“And then shall many be offended, and shall betray one another, and shall hate one another.” - Matthew 24:10
In these last days, a peculiar spirit moves across our world - a spirit of offense that seeks to ensnare even the hearts of God’s elect. Like a subtle poison, it seeps into relationships, churches, and communities, turning brother against brother and friend against friend, corrupting the bonds of fellowship that Christ died to establish. Yet in this very atmosphere of increasing hostility, our Lord calls His bride to rise above - to develop a nature that remains unshaken and cannot be offended, anchored in divine love and grounded in eternal truth.
Consider how piercing the words of our Lord Jesus were when He prophesied of these days! He did not merely warn of persecution or tribulation but specifically highlighted offense as a major snare of the end times. In this prophecy, we see His foresight and tender care for His church, preparing us beforehand for the unique challenges of our generation. Yet with every challenge comes divine provision, and with every trial comes sufficient grace.
The Divine Remedy
The Scriptures provide a profound yet simple remedy: “Let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath” (James 1:19). This wisdom transcends mere human psychology, offering a threefold path to freedom:
1. Swift to Hear: This requires a heart at rest, stilled from the rush to justify self or condemn others. When we truly listen, we often find that what seemed offensive was never intended as such.
2. Slow to Speak: Our words must flow from divine timing rather than reactive impulse. In the pause before speaking, the Holy Spirit can transform our response from one of hurt to one of healing.
3. Slow to Wrath: This reflects a soul anchored in God’s sovereignty. When we trust His justice above our own, we can release our right to be offended.
The Path of Transformation
The development of an unoffendable nature is not achieved through human determination alone. It emerges through the deep work of God’s Spirit in that middle ground of our being - the soul realm where reactions are born and responses are chosen. Here, in this sacred space of transformation, God works to align our nature with His own.
Consider our perfect example: Who was more unjustly treated than our Lord? Yet when reviled, He did not revile in return. When betrayed, He continued in love. When denied, He extended restoration. His life demonstrates that true strength lies not in becoming hardened or indifferent to wrong but in becoming so filled with divine love that offense finds no place to root.
From Reaction to Response
Like water rolling off a well-oiled surface, offenses slide away from a heart saturated with God’s love. This is the higher way - not the suppression of natural reactions, but the transformation into supernatural responses through divine love.
Consider the transformation of Peter, who once cut off the ear of one of the high priest’s servants in reaction to offense yet later wrote, “Above all things have fervent charity among yourselves: for charity shall cover the multitude of sins” (1 Peter 4:8). His journey from reactive nature to responsive love exemplifies the transformation God desires in each of us.
Beloved saint, perhaps you find yourself surrounded by opportunities for offense today: family members who misunderstand you, brothers and sisters who disappoint you, and circumstances that seem unjust. Yet these stand not as obstacles to victory but as precious opportunities for transformation. Every situation that could produce offense becomes a divine invitation to demonstrate the triumph of love over reaction, of grace over judgment.
Personal Reflection Questions
- What recent situation has tested my unoffendable nature?
- How did my response reflect or differ from Christ’s example?
- How can I better prepare my heart for future challenges?
A Prayer for Transformation
Heavenly Father, in these last days when offense abounds, we come before You, acknowledging our deep need for divine transformation. Create in us that unoffendable nature that reflects Your Son. Where we have harbored hurt, plant Your love. Where we have nurtured offense, sow Your grace. Please teach us to be swift to hear with understanding hearts, slow to speak with wisdom’s restraint, and slow to wrath with trust in Your justice.
Let Your love so saturate our being that offense finds no place to root. We surrender our right to be offended, choosing instead the higher way of divine love. Make us vessels of Your grace in this hour when many shall be offended.
In the Name of The Lord Jesus Christ, Amen.
“Great peace have they which love thy law: and nothing shall offend them.” - Psalm 119:165
Looking For Jesus February 28, 1954 – Rev. William Branham
Compassion and love is the will of God. And you can only exercise that as God gives it, not human, emotional passion, not emotional love, but Divine Love, which can only be rendered and given by God.
Remember: The path to an unoffendable nature leads through the valley of personal transformation. Rather than focusing on correcting others or demanding justice, we are called to surrender our right to be offended. This surrender opens the door for God’s love to flow unhindered through us, creating a nature that reflects His unchanging love and grace.
May you walk in the freedom of an unoffendable heart, anchored in His perfect love.