A Absolute
Rev. William M. Branham · March 4, 1963
28I’m talking about an absolute, connected with Christ. Then, it makes you —a odd person. You do odd things. Your thinking is altogether different than the thinking you once did, because you have found something, that you’ve anchored a faith in Someone that created the heavens and the earth. That, His very Word Itself is creative, a God Who spoke the world into existence, and there is nothing too hard for Him. So it makes you creative, yourself, because you take His Words. And a word is a thought expressed.
We too often underestimate what God can really do for us in situations that we perceive as unchangeable. We limit the results with our small thinking and our small asking. We often expect the worse and predict inevitable outcomes from past experiences.
The real truth is there is NOTHING too hard for our great God, the Creator of all things by His great power! He is in fact still a creator and He calls us to partner with Him in faith and SPEAK to whatever stands in our way! By FAITH we can create different end-results than the perceived inevitable outcome of what we are facing! It doesn’t have to end as we have supposed! We can see miraculous interventions if we choose to believe!
I am praying for you today to stretch your FAITH and create a better outcome by trusting His ability to do abundantly and above!