Sermon Greatly Rejoice December 20, 2020 Now is a time that God is squeezing us & taking us through an intentional proving of our faith. What smell will we release as the squeeze intensifies?
Moment Sifted December 17, 2020 We’re in a great war in this hour, but you’re here because God saw that you would eventually completely yield to Him & that He would be glorified in your life. This moment is an excerpt from a message titled “Being Sifted.” Watch the full …
Moment Perfection December 14, 2020 The same Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead is now living in your shoe leather bringing you into perfection and it gives you power to overcome! This moment is an excerpt from a message titled “A Perfect Work.” Watch the full sermon here.
Sermon Being Sifted December 13, 2020 The character of Jesus Christ must be developed in every believer. We are not born with character, we must come to character through our trials & becoming completely yielded to our Heavenly Father in order to operate in His authority.
Sermon A Perfect Work December 6, 2020 God is testing and proving our hearts that what is in the inside will be made plain. He is proving us unto perfection.
Moment End-Time Strategy December 2, 2020 “God who started a good work of redemption in you, the God who sanctified you from the mess you were in, and set you up right into His righteousness, He knows how to take you all the way!” This moment is an excerpt from a message titled “Attitude of …
Sermon Message to the Overcomer December 1, 2020 We are living in the time of the seventh church age & we have been called to overcome in this last day, so that we might be a Bride that is caught away with Him.
Sermon Spiritual Hearing November 29, 2020 We are going to experience some things that will cause us to live the life of an overcomer. Either we will find that intimacy with God, or we will be squeezed into that intimacy.
Moment The Fragrance of Jesus November 25, 2020 There’s something on the inside of us that we are not always aware of. When God allows us to be crushed, it’s not to destroy us, it is to break us open.
Sermon Attitude of Gratitude November 22, 2020 We have been commanded to give thanks in ALL things. It would help us to remember, praise can bring an end to the cycle & season you are walking in, and lead the way into a fresh atmosphere.
Moment Your Spiritual Womb November 20, 2020 Mary received the Word of God into her physical womb in a way that no one ever had before, a type of a coming people who would have another installment of Christ the Word being formed in them through their spiritual womb. This moment is an excerpt from a …
Sermon God of Breakthrough November 17, 2020 God will bring a squeeze about to push the Bride into a place of recognizing & trusting Him as Lord of the breakthrough.