the Lord thy God, would say unto thee, do not fear the swelling of the Jordan. The Lord Himself will stand to guide you across. Trust in Me. Lay your head on My bosom, for I will pilot your ship and I will take you safe across. Follow Me. I have set before thee an open door and My anointing is coming to give you authority and power from on high, saith the Lord.

I Will Fix That Which Is Broken

November 5, 1995 (Sunday Evening)

Prophecy given through Brother Shelley

Even God the Creator hath wondered why is it that is in the nature of man to fix that which is not broken. How many times have I, the Living God, looked about and seen man trying to fix that which needed no fixing, to repair that which needed no repair, saith the Lord.

Yea I, the Lord thy God, would say unto thee, and then in this hour, when there is something that needs repair, when there is something that needs to be built up and refreshed, then the same men who labored so long trying to repair that which was not broken, and now that there is broken among us and there are those that have needs, the Lord would say unto thee, these same men are too busy now to repair, to break down and to lift up, saith the Lord, to flow in My Spirit and to walk in obedience.

And I, the Lord thy God, would say unto thee, I’ve searched this place tonight and I have seen that there are some that need to be repaired. Come unto Me, saith the Lord. Draw near unto My side and I will repair you; I will fix you, saith the Lord. That which is broken in your heart, I will fix it, saith God.

Oh, the Lord would say unto thee in this hour, he that hath a need, let him draw nigh to My side and I will repair it, saith the Lord. He that is broken, I will mend. He that is fallen into pieces, I will pick them up again and establish your goings, saith the Lord.

For years man have tried to fix that which needed no fixing, but now I, the Lord thy God, have stepped in and I will repair that which is broken. Wait upon Me even now and I will sweep through the midst of thee and repair those that feel needy, saith the Lord.

Go Now

November 5, 1995 (Sunday Evening)

Prophecy given through Sister Anne Tremain

Don’t miss it, kids. Don’t miss it! Don’t miss it! Don’t miss it! Receive it right now. Receive it right now. Don’t wait any longer. Go right now. Go right now. In the Name of the Lord, go now. Go now! Go now! Go now! Go now!

The Missing Ingredient Is Love

November 5, 1995 (Sunday Evening)

Prophecy given through Brother John Heisey

Yea, My children, I am the Lord thy God that creates the living waters that can flow out of your bellies. I am the Lord that can satisfy your soul. I am the Lord that will move the boundaries. I am the Lord. I am the Lord. I am the One. I am the One that’s in your midst tonight. I am walking up and down the aisle. I am the One that’s going to cause you to satisfy your soul. I am the One Lord Jesus. I am the Lord. I am the Lord.

Let the love go forth. Love will cause all things to happen. Love will bring the world together. Love will bring My people together. Love. They call for peace, but the ingredient that’s missing in their call for peace is My love.

A Life of Obedience

November 5, 1995 (Sunday Evening)

Message in Tongues given through Sister Helen Burgess & Interpretation given through Brother Shelley

Obedience is better than sacrifice, saith the Lord. Many times in the heart of a man he’ll boast and say, “I have done this for the Lord. I have done that for the Lord. I have brought this sacrifice. I have paid this price.”

But I, the Lord thy God, would say unto thee tonight, it is not your sacrifice that I’m looking for. I’m looking for a life of obedience, saith the Lord. Obey Me. Obey Me, saith the Lord.

Yea I say unto thee, rebuke the hand of the enemy that would come to keep you from walking in obedience. When I deal with you, saith the Lord, when I speak to your heart, when I move upon you, obey Me.

For I, the Lord thy God, would say unto thee, I’ve chosen various ones to be keys, saith the Lord, to the service, to the moving of My power, to carry out My work among you, saith the Lord.

When I lay it upon your heart and deal with you, obey Me, for you may be a chosen key that unlocks the door to a great and a glorious tidal wave of My Spirit. Walk in obedience, for I’m not looking for your sacrifice. I’m looking for you to obey Me regardless of the cost, regardless of the circumstances, saith the Lord. Obey Me. Obey Me. Walk in obedience, saith the Lord of Hosts.

I Will See You Through

November 5, 1995 (Sunday Evening)

Message in Tongues given through Sister Anne Tremain & Interpretation given through Sister Helen Burgess

And yea I say unto thee that I will comfort thee. I say unto thee, put all your confidence in Me and I will bless and I will work out every pro… and I will work out every problem that may come your way. I say to look up to Me and I will be your Comforter and I will see you through.

Cast your cares upon Me and I will give thee rest and I will care for thee and I will carry you through every trial and every temptation that may come your way. I say unto thee to rest upon Me and I will help thee in a time of need, saith the Lord.

A Final Perfection for My Bride

November 12, 1995 (Sunday Evening)

Prophecy given through Brother Shelley

For the hour is coming, saith the Lord, and it is not far off when I will make My Word like fire in the mouth of My servants, saith God. And those that I have raised up in this end time to declare the message of deliverance for the final perfecting of My bride, I will place My Word in their heart and It will burn like fire with a supernatural anointing. And when it goes forth, saith God, it will not go forth in the authority of man, but it will go forth in the authority of the Living God, the Creator of all that is.

And yea I, the Lord thy God, would say unto thee, the Word of God like fire will consume the wicked, it will burn out the chaff, saith the Lord. It will cause the carnality and sin that has held on and has bound My people for so long, My Word like a fire and like a crushing hammer and a piercing sword will cut off all that hangs upon My children that is not from Me.

For I have said unto thee that every good and perfect gift cometh down from the Father of lights and I am the Father of light. And I would say unto thee this night that all that has been given to you that I have not given, I will cut it off, saith the Lord. My Word will go forth in power and in demonstration in a measure that you in this moment could not contain.

Yea I say unto thee, if I spoke forth in this service the way that it is My will to do, My children would sit in awe and not receive the Word, for I say unto thee, there is a greater anointing and a greater demonstration and a greater manifestation that is coming, saith the Lord. Be ready, My children. And I would say unto thee this night, do not take it for granted, for it is Me. It is My move, saith the Lord. It is My perfect will going forth in the earth in the last days for a final perfection for My Bride.

Yea I, the Lord thy God, would say unto thee, cleanse your heart this night and receive the Word of the Lord and repent of your slackness, saith God, and the times that My Shekinah Glory has walked among thee and you would not praise Me, you would not even bring a sacrifice of praise.

Repent, saith the Lord, and rend your heart tonight and not your garment and commit yourself anew to Me. Commit yourself to praise, for I will call you to a higher praise. I will call you to a worship that is not premeditated in the mind, but a worship that comes from the inner being.

For yea I, the Lord thy God, would say unto thee, when I created thee, yea, when I fashioned thee and formed thee in thy mother’s womb, I created in thee a place that can only be filled by My Spirit. Yea I say unto thee, the pull that you feel, saith the Lord, is that deep calling to the deep.

Yea I, the Lord thy God, would say unto thee, down in the depths of your inner most being, there is a worship and there is a praise that has never come forth. But as the anointing of the Lord would cover you even like a tent, then that will call, saith the Lord, and that perfect praise that is in your inner man will come rushing forth with power and with anointing and it will lift you to a higher realm. It will lift you to a place that you can receive the Word of the Lord and go immediately and put It in action.

Yea, My children, the Lord would say unto thee, be careful. Be careful, saith God. Watch your heart. Guard your mind, for your adversary, the devil, would steal from thee the revelation of perfection at the end time. But great is the mystery that has been revealed unto thee and great is the authority that has been committed unto thee in My Name, thus saith the Lord.

Come Away with Me

November 12, 1995 (Sunday Evening)

Message in Tongues given through Sister Helen Burgess & Interpretation given through Brother Jimmy Beach

Yea, saith the Lord, come away with Me, My love. Come with Me in My anointing, saith the Lord. Yea, I have revealed Myself again to you this morning. Yea, it’s because I love you, My love, saith the Lord.

Yea, it is not man’s eyes, but it is My eyes that I have seen you and yea, I have heard, My love. And yea, I have sent My anointing upon you, My love, because I love you, saith the Lord.

But yea I say, children, it is not the voice of a man that you’re hearing, but it is My Voice, saith the Lord, as I woo you, saith God, as I reveal you, saith… reveal to you, saith the Spirit of the Lord, it is the things that I have desired for you, saith God. Yea, saith the Lord, come into that secret place with Me, saith God.

Yea, My love, come with Me and I will bestow upon you things that I would have for thee. Thou canst not even comprehend, yea, now, the things that I want to do for you, saith God. Let go, saith the Lord. Let go, saith God. Let go, My love, and come with Me. Come with Me into My anointing, saith the Spirit of the Living God.

Desire the Meat of My Word

November 25, 1995 (Saturday Evening)

Prophecy given through Brother Shelley

You have found strength, saith the Lord, in the milk of My Word. And from the breast of My Word, you have sucked, saith God. And you have found strength and sustenance, and I have given you power to overcome the evil one.

But I, the Lord thy God, would say unto thee, cut your teeth on the meat of My Word, saith the Lord. Be not children any longer, desiring the nipple; but be men and women, sons of God, and desire the meat of My Word.

For I will send to you a revelation of My Word that will change you from the inside out, saith the Lord. Cut your teeth on the revelation of My Person, for I desire to fill you so full of My power and My glory that you overcome each obstacle in your life. Lay aside every sin and every weight and every habit, said God, that would hinder you, for I have a blessing for you this night.

To him who will eat this Word and chew up My Word, then I would speak unto thee. I will give you muscles of faith, and legs to run and not be weary, and a backbone of iron to stand in this wicked hour. Eat My Word and drink My Spirit, for I will visit thee this night with power from on high, saith the Lord.

Come Home

November 25, 1995 (Saturday Evening)

Prophetic Word given by Brother Shelley

God’s dealing with somebody right now. Come home. You’ve been sitting right under the Word of the hour with deaf ears. You’ve closed your ears. You’ve allowed the enemy to choke out the reception. You’ve been allowing the enemy to choke out that channel that you once had with God to receive His presence into your life. And God’s calling you, now. Come home. Come home.

A New Start

November 25, 1995 (Saturday Evening)

Prophetic Word given by Brother Shelley

While I was talking to you, the Holy Ghost just dropped something down in my heart; said, I’m gonna give somebody a new start tonight. They didn’t know when they come in the building, they were gonna leave with a new start.

I’m Calling You Back to the Landmark

November 25, 1995 (Saturday Evening)

Prophetic Word given by Brother Shelley

The Lord just told me something in the spirit; said you drove a landmark down somewhere along the way. God said, you drove a landmark down somewhere along the way, and you’ve tried to move the landmark. Somebody’s not paying their vow to God. You made God a promise in the spirit and you’re not keeping that promise.

And your landmark, you’ve tried to move the landmark, and instead you’ve just moved away from it. God said, I’m calling you back tonight to the place where you drove your stake down.

Blizzard in Washington DC

November 29, 1995 (Wednesday Evening)

Prophetic Word given through Brother Shelley

I wonder what Washington, DC is going to do, either this winter or the next winter, when it’s buried for ten days by a blizzard? I wonder what it’s going to do? I wonder what’s going to happen, when the bread basket of America suffers the most terrible drought they’ve ever known, causing the price of bread to sky rocket?

Japan to suffer a major earthquake before the end of the next year. And they’ve been having earthquakes over ‘seven’ on the Richter scale every week. It’s setting up for something devastating in the nation of Japan. Do you believe that? I have no reason to doubt it.

July the 21st, the Holy Ghost said, I see the worst wild fires ever, this year in California and throughout the West, including the State of Oregon and Washington. And that was in July. That was before they broke out in August and September. I don’t have a television, but I’ve seen on the film. You can pull it up on the Internet. I’ve been in places where there were TV’s, and see those men fighting for their lives, to put out those terrible, terrible, terrible fires.

It’s serious. Concerning those mud slides. Saw asphalt and concrete railings of roads, washed down, sliding off the embankment. It’s serious. I saw St. Louis under water, great fields out in the outskirts of St. Louis under water in certain neighborhoods in St. Louis, under water.

Throw Yourself on the Rock

December 3, 1995 (Sunday Morning)

Prophecy given through Brother Shelley

More times than there are sands upon the sea shore, saith the Lord. More times than there are stars in the heaven. More times than there are drops of water in the blue waters of the ocean, saith the Lord, My heart has ripped for My children. And yea, as a shepherd would leave the ninety and nine safe in the fold of protection and seek for the one lamb that had left the others, said the Lord, My heart is grieved. My Spirit has wept, saith the Lord, for those that have wandered.

Yea I, the Lord thy God, would say unto thee that I am married to the backslidden, saith the Lord. And I have vowed Myself to those that are Mine. Yea I, the Lord thy God, would say unto thee, even as I spoke to My prophet and I told him to go down and marry a woman from the temple who was not a pure woman so that I could type the love that I had for Israel, oh My Gentile Bride, I have loved thee, saith the Lord. I have thought of thee. I have pondered on thee and I have kept thee on My mind, saith the Lord. Rest this morning in My promises. Rest in My Word, saith the Lord.

Yea I say unto thee, lean upon My breast and you will find refuge, strength, and power for the journey, saith the Lord, and I will tuck you beneath My arm and shield you, saith the Lord, from the god of this evil age. And yea I, the Lord thy God, would say unto thee, I have loved thee with a love that mere mortal man could never understand until he steps with Me into the kingdom that I have prepared.

Yea, the Lord thy God would say unto thee, if your eyes could be opened to behold the place that I have prepared for you and you could see the glory of things to come this day, you would never doubt again that I loved you. For that which I have prepared for those who trust Me is greater than words of your vocabulary could begin to describe or explain.

I am the God that walks through the dark valleys with thee. I am the God that stands beside thee on the mountain top, and I rejoice when you rejoice for victory. When I see you weep, My Spirit weeps. When I see you rejoice, My Spirit rejoices with you because of the joy and victory of your life.

And yea, I have called thee this morning and I have covered thee with My anointing and I have shielded thee, saith the Lord, from so many things that others suffer out of the ark of safety. Hide this morning, and draw closer one to another, for I say unto thee, those who hang near the edge will feel the blowing rain, but those who hover in the center will never know the storms that rage about them.

I have called thee to the center of My perfect will. I have called thee to lay everything upon the altar of the most high God. I have called thee this day to turn from your ways, your ideas, your plans for the future, and fall upon the Rock of Ages, saith the Lord.

For My Word has said, those who fall upon the Rock shall be broken in spirit, but those who the Rock shall fall upon shall be crushed to powder. Throw yourself upon the Rock of Ages, saith the Lord, and I will break your spirit so that I can restore you with the oil and the wine of My Holy Ghost power.

I have searched the heart of My Bride and I have seen hurt that could not even begin to be described and I have grieved for her. But oh, I, the Lord thy God, would say unto thee, I have planned her honeymoon. I have planned her future, saith the Lord. And I, the Living God, do make a covenant with thee this hour, I will reward you.

I will pay you back, said God, for every hurt, for every suffering, for every pain, for every trouble, for every trial and every tribulation. I will give back to you abundantly, saith the Lord, and the glory of the things that I have prepared for thee will outshine every suffering that you have ever known.

I, the Lord thy God, would say unto thee, come closer to Me. Come closer to Me. I call you closer. Come, so I can draw you to My breast and love you with great love this day, saith the Lord.

Warning About Speeding

December 3, 1995 (Sunday Morning)

Prophetic Word given through Brother Shelley

I’ll tell you something else. It seems silly, but God said, somebody better [Unclear audio] I know I was kidding with Peter last night. I’m sure we’re not, maybe, talking about him, because we were kidding about it.

But this just dropped in my heart, for you to watch your speed in Russell and Lee County because the Spirit of the Lord is dealing with me. If you’ll listen to me this week, just something so simple, you’ll save yourself some money. I got a feeling there’s somebody that won’t listen. God may make an example out of them for the body of Christ.

More Flooding

December 3, 1995 (Sunday Morning)

Prophetic Word given through Brother Shelley

You know, God spoke to you concerning the flooding just a few weeks ago, before this flooding started on the west coast. God spoke to us about it, didn’t He? Huh? And the Lord said, it’s not through. Before March of this year, that flood, that flooding… ‘Course it… the rivers are subsiding now in Oregon and all through there, but the Spirit of the Lord is dealing with me, that floodings gonna come back this way.

Before March, it’s coming back from that west, north-western coast, it’s coming down into the middle… middle of the country like God spoke here. And God said what we call the heartland of American, and some have called it the Bread Basket through there, they’re going to experience rivers overflowing. It’s going to be devastating to crops.

Plates Shifting Under North America

December 3, 1995 (Sunday Morning)

Prophetic Word given through Brother Shelley

Let it be a sign to you. Watch what the Lord has spoken to you this morning and let it be a sign to you. America, very shortly, will begin to shake under the wrath of God again. For as we stand here this morning, the plates of the earth across the North American continent are shaking.

And I see something happening, a shaking, an earthquake. You know, the Lord has spoke to you, and every time He’s spoken to you about earthquakes around the world, they’ve come just like God said. But I see the plates of the earth shifting this morning in American, under the North American continent. The Spirit of the Lord would say, when you see these things, just shortly from now, you’ll know that… You’ll understand. You’ll understand His love.

I Have Heard the Cry of My Bride

December 3, 1995 (Sunday Morning)

Message in Tongues given through Sister Flo Hendrix & Interpretation given through Sister Annie Jones

Oh hear, My children. Hear, My children. I have heard the cry of My Bride. I have My Bride all over the world. She’s crying and sighing for the abomination of this world. She’s hungering and thirsting in her soul. I heard your cry, My children. I’ve given you ministry here. I’ve given you a place to worship here.

You heard the truth speak. [Unclear audio] Bride all over who need deliverance. And they’re hungering and thirsting in their soul. I’ll give them… I will give them… I will give them what they have need of, but pray much, My children. Pray for them.

But you are blessed here, My children. You are blessed. Recognize Me more. I will, I will, I will answer. If you hear [Unclear audio] If you hear My Word and do My Word, I will answer your prayers. I will [Unclear audio] She’s in need. She’s hungering and thirsting… [Unclear audio] And I will give deliverance. Pray much. Love much.

Personal Directed to Brother Shelley

December 3, 1995 (Sunday Evening)

Prophecy given through Brother Jimmy Beach

I will strengthen thee, saith God. Yea, thou are precious in My sight, saith the Lord. Yea, I love thee with a great love, saith God. My hand has been upon thee, and yea I say, do not worry, saith the Lord, for I have all things in My control, saith God. Yea, I will walk with thee and in thee and before thee and around thee, saith the Lord.

And yea I say, I have prepared the path for thee to walk in, saith God. And yea, I have given thee souls, saith the Lord. I am pleased with thee, My son, because thou has yielded to My Voice, in spite of circumstance, in spite of criticism. In spite of physical weakness, saith God thou has been strong. And yea, saith God, thou wouldst… thou art a jewel in My crown.

And yea I say unto thee, because of the sacrifice thou has made, great is your reward in heaven, saith God. For I have prepared great things for thee, saith God. And yea I say unto thee, those that follow this ministry, saith the Lord, I will lead them in, saith God, with a mighty hand. Be strong, My son. Be strong, My son. Yea, thou are precious in My sight. Yea, thou walkest in My anointing, saith God, and thou has taught others to walk in My anointing, saith God.

Yea, I pour Myself upon thee, saith the lord, with a warm oil, saith God. I bring healing to thee, saith the Lord. Yea, saith God, My hand is touching thee even now, saith God. Be strong, My son. Be strong, My son, for I love thee with a great love, saith God.

Recognize Me When I Come

December 3, 1995 (Sunday Evening)

Prophecy given through Brother Shelley

Yea from behold, the Lord would say unto thee this night, surely I am the Lord your God and surely I am in the midst of thee. Surely My Spirit hovers over thee in this hour, saith the Lord, even as a cloud. If you could see with the eyes of the spirit instead of the eyes of natural things, said the Lord, you would recognize My Glory among you.

Yea I, the Lord thy God, would say unto thee, if I visit you once or if I visit you a thousand times, be careful, My children, to recognize Me when I come, for in My Presence you can receive strength. Yea, I will charge you and empower you to go on another mile, said the Lord. I’ve seen you when your knees got weak and your feet got weary, when your legs lost strength for the length of the travels.

But I am the Lord your God tonight and I would say unto thee, don’t miss your visitation, said the Lord, for I have come in the midst of thee; and I have not come to receive sacrifice, but I have come to honor obedience, saith the Lord. And if everyone waited on someone else to sacrifice, then no one would receive the touch of My Spirit.

But I have come tonight to honor obedience, for obedience is better than sacrifice. Obey My voice and be careful to do what I, the Lord thy God, would challenge you to do, for I would seek to use each one of you for something, said the Lord. Yea, when My Spirit comes, yield yourself. Don’t be afraid, saith the Lord, but yield yourself and I will have My way with thee, saith the Lord.

Safety in a Car Accident

December 3, 1995 (Sunday Evening)

Prophetic Word given through Brother Shelley

Don’t worry about that car accident. You’ll be alright. Don’t worry about it. You’ll be alright. The Lord said, you’ll be alright. It’ll shake you up. You’ll be scared, but you’ll be alright. Don’t worry about it. He’s already seen it. Just rest in Him. Rest in Him.

Follow My Word

December 10, 1995 (Sunday Evening)

Prophecy given through Brother Jimmy Beach

Hear the Word of the Lord, My children, this evening. Yea, I have sent a sure word of prophecy, saith God. Yea, I [Unclear audio] He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith.

Yea I would say unto thee, My children, My Spirit is speaking in this place, saith God. I have called you out of the darkness into a marvelous light, saith God. Anoint thine eyes, saith the Lord, and anoint thy ears, saith God. I have seen thee in thy secret places, saith God, and I have seen you begin to doubt My Word at times, but I say unto thee, My children, this is a sure word of prophecy.

Lay aside carnality, saith God. Lay aside every doubt, saith God, and work, My children, for have I not said unto thee in times past that I have called the to a higher calling, to a higher plane, saith God.

Yea, my children, your feet are walking where they have never walked before. Lay aside everything, saith God, and follow My Word, for I have sent a sure word of prophecy in this place, saith the Spirit of the Lord.

An Angel Standing in the Sun

December 10, 1995 (Sunday Evening)

Message in Tongues & Interpretation given through Brother Shelley

From behold, the Lord would say unto thee in this hour, many years ago, yea, a man of God, said the Lord, looked up and saw an Angel standing in the sun. And yea I, the Lord thy God, would say unto thee, thou art a blessed people. For those who can look with eyes of the spirit and not with the eyes of flesh, to those who can believe, to those who can go beyond the veil of doubt and step into the realm of faith, those children will see an Angel standing in the sun.

Yea I, the Lord thy God, would say unto thee, I stand in the midst of thee this night with a rainbow around My shoulders, saith the Lord, and the sun behind My head to testify unto thee that this is holy ground. And I passed this night to testify unto thee that these are special days, saith the Lord, for the Angel of the Covenant walketh in the midst of the Bride church in these last days, said the Lord.

And oh, My children, I have spoken to you concerning the things that would happen in the world around you, and oh, they give testimony to the fact that these are special days. But yea I, the Lord thy God, would say unto thee, look not to natural things for your sign. Your sign will not be earthquakes. Your sign will not be in the heavens.

The sign that I challenge thee to look for is My Word becoming flesh among you, saith the Lord. The earthquakes are for the unbeliever. The volcanos are for the unbeliever. But I have given you a surer sign. I have given you a more precious sign, saith the Lord. I have allowed My Word to come among you and manifest, said God.

Look unto Me, saith the Lord. Be careful how you hear. Be careful how you live. And look this night with eyes of faith and see an Angel standing in the sun. Yea I, the Lord thy God, would say unto thee, I have testified of Myself to you, not with My Presence only, but I have spoken words of life to your spirit. Oh, My children, My children, let this rather be a sign unto you. Let this rather be a sign unto you, as you see

My Word becoming flesh. Oh, look up, for you will know that the end is here. Oh My little people, I say unto thee in this hour, walk in truth. Walk in truth, said God, for multitudes around you stand in the valley of deception. Walk in truth. I’ve given you signs in the world as testimonies, but look not to the world. Look to Me, for before your eyes My Word is becoming flesh.

Can’t you see? …said God. Can’t you see the glory that’s unfolding before you? …said the Lord. Can’t you see that God Himself is standing naked before you, all coats removed. All coats cast aside, I stand in My Glory to deliver thee, little church. I stand in My power to deliver thee, saith the Lord. See My words coming to pass and walk in them, for the time is come, is come, is come, is come, is come, is come, is come.

Personal Directed to Brother Shelley

December 10, 1995 (Sunday Evening)

Message in Tongues & Interpretation given through Sister Annie Jones

Oh My son, My son, I’ve chosen you to deliver My Bride in different parts of this world. Where I sent you now this time, you will see things come to pass, for I’ve showed you many visions before because I have My Bride there. And I will deliver Her. And I’ve chosen you to do so, My son.

Have courage and I will give you the strength. I will give you a greater anointing this time as you have last year. I will give you such an anointing that you will see the reality of Me in the people. I’ve chosen you, My son. Don’t fret. Don’t fear. [Unclear audio] Have courage, My son. I will be with you. Have courage.

Press in as Never Before

December 10, 1995 (Sunday Morning)

Message in Tongues given through Sister Flo Hendrix & Interpretation given through Brother Shelley

Oh my children, the Lord would say him to be in this hour, press in. Lay your shoulder to the plow and press in. For yea I the Lord thy God, would say unto thee, the battle is hard and long, but victory is sweet. Yea I the Lord thy God, would say unto thee that I have prepared a victory, a victory celebration, saith the Lord.

Yea I have called for the banners of Glory to be unfurled to welcome thee at thy coming, saith the Lord. Yea I say unto thee, if you’ve ever fought a good fight, fight it now. If you’ve ever pressed in, press in now. For yea I say unto thee, this is the final testing time. He that endureth to the end the same shall be saved.

Yea I the Lord thy God, would say unto thee, today turn from your slackness, saith the Lord. Lay your soul upon My altar and press in as never before, for the Kingdom of God awaited thee. Yea I the Lord, would say unto thee, this stirring that I have sent by your way, it was to give you strength, it was to give you courage and encouragement for the battle that lays ahead.

Yea I say under thee, it is not a physical battle, but a spiritual battle. All my children, the Lord your God will give you strength to possess your mind and your body in sanctification for the wicked hour that lays ahead. Rejoice, oh ye that have been barren, for the church of the living God shall bring forth children, and these children shall be the sons of God, saith the Lord.

Deliverance in Africa

December 10, 1995 (Sunday Evening)

Vision given to Brother Shelley

You saints that are going with me to Africa, help me remember this. The Holy Ghost just showed me a flash of blue. Blue just went across my face and God said that blue had something to do with deliverance in Africa. Blue. I have no idea what it means, but I just saw a flash of blue go by my face. And the Holy Ghost said it, blue, had something to do with deliverance in Africa.