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William Branham

William Branham

William Branham Evangelistic Association

June 25, 2024 · 20 min read

Philippians 3:7-14 7But what things were gain to me, those I counted loss for Christ. 8Yea doubtless, and I count all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord: for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and do count them but dung, that I may win Christ, 9And be found in him, not having mine own righteousness, which is of the law, but that which is through the faith of Christ, the righteousness which is of God by faith: 10That I may know him, and the power of his resurrection, and the fellowship of his sufferings, being made conformable unto his death; 11If by any means I might attain unto the resurrection of the dead. 12Not as though I had already attained, either were already perfect: but I follow after, if that I may apprehend that for which also I am apprehended of Christ Jesus. 13Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended: but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before, 14I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.

Philippians 4:13 13I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.

Philippians 4:13 (AMP) 3I have strength for all things in Christ Who empowers me [I am ready for anything and equal to anything through Him Who infuses inner strength into me; I am self-sufficient in Christ’s sufficiency].

Ephesians 6:12 12For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

Philippians 4:13 (AMP) 3I have strength for all things in Christ Who empowers me [I am ready for anything and equal to anything through Him Who infuses inner strength into me; I am self-sufficient in Christ’s sufficiency].

Testimony (Raising Dead Boy)

53-1203 · West Palm Beach, Florida

14 … You’ve got to go do it. And you’ve got to fight for every inch of ground that you have. Every man in here that’s born again of the Spirit of God, knows that you’ve had to fight for every inch of ground, toe the mark with Satan. Isn’t that right? Friends, this is not a picnic. This is a battleground. See? We never come here to—to eat cookies and—and so forth. We’re in a battle.

Sirs, We Would See Jesus

57-0104 · Cleveland, Tennessee

32 Brother, footprints is possession. Ministering brethren, don’t be afraid to put print—footprints where God has told you to go. Amen. It’s possession. He told Joshua, “Everywhere the soles of your feet set, that’s yours.” Amen. We don’t back up; we take what God said and that’s the truth. No matter what the opposition is, how great it seems, and how difficult it seems, if God said so, it’s yours. When He give it to Joshua, He never said, “I’ll take all—all the Havites, and Philistines, and give it to you.” Joshua had to fight for every inch of ground, but God was with Him. And every inch of ground you’ll cover, brother, to make footprints, you’ll fight your way through. But take the Sword of the Spirit, brother, and move right on. Footprints is possession.

The Good Shepherd Of The Sheep

57-0308 · Phoenix, Arizona

23 … Look. God told Israel way down in Egypt, “I have given you Palestine.” Now, He could’ve just went up there and excommunicated the whole thing, run them all out with a plague, killed them all off. He could’ve went up there, and sent fear among them, and drove them out of the country. But He said, “Israel, it’s yours. You go get it.” They had to fight for every inch of ground they stood on.

And every promise in the Book of the great Shepherd is to His sheep. But, brother, He will never come down and drive it away from you; you’ve got to fight for every inch of that promise, but it’s yours. It belongs to you.

God In His Word

57-0323 · Oakland, California

39 He told Israel he’d sojourn in a strange land for four hundred years; be brought out with a mighty power and by the hand of God. Four hundred years come, and God brought them out. God told Moses down in Egypt land; He said, “I have given you Palestine.”

There’s a good lesson right there for a minute. God’s Word said to Moses, “Palestine belongs to the children of Israel.” Now, God could have went up there and shooed every one of them Philistines and so forth out, and then said, “Come on, Moses. Just come up and set down, take it easy.” But Moses, Joshua, and the Israelites had to fight for every inch of ground they got.

And every promise in the Book is yours, but God will never give it to you, and you lay back on a bed of ease. You’ll fight for every inch you get.

40 He told Joshua, “Every place the sole of your foot treads, that I have given you.” Footprints meant—meant victory, and it’s the same thing tonight. If you’re paralyzed and can’t wiggle a finger, say, “God, I want to wiggle a finger.” That’s right. “You promised me I could do it, and I’ll lay there and wiggle till I do wiggle it.” That’s right. God made the promise. “God, You told me I could put my foot on the floor, and here it comes. Here it comes. Yes, Lord, it’s a coming.” Just keep on till you do put your foot on the floor. That’s it. Fight for every inch.

Things is handed to you. That’s what’s the matter with the American people tonight. You’ve got everything handed to you, well fed, fattened, and clothed, and everything else. You haven’t got no need for nothing, but don’t realize you’re miserable, wretched, blind.

The Entombment

57-0420 · Jeffersonville, Indiana

60 God’s Word is Eternal! If God’s Word is that perfect, them who are in Christ is just as sure to raise as there is a resurrection. God is just as obligated to His Word, to heal you, as He is to save you. For, He, it’s His Word that promised it. It’s God’s Word, and we have no right to take away from It. But just say, “It’s the Truth.” Believe It! No matter what happens, believe It, anyhow. That’s the way the rest of them had to believe It, and we’re not excluded from that. God gave Palestine to Israel, but they had to fight for every inch of ground they got. The promise is yours, but you have to fight for every inch you claim; the devil will see to that, certainly he will.

Stand Still

57-0518 · Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada

26 One day, when the children of God was coming in by the Word of God, taking the land that God had given…Now, remember. God gave them the land down in Egypt. Said, “That land is yours, every bit of it.” Now, the people today are expecting God to reach down and get them by the neck. Say, “Yes, that’s right. You bring me out, clean me off, heal me, and I’ll believe You.” God doesn’t do His business that way. He—He gives you the promise, but you have got to fight for every inch of ground that you possess.

Why didn’t God go over there and just run out all the Amorites, and Hittites, and Perizzites, and—and all them, why didn’t He just run them all out? No, Israel had something to do. And you’ve got something to do. God said, “That land is yours. Go and possess it.”

Am I deafening you by this mike? I don’t mean to.

27 “Go and possess it; it’s yours.” And they had to fight every inch of their way. But it was assured that it would be given to them, no matter what the results, what the circumstance looked like, it was theirs. God gave it to them. And they looked at the promise instead of the circumstance.

Healing is yours. Salvation is yours. The Holy Spirit is yours. The real Holy Spirit is yours.

Peter said on the day of Pentecost, “Repent, every one of you, and be baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins. And you shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. For the promise is unto you and to your children and them that are afar off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call.” Then the promise is just as real tonight as it was then. It’s your possession, if you’ll go take it. It’s given to you.

If God calls you, He intends for you to have it. But you’ll have to fight every inch of the way to get it. You certainly will.

Thou Son Of David, Have Mercy On Me

61-0215 · Long Beach, California

108 God told them way down in Egypt, “I give you that land.” But He didn’t say, “I’ll go out there and sweep it all out, and garnish the houses, and hang up the curtains, and everything. You all just move in.” No, no. They had to fight for every inch of ground they took. That’s right, fighting, and take it by every…fight every inch. But He said, “Everywhere the soles of your foot lands, that’s possession.” Footsteps is possession.

109 That’s the same thing it is today. Divine healing belongs to us. The Holy Spirit belongs to us. It’s our property, but you’ll fight every inch of it. Yes, sir. But brother, footsteps is possession. Just keep fighting. Take it. The devil say, “The days of miracles passed.”

110 Say, “You’re lying. God said He’s the same yesterday, today, and forever.” Take it over. Everywhere your foot steps, that’s possession. That’s right.

Ephesians 6:11 11Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.

Ephesians 6:11 (AMP) 11Put on God’s whole armor [the armor of a heavy-armed soldier which God supplies], that you may be able successfully to stand up against [all] the strategies and the deceits of the devil.

What Is That In Your Hand?

55-1120 · San Fernando, California

68 You know, that’s what ought to happen to you here on these cots and stretchers this afternoon. Just get a little mad at the devil. Say, “You old lying rascal, you’re a liar. Christ made me free. I don’t have to set like this no more. Get out of here.” Toe the line with him, brother. He hasn’t got a bit of authority. Jesus stripped him of every legal right he had, when He died at Calvary. The whole question of salvation and healing was settled at Calvary. That’s right.

I Was Not Disobedient To The Heavenly Vision

49-0718 · Zion, Illinois

7 … My, my. Friends the church is so far behind. Let’s pray, my that God will move His church up. They—the natural man with the natural resource is getting greater results than people are that calls themself Christian. Let’s press into the unseen. The blessings are yours; they’re for you.


54-0303 · Phoenix, Arizona

11 … You’ve got to press hard. That’s when it happens. You’ve got to get desperate about it. You really got to mean it.

The Seal Of God

54-0514 · Jeffersonville, Indiana

282 … The only safe place there is today is in Christ Jesus. God bless you. If you’re not in, press till you get in…

The Messiah

61-0117 · Shreveport, Louisiana

21 … He knows what He was speaking of. Oh, I want to see the church press into that place where it can come like God wants it to be.

22 Then when God was made flesh and became the Messiah, then if we can yield ourselves to be the anointed like He was, we become Messiahettes, little Lights. That’s what the church is supposed to be: lights, little anointed ones. That’s God’s church…

How Can I Overcome?

63-0825M · Jeffersonville, Indiana

148 Now we’ll just close, and say this. There’s a reward for the overcomer.

How Can I Overcome?

63-0825M · Jeffersonville, Indiana

157 There’s a reward for overcomers. Press on, lily. If it’s in you, lay aside the mud and everything else, and press towards the top. Yes, sir. “To sit with Me on My throne.”

Perfect Faith

63-0825E · Jeffersonville, Indiana

220 And the devils were subject unto us in Thy Name, sweetest Name on mortal tongue. …That raises the dead, That heals the sick, That cleanses the leper, That casts out devils, That makes Christians. There’s not another Name under Heaven. I live in It, baptized in It, believe It, worship in It. Oh, let me become part of It. Let me lose my own self; and find it, Lord, in Thee, That Name called Jesus Christ, the anointed Messiah, that I might press my way through the mud of unbelief to reflect the beauty of Jesus Christ: the same yesterday, today, and forever.

The Mighty Conqueror

57-0808 · Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

5 …Everybody’s been very nice and we appreciate it.

But yet, in these grounds here you have gambling, you have just everything; and that’s the way you find it. If you go into a place of amusement, you find that type of spirit there. You go into a place of gambling, you find that type of spirit. And when we go into a place of worship, we want to worship and have a Spirit of worship. And that’s what I want you to do, is with prayer to help me to press away from all the indifference, because it’ll—it’ll show a greater effect among the sick people.

An Exposition Of The Seven Church Ages

Chapter 2 · The Patmos Vision

Oh, we need to get in the Spirit, and then things will be done. DON’T GO THROUGH THE ACTS FIRST. GET IN THE SPIRIT AND THEN GO THROUGH THE ACTS AND WATCH WHAT GOD WILL DO.

Have you ever noticed how the world gets into the spirit of things that are in the world? They go to their ball games, their sporting events, and their dances. They enter into the spirit of it. They don’t sit there like wall flowers, old dried up sticks. They enter right into the feel of things and become a part of things. But, oh, how they hate the Christians for getting into the Spirit of God’s Word. They call us fanatics and holy-rollers. There is nothing they won’t do to show their hatred and disapproval. But ignore that. You can expect it, knowing where it is coming from. Just go on and get in the Spirit of worship.

Our spirit is clean. It is fresh. It is real. It is sober and serious but nonetheless, full of the joy of the Lord. The Christian ought to be just as exuberant and full of his pleasure in the Lord as the world is when it savors and delights in its pleasures. Both Christians and the world are human; both have emotions. The difference is the Christians’ hearts and emotions are purely on the Lord of Glory and His love, while the world satisfies the flesh.

The Seven Church Ages

54-0512 · Jeffersonville, Indiana

120 No matter how saintly you are, how godly you are, how much of a minister or lay member, whatever you are, you’ll never be able to get anywhere with God till you get in the Spirit. That’s right. I don’t mean get in emotion. I mean get in the Spirit. See? See? See, you get in emotion, do anything. But when you get in the Spirit, you see things. That’s right.

Church Order

58-1007 · Jeffersonville, Indiana

44 Do you understand, church, that, in doing this, you have the whole church in the spirit of worship, before the Word comes in to be taught? Then the Holy Spirit gets in the Word, and manifests God through the Word, to be a confirmation of your worship.

New Ministry (William Branham)

59-0406 · Los Angeles, California

36 Where Christ is, there’s always a mixed multitude. He—He chose twelve, and one of them was Judas. When Moses went out of Egypt, a mixed multitude went with him. Where the supernatural’s done, there’s always been the pro and con.

Now, in that, a little woman up on the hill. Maybe she’d spent all of her living, trying with the doctors to get a cure for a blood issue. She’d had it several years. And so, she said within herself when she seen Him coming, “No matter what the people say, I believe that that Man is the Son of God.” And she pressed her way through the crowd, and being weak and anemic condition, weakening, she finally got up to where He was, and she maybe had to squeeze through some of them, pressing her way.

And if you ever get to Christ, you’re going to have to press your way to Him, ‘cause there’s going to be all kinds of people there trying to hold you back.

37 But she was determined. So she pressed her way, until she touched the border of His garment. And when she touched Him, she goes back out in the audience where the people were, and took her stand. And Jesus, when He felt that touch, He turned and He said, “Who touched Me?” And all of them denied it. She denied it, because she was scared.

And Peter wanted to rebuke Him, and he said, “Why do You say such a thing? Why, all the multitude is touching You, thronging You.”

But He said, “I perceive that virtue has gone from Me.” His strength had left Him, made Him weak. And He looked around over the audience until He found where the woman was. And He told her of her condition, that her faith had saved her.


62-0719E · Salem, Oregon

296 **Now, to get the coldness off, and the shackles broke from around us, the spooks drove away…**That’s what’s…What’s the matter, people? Can’t you realize that we’re entering in, after the message, into a spirit of worship? Let’s just raise our hands to God, and worship Him, and say, “Praise the Lord. Praise be to God. Thanks be to the Father, Who gives us the Son of God, resurrected from the dead, alive for evermore; Alpha, Omega; the Beginning and the End, the Rose of Sharon; the Lily of the Valley; the Morning Star; He that was, which is, and shall come; the Root and Offspring of David.

297 How we praise You, Almighty God, for Your omnipresence, for Your visitation to us, tonight, for the power of Your resurrection, for the assurance of salvation, for Your great manifestation of Your Word in this last days that You promised that You would do it! In the face of criticism, and formalities, and everything, You still remain God, the same God yesterday, today, and forever. How we thank You for it, Father! Amen. Amen.

The Spoken Word Is The Original Seed

62-0318 · Jeffersonville, Indiana

358 Notice what harmony! Jesus never did anything until seen of the Father, or, the Father showed Him first. Harmony between God and Christ, see, John 5:19. So will the Bride, and He shows Her His Word of Life. He shows Her, and She receives It. She never doubts It. Nothing can harm Her, not even death. For if the Seed be planted, the water will raise It up again. (Amen. Then I got a great big “Hallelujah!”) Here is the secret. The Word is in the Bride, and the mind of Christ, to know what He wants done with the Word. And She does it in His Name. She has THUS SAITH THE LORD. Then It is germitized, so the Holy Spirit waters It until It is grown and serves Its purpose.

359 They do only His will. (Amen. I’ll believe that.) No one can persuade them different. They have THUS SAITH THE LORD or they keep still. Then they will do the works of God, for It is Himself in them continuing His Word to fulfill, as He did complete in His days. All things, when He was here, He did not complete all when He was here, for it was not time yet.

360 Now let us stand like Joshua and Caleb. (Now watch close. This is going to have a spiritual background.) Now let us stand like Joshua and Caleb, as we see the promised Land coming in sight. It’s nearing the time to be given. Joshua, in Hebrew, means Saviour, and represents the promised end-time leader to take the Church over. Caleb represents the true believer who stayed with Joshua. God started Israel as a virgin with His Word. But they wanted something different. So did the last-day church.

361 Notice how God did not move Israel until His Own appointed time. (Now listen. This is going to mean something.) Joshua waited for that time. No how matter, how much people might have said, “God gave us the land, the promise. Let us go now and take it.” They might have said, “Joshua, you lost your commission. You’re all washed up. Why are you not doing something? You used to do, know THUS SAITH THE LORD in a moment, and what was the will of God.” But this wise, God-sent prophet knew the promise of God, but also knew to wait for that promise, a clear-cut decision from God for his time. (See these parables. Now watch.) And when the time come, God gave it to Joshua, who had stayed with Him, by the Word, for He could not trust others. He could trust him. So will it repeat.

362 Like the mighty anointed prophet, Moses, knew God would use him. For He had proved Moses to be His servant, by his peculiar birth, at the right time that it, deliverance for Abraham’s seed was at time. (Are you getting it?) Moses never stayed in Egypt and argued his Scriptural points with them. He never fussed with the priests. But he went to the wilderness and waited on the Lord, until the—until the people was ready to receive him. He had come to testify of them, but they would not receive him. God called His prophet to the wilderness. God had testified He had chose him. But the waiting was not by Moses, but for the people to get ready to receive Moses. Moses thought the children would understand that he was sent. (I never wrote it; He did.) So is it now.

An Exposition Of The Seven Church Ages

Chapter 5 · The Pergamean Church Age

The members of the virgin bride will love Him, and they will have His potentials, for He is their head, and all power belongs to Him. They are subject to Him as the members of our bodies are subject to our heads.

Notice the harmony of the Father and the Son. Jesus never did anything until it was first showed Him by the Father. John 5:19. This harmony is now to exist between the Groom and His bride. He shows her His Word of life. She receives it. She never doubts it. Therefore, nothing can harm her, not even death. For if the seed be planted, the water will raise it up again. Here is the secret of this. The Word is in the bride (as it was in Mary). The bride has the mind of Christ for she knows what He wants done with the Word. She performs the command of the Word in His name for she has “thus saith the Lord.” Then the Word is quickened by the Spirit and it comes to pass. Like a seed that is planted and watered, it comes to full harvest, serving its purpose.

Those in the bride do only His will. No one can make them do otherwise. They have “thus saith the Lord” or they keep still. They know that it has to be God in them doing the works, fulfilling His own Word. He did not complete all His work while in His earthly ministry so now He works in and through the bride. She knows that, for it was not yet time for Him to do certain things that He must now do. But He will now fulfill through the bride that work which He left for this specific time.