Sermon Teaching on the Fourth Seal, Part 3 April 24, 2018 The token is that the ministry of the Bride & the ministry of Christ will be the same. Then we are closing the fourth seal.
Sermon Teaching on the Fifth Seal, Part 2 April 17, 2018 When Jesus was crucified the Jews cried out, “Let His blood be on our heads!” They truly lived that out during the Holocaust & now they are under the alter crying out for vengeance to be made.
Sermon Teaching on the Fifth Seal, Part 1 April 15, 2018 Who are the souls that cry out from under the alter? They are ones that will be a part of the Bride dressed in white.
Broadcast The Story of Gerald Hicks April 11, 2018 Brother Gerald Hicks shares his life story and explains it like this. “God allows us to see snapshots along the way, however, at the end of life, God takes all of the snapshots and He puts them together to make one beautiful portrait. Many times when …
Broadcast Restoration, Recovery & Preparation April 11, 2018 In order for us to receive restoration & recovery, we must walk in preparation so that we can be empowered by the presence of God.
Sermon Discerning the Spirits, Part 2 April 8, 2018 It is so important in this time that we are careful to discern the spirits we entertain. The enemy desires to sneak in just one little lie at a time, but we must stand strong against him & overcome by the blood of the Lamb!
Sermon Discerning the Spirits, Part 1 April 8, 2018 We must be aware of the spirits that try to lead us away from the perfect will of God. They desire to entice us into unholy alliances that will lead to our destruction, so we must come into agreement with the flying eagle so that we might overcome.
Sermon Teaching on the Fourth Seal, Part 2 April 3, 2018 The flying eagle anointing is the spirit and capability given to believers to personally dig deeply into the revelation of Jesus Christ. This is the anointing by which we have the grace to eat the book.
Sermon First Fruits: Christ as the Wave Sheaf Offering April 1, 2018 Jesus Christ came and fulfilled every part of the traditional sacrifice, down to the very timing. He is our offering that we might be made free.
Sermon The Sign of Jonah March 31, 2018 How are days accounted for Biblically? Jonah spent three days in the belly of the whale, and then he came forth to tell the Word of the Lord. So, Jesus arose after three days, and came forth to give us life everlasting.
Sermon Teaching on the Fourth Seal, Part 1 March 27, 2018 The antichrist will come on the scene and will deceive so many, but the Bride cannot be deceived. She will be taken away at the closing of the fourth seal.
Sermon Teaching on the First Seal, Part 2 March 27, 2018 The antichrist will come on the scene and will deceive so many, but the Bride cannot be deceived. She will be taken away at the closing of the fourth seal.