Sermon With God Nothing Is Impossible November 15, 2020 With God the impossible becomes possible, we just have to be like Mary & completely submit to His will even, if we don’t understand, & say, “Be it unto me according to your Word!”
Moment Set Your Heart November 12, 2020 There is much accomplished when the heart is fixed on God. Set your affection on Him, you’ll be surprised what happens. He starts showing up in the mundane. He starts showing up in the daily grind. You start recognizing that He is in all things. This …
Sermon Value in the Account November 10, 2020 By our obedience, we put value in the account, that we might draw off the account in our time of need.
Sermon Alignment with God November 8, 2020 What are you binding yourself to? The old man is dead and we must bind ourself in covenant to Christ.
Moment Get Involved November 5, 2020 There’s a way to walk in the glory of the Christ life, it’s not automatic, it comes by active involvement.
Sermon The Life of God November 3, 2020 There is bios— physical, psuche— psychological & Zoe life—the very life of God. What life will you feed and allow to become the biggest in you?
Sermon Mean What You Say November 1, 2020 We must be fully persuaded in what we believe, that what comes out of our mouth is not idle speech but the Word of the Lord.
Moment Ambassadors in Christ October 28, 2020 The blood was shed on the cross for us, but we have the responsibility to execute the legality of that transaction on our behalf. By that blood, we have the power to rise above all of our present circumstances to overcome! This moment is an excerpt from a …
Sermon Do Not Fear! October 27, 2020 We are becoming mature adults in the spirit and we must be careful what we focus on because it is what we will become. We must keep the faith & believe His promises.
Sermon A Legal Transaction October 25, 2020 The Blood was shed on the cross for us, but we have the responsibility to execute the legality of that transaction on our behalf. If we bind ourselves to that, we can overcome anything that comes our way!
Moment The Perfect Plan October 22, 2020 There is something about walking in the will of God, that it gives you a stamina that you didn’t previously have. It gives you something to spur you forward.
Sermon Supernatural Weapons October 20, 2020 God has given us spiritual weapons to do our warfare with, for we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities and powers. We must spend time in the word & in prayer that we might put these weapons to use.